The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 237 Bing Liang Pills

The entire low-class living area was riddled with holes from the bullets fired by the security guards, and everywhere was filled with dust.

Some people coughed involuntarily after inhaling the dust.

The captain wiped the sweat from his head and said fearfully: "We should kill this big guy."

The team members also swallowed their saliva. Judging from the feeling of the blow just now, even the residential tree of the superior Bait people can be interrupted. There is no reason why this monster cannot die.

"Are you really sure it was killed?" A gentle voice appeared in the ears of all the security guards.

The captain's pupils shrank and he shouted quickly: "She's up there! Shoot!"

But just as the team members were preparing to shoot, a slender tail shot out of the dust.

The powerful force directly penetrated a Bee police vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, the exoskeleton of the tail began to unfold, strangling the members in the car with the force of rotation.

"No!" The captain roared in pain when he saw blood flowing out of the car.

At this time, Elise turned over and jumped into the car from the roof, looking at a large group of security guards who carefully raised their guns.

Elise smiled and raised her hands and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone, I come here with no ill intentions."

The captain had already replaced a new biological gun. He looked at Elise warily and said, "That big monster is not dead. Did you release it?"

Elise raised her hand and was about to put it down when the captain shouted: "Don't move! Or I'll shoot!"

Elise could only continue to raise her hands and said: "Yes, the destroyers, including the new ones just now, were all created by me."

The captain narrowed his eyes and continued: "You must be the alien who escaped from the previous Explorer."

Elise asked strangely: "Huh? How did you know? What's your name?"

The captain looked at Elise intently and said: "I used to work under Lieutenant General Amon. You can call me Eva. I am currently the captain of the Rogge Town Police Force. Now I officially declare that you have been arrested. Please cooperate with us. We can dispatch biological spaceships to carry out a devastating blow to you at any time."

Elise smiled again and said: "What a coincidence, you are Eva? Do you know Spark?"

Eva didn't know why Elise said this name: "I know him. He was my former subordinate. He did something and should have become a low-level Beiter now."

Elise thought for a while and said, "Well, it's different from what I learned. Aliens really can't be believed."

Eva didn't know what Elise was going to do. He said again vigilantly: "I advise you not to act rashly. The snipers outside are already targeting you and can penetrate you at any time. These are not just the few weapons we have." Biological guns are comparable."

Elise lowered her head and found that there were several red dots on her chest and abdomen. It was estimated that her head was also targeted.

Elise asked strangely: "Is this infrared? Why does the biological gun also release infrared?"

Eva ignored her words and nodded towards the surrounding team members. The team members understood and carefully approached Elise with the restraint.

At this time, a rapid voice came from Eva's ladybug earphones. It was the voice of a sniper: "Captain, be careful! That big monster is rushing towards you!"

The moment Eva heard the monster, she shouted: "Fire!"

However, the destroyer was too fast. The moment he fired, he swallowed Elise in one gulp.

The dense bullets hit the top of the saboteur's strong head, causing a large amount of sparks.

The saboteur's head entered the honey police car, but his hands and feet were clinging to the body of the car.

The gunshots of snipers outside also rang out, and they tried to completely eliminate the saboteur.

However, unexpectedly, the exoskeleton on the saboteur's back opened up like a tortoise shell, completely blocking the sniper's shot.

Then, the saboteur's tail stabbed into the other end of the Bee police car.

"Ah!" A team member who was shooting screamed, and a sharp tail thorn stabbed out of his chest.

After pulling out the tail, the team member immediately lost his breath, leaving only the big empty hole in his chest.

The destroyer's tail continued to harvest the lives in the Bee police car, and all attacks avoided Eva.

Eva seemed to be in infinite fear, and he suddenly thought: Can we Beit people stop such a powerful enemy? What if there is more?

At this time, the Destroyer's tail rolled up Eva. Eva began to struggle desperately, but she was still unable to break free. Instead, her skin was scratched by the Destroyer's bone spurs.

Eva was horrified to find that Elise crawled out of the destroyer's mouth, her body shook, and all the mucus on her body was shaken away.

Elise smiled and said: "I really can't block the sniper's shots, not even your biological pistol, but it can."

After saying that, he patted the saboteur on the head with his hand.

The Destroyer opened his mouth happily, and Eva could clearly see that the other mouth in the Destroyer's mouth turned out to be a double mouth. Together with the tongue with the mouth before, it became a triple mouth.

Eva couldn't help but shudder. How did this creature appear?

Elise said again: "Okay, then, how should I deal with you next?"

Eva said fiercely: "Give up! Damn aliens! We Beit people will never give in even if we die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the destroyer began to twist his tail. Eva's head was so painful that she was sweating, and she hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, stop!!"

The Destroyer stopped writhing, and Elise looked at Eva with a smile.

Eva said frustratedly: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Elise said: "Give you something to eat."

This is a pill made by Bai Si Ya. It has not been processed in a factory. Whatever the aliens want the factory to do, it can be automatically synthesized by biology.

Elise opened her mouth, and after a while of squirming in her stomach, a pill the size of a fingernail fell into her hand.

Elise brought it to Eva and said, "Eat it."

Eva looked at the pill awkwardly. Can she eat something vomited from someone else's stomach?

Elise saw that Eva was unmoved, and the destroyer twisted his tail again.

"Eat, eat, eat! I'm eating!" Eva screamed in pain, then closed her eyes tightly and opened her mouth.

Elise took the opportunity to drop the pill into Eva's mouth.

The pill melted in her mouth, and then Eva felt her body begin to become hot, as if she had endless power.

Eva asked at this time: "What did you give me to eat?"

"Bingliang Pills, the latest pills produced by our alien race, have Baisi Poppy as the main ingredient." Elise looked at Eva with a smile again.

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