The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 23 Hongmen Banquet

Adam has been working the hardest these days. You can tell by looking at his eyes, which are covered with bloodshot eyes and he hasn't rested for a long time.

The harvested results are also quite rich. The strength of the entire Zerg tribe has made a qualitative leap. There is no need to be afraid when facing any ant tribe.

This change from the inside out at the genetic level made Adam himself feel scared.

Zhang Fan's egg retrieval plan was discovered by the giant centipede, and all the springtails died in the forest.

Only part of the genes of the giant centipede were obtained, but it was enough, and the study of hydralisks was also put on the agenda.

The Golden Feather Ant King was still busy rebuilding after the disaster. On this day, it thought of the springtails and wondered if they had any extra food.

Arriving at the base with ease, I found that the surroundings were still surrounded by a purple blanket of bacteria, and the base was intact despite the snowstorm.

The Golden Feather Ant King was a little angry and ordered the springtails to contribute food. Zhang Fan agreed, but killed the harvest ants that came to collect the food.

Although the Golden Feather Ant King was furious, he did not dare to act rashly. The other party should have had a certain amount of confidence to do such a thing. What was the reason?

According to the original plan, a large army could be sent to suppress the springtails, and then the other party would be forced to contribute food. However, the current military strength was seriously damaged, and a large number of ants were busy looking for food.

Could it be said that they also have an intelligent creature? If this is really the case, this is a serious gaffe.

The Golden Feather Ant King indirectly felt the power of the Zerg and had to make some decisions.

In one summer, no matter how much the ants recover, the Zerg must be wiped out.

Autumn is a harvest season. Autumn is a day when everything disappears and the green grass begins to turn yellow.

Insects are carrying hay back to their nests, in order to prepare for another winter, at least they will not be caught off guard and freeze to death like in previous years.

In this harvest season, the Golden Feather Ant King sincerely invites Zhang Fan to attend this banquet, the last gathering before winter.

Zhang Fan heard the words of the messenger red ant clearly, and immediately realized that this was the Hongmen Banquet of the Golden Feather Ant King.

"Hmph, you have your Hongmen Banquet, and I have my Zhang Liang plan. It's hard to say who will win." Zhang Fan thought to himself.

The venue of the banquet was set on a hill beside Yao Lake, where you can clearly appreciate the scenery of Yao Lake.

It took Zhang Fan more than ten days to arrive at the banquet venue with the springtails.

There doesn't seem to be anything unusual here, the ants are eating food happily.

The Golden Feather Ant King saw the Springtail King coming and personally greeted him: "Welcome, Springtail."

"King, thank you." King Zergling replied as he patted the ground.

The Golden Feather Ant King led the springtail dynasty toward the center, while the springtails stayed where they were, and a dedicated ant tribe would take care of them.

In the central banquet area, there are many members of the ant tribe, who are all kings of their own tribe.

The springtail king sat between the sword-jawed ants and the yellow ants, while the harvest ants were busy transporting food.

Zhang Fan saw a ball of dark meat placed in front of the Springtail King. The Golden Feather Ant King explained that it was the meat of the King Tiger Armor and it tasted very delicious.

Controlling the springtail king to eat meat, some of which are raw and hard to chew.

Then the harvest ants presented various fruits and seeds for everyone to enjoy.

The big-toothed ant is opposite the springtail king. It has not eaten and is looking at it with ferocious eyes. The bulldog ant has the same look.

The Golden Feather Ant King stood up, patted the ground and said that this banquet is for everyone to live in harmony and harmony. In the future work and life, we should not be aggressive and obey orders and instructions.

Winter is coming, and the ants have come up with ideas on how to survive the winter.

The entire banquet resounded with slaps one after another. Some said using hay, some said digging deep pits, and some said hoarding food.

Finally, the King of Golden Feather Ants turned his attention to the King of Springtails and asked, "How about Springtails? Overwinter."

Zhang Fan followed what the crowd said: "Dig holes, hoard food."

The Golden Feather Ant King slapped the ground again at this time: "What, hoarding?"

Zhang Fan replied: "Hunting and planting."

"Food is in short supply." The Golden Feather Ant King stopped eating.

The surrounding ants also stopped when they saw the king stopped moving.

The Springtail King was also embarrassed to eat and slapped the ground: "King, my subordinates, I don't know."

The Golden Feather Ant King said again: "How about the carpet, contribution?"

"Are you still thinking about the germ carpet?" Zhang Fan thought in his mind.

Controlling the springtail king, he said: "King, creep, it's okay."

The Golden Feather Ant King nodded, revealing that it was indeed such an ecology. It slapped the ground again: "How about laying the carpet?"

"Planting, seeds." Zhang Fan replied.

"Planting, who will do it?"

"Worker bees."

The golden feather ant king narrowed his eyes and asked again: "Worker bees, are there any, king?"

Zhang Fan flatly denied it.

The Golden Feather Ant King changed his tone and asked again: "Springtails, smart."

Zhang Fan did not answer, but King Jinyu seemed to have something to say.

He then told of the springtails' attacks on the giant-toothed ants and bulldog ants, their departure from the nest to the forest without permission, and the changes in their appearance.

Zhang Fan listened quietly, always on guard against the sudden attack of the Golden Feather Ant King.

Listening to the words of the Golden Feather Ant King, all the ants showed disgust towards Zhang Fan. The sword-jawed ants and the little yellow ants also pointed their front jaws at the Springtail King.

Finally, the Golden Feather Ant King patted the ground several times and asked: "You are not the king, where is the king?"

Zhang Fan's springtail replied: "The king is in my heart."

The Golden Feather Ant King's expression condensed. What does this mean? How does their king control the group?

The Golden Feather Ant King continued to ask: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Fan replied: "The king is the ethnic group, the ethnic group is the king."

The Golden Feather Ant King opened his jaws as if laughing, and the surrounding ants also laughed when they saw the King smiling.

Stopping laughing, the Golden Feather Ant King patted the ground for the last time: "Adam, he's not dead, do it!"

The sword-jawed ant reacted very quickly and bit the springtail king.

Zhang Fan was well prepared and leaned back. The little yellow ant and the sword-jawed ant collided with each other, and half of the little yellow ant's jaw was chopped off by the sword-jawed ant, causing it to roll on the ground in pain.

All the ants began to slap the ground angrily, and the huge vibrations woke up the ants outside. They began to bite the springtails, and the springtails fought back.

A burrowing ant suddenly appeared from the ground and bit the springtail king on its hind legs. The springtail king staggered, and the ants swarmed in behind him.

Bulldog ants and big-toothed ferocious ants came in front of the springtail king, opened their front jaws, and bit the forelimbs of the springtail king.

The Golden Feather Ant King came to the Springtail King and bit its neck off in one bite.

Finally there is a cover, I just noticed it, haha, please vote for recommendation and favorites

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