The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 240 Aliens are not afraid of neutron bombs

Not everyone has given up. Amon's deputy ran out of the inner cabin. He was Eva's brother, Ivan.

Ivan pulled Amon and said: "Lieutenant General Amon! I found the weakness of these monsters!"

When Amon heard this, his frustrated eyes turned away and turned into hope again. He took Ivan's hand and said, "What's the weakness! Tell me quickly!"

After some operations on the interface in front of Amon, Ivan said: "These guys have very poor resistance to physical attacks."

After speaking, he also pointed to the effects of all previous attacks.

Although the Flyers are another form of alien splicing, their cell components are still triple-helix sulfur-based morphological organisms.

Here I want to talk about the difference between carbon-based organisms and sulfur-based organisms, mainly for neutron weapons, which are powerful nuclear strike effects that directly attack organisms.

Carbon and its isotopes are at the front of the periodic table. One characteristic of these elements is that they are brittle. This does not mean that their entire atoms are brittle, but that their nuclei are relatively brittle.

The low weight and low density will allow neutron particles to hit the inside of atoms accurately and with extremely powerful destructive power.

But for sulfur-based organisms, this attack seems a bit weak, which can be seen through comparison.

Things like sulfuric acid and sulfur, in addition to being broken by the physical impact of neutron bombs, have not really changed the periodic structure of elements by neutrons.

Therefore, aliens are inherently resistant to these energy attacks and neutron attacks.

In terms of physics, it depends on the strength of the parasitized creatures themselves, and the fliers are just a composite of a group of small bugs, let alone any defense.

After Amon saw Ivan perform a simulation demonstration, he said: "In this case, then we can only use the most primitive attack method?"

Ivan nodded seriously and said: "Yes, Lieutenant General Amon, we still have to fight on the ground and find the enemy's leader."

Amon looked at Ivan and said, "In that case, follow my instructions and mobilize a group of ground combat troops from Baiyin Star."

Ivan said: "Yes, Lieutenant General! Complete the mission resolutely! I want to avenge my brother!"

Amon also said with a serious expression: "Yes! We Beit people will definitely win!"

Baiyin Star received the mobilization order. At this time, the number of biological spacecraft on Baiyin Star was already very small. As the person in charge of Baiyin Star.

Lieutenant General Poca said: "We must also retain a group of combatants for defense."

Ivan informed him of the crisis of the current situation, and the three generals had already led most of their troops towards the outer circle.

Under the circumstances of Xiao's reason and emotion, Lieutenant General Boka finally agreed to this operation. Anyway, the Baiyin Star has not been affected yet. If it is really affected, it is estimated that the entire Bait civilization will not be protected. , so he sent his most capable generals out.

The Yin Star and the Yang Star are about the same size and belong to the same orbit. The flight will take a certain amount of time. At this time, it depends on how Lieutenant General Amon protects the Yang Star.

There are currently more than 500 biological spaceships left, and the total number of troops on board can reach about 50,000. However, the only ones who can participate in ground battles are the guards on the ship, which number about 20,000.

Amon summoned them for a virtual meeting, and everyone had Lian Jue Ye in their eyes.

Lianjue leaves are leaves picked from the Shadow Tree. The Shadow Tree is the only plant in the entire Beit galaxy that does not require strong sunlight.

They only need a little bit of sunlight to survive, and the rest of the time they look like nothing.

The Beit people discovered very early that these leaves have a strong visual contribution, so they have been the best choice for combat commanders for a long time.

Amon said sincerely: "Everyone! At present, the Bait civilization has fallen into the stage of internal and external troubles! The Baiyang Star where we are located has been attacked by the enemy's penetrating attack!"

Amon paused and said, "Thanks to Colonel Ivan for finding a way to deal with them, that is to pick up the biological gun in our hands and use the most violent and primitive attack method to eliminate them!"

"Maybe you will be afraid! Maybe you will escape! Think about your family! If they spread to other planets! What a disaster it will be!" Amon began to shed tears as he spoke.

"The people sitting here are all the brave warriors of our Beit civilization! For our civilization! Come forward! Tell me! You will definitely win!" Amon raised his voice fiercely.

After a short silence, the guards burst out with amazing shouts. They were willing to shed their lives and blood for the Beit people, and shed every drop of blood in their bodies!

This was the result Amon wanted. After the last order was issued, more than 500 biological spacecraft began to transfer.

Elise discovered the movements of the biological spaceship through the aliens' perspective, and ordered the fliers to pursue it.

However, one was a spaceship and the other flew with wings. Thinking about it, she knew she couldn't catch up. After chasing for a while, Elise gave up.

She received Zhang Fan's instructions: "Elise, I will send a hundred Leviathans towards you. Remember to respond. Even if only one survives, it will be our victory!"

Elise nodded and said, "This is natural, Lord. Have you chosen the location?"

Zhang Fan shook his head and said: "No, just land as long as there are alive larvae. Your alien efficiency is too slow."

Elise wanted to refute, but she didn't have enough confidence to speak, so she simply snorted and ignored Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan had already observed the enemy's army through the Sky Eye Insect, and it was heading towards him in a mighty manner.

In terms of number, it seems that there are more than myself, there are about more than 10,000 biological spaceships.

It's not that the Beit people are reluctant to build this kind of biological spaceship, but that the resources consumed by the biological spacecraft are too many.

Building a spaceship has the same result in any civilization. Zhang Fan does not need a factory to create Leviathan, but it may consume more resources than the Beit biological spacecraft.

In terms of body shape, Leviathan is much larger than the other. One is five thousand meters long, while the other is only eight hundred meters long.

The distance between the two parties is getting closer and closer, and neither seems to have any intention of communicating.

The Beite army took the lead in launching the attack. Under the leadership of three generals, more than 10,000 biological spacecraft were divided into three parts.

General Kuzan took the lead in ordering the biological spacecraft to fire the plasma cannon nearly half an astronomical unit away from Leviathan.

Zhang Fan clearly saw a blue light emerging from the biological spacecraft on the far right.

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