The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 262 Double training

Zhang Fan looked at Athena and said, "In the future, some resources will be directed toward the Na'vi."

Athena said: "Master, where do these resources come from?"

Zhang Fan curled up his lips and said, "Just take it from the Igwanna tribe. When I am satisfied, the Igwanna tribe will add more resources."

Athena curled her lips and agreed without daring to resist.

The battles on the four battlefields have come to an end. If Zhang Fan hadn't been keeping the Zerg in check, the entire Yinbai Star would have been pacified long ago.

After looking at the ensuing battle, Zhang Fan said: "Let Igwanna take the Bing Liang Pills, otherwise he will not be able to defeat. Athena, wait until the war is over to increase the intensity of their training."

Athena nodded aggrievedly and said: "Master, I know I was wrong. I was too kind to them before. I will contact Achilles now."

Achilles, who was busy at work, suddenly heard the voice of the Queen of War and Wisdom in his dream.

Athena said in a somewhat unhappy tone this time: "Achilles, go back and tell the Igwanna warriors who are training that as long as they can't die, train to death! Your performance this time is too bad!"

Achilles tremblingly accepted Athena's order and convened an emergency meeting on the Ancestral Star.

The level of this meeting was the highest. Achilles heavily criticized the training director. After scolding him, he ordered that the Igwanna warriors must be trained comprehensively, meticulously, concretely and cruelly. If the training is not good, they will be punished. Resign voluntarily.

The head coach felt aggrieved and did not dare to refute Achilles. The current training was already inhuman. If he continued training, unless he used the power of ancient times, he knew what the training would look like.

After leaving the conference room, he patted his cheeks and walked towards the training ground in high spirits again.

The training ground is like a huge arena. Today's training subject is a practical exercise. The winner in the end will be rewarded by the master coach.

The former head coach believed that the Igwanna tribe is no longer what it used to be, possessing endless power. Looking at those vigorous warriors, they can easily burst out with amazing potential.

He had always felt satisfied, and the Queen had never criticized them.

But this time, the head coach always had a problem in his heart that he couldn't get rid of. Finally he couldn't help but said to his deputy: "Gather the coaches again."

The deputy nodded, and not long after, the coaches came to the head coach proudly. They were once the best students, and they had more or less rewards from the master coach.

"Head coach, why did you call us here? Today is a practical training." A coach said, with a somewhat unhappy tone.

The head coach has also experienced things like this, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with talking like this, but after being scolded by Achilles today, he can no longer hold back.

The head coach cursed loudly and scolded all the eighteen generations of relatives of these coaches. Those coaches were so scolded that they really wanted to hit him, but they couldn't.

One of the coaches couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Boss, please stop scolding me. We know we were wrong."

The head coach glared at him and then stopped scolding him, and said: "My purpose is not to scold you, but to make you pay attention. I heard that the Queen is very dissatisfied with our battle."

Some coaches pouted, they are all clones, is that okay? It is estimated that it is only fifty percent of his own strength.

The head coach saw through their thoughts and said: "I have come into contact with those clones, and they are not as unbearable as you think. After being instilled with a sense of combat, I estimate that many of them may not be able to fight."

The coaches asked again: "Then what should we do next?"

“The way I plan to do that, those who are training will double their practice,” the head coach said.

"How many times more?"

The head coach thought for a while and said, "Ten times."

"Boss, this is impossible! Ten times! Do you still need to rest?" Some coaches said dumbfoundedly, because the team members were training and they had to practice together.

The head coach said with a straight face: "No time to rest? You still want to rest! Don't even think about resting until you complete the goals assigned by your superiors! Practice for me even when you sleep at night! Get back to training!"

The coaches were about to leave in disgrace, but the head coach said again: "Come back, it's not over yet."

The coaches reluctantly listened to the head coach's instructions again.

After some training, everyone realized that the head coach's main target was the second and third generation Igwanna warriors.

"Now that the second generation of warriors have grown up, I will work out a training method. The most important thing is for the third generation. Remember, don't be merciful or you will die." The head coach said.

The coaches nodded, remembered what the head coach said and left.

After arriving in their respective camps, they scolded their team members. They felt refreshed and even the anger from being scolded by the head coach was gone.

Then, the nightmare of the Igwanna soldiers came. They trained day and night. Sometimes when they heard the word training, they wanted to go into shock. But since Zhang Fan had given them a strong physique, it was absolutely impossible. Such an easy shock.

Zhang Fan just paid a little attention to the situation of the Igwanna warriors, and then said to Athena: "Very good, the action is very fast."

Athena quickly knelt down on one knee and lowered her head and said, "Lord, thank you for your mercy."

Zhang Fan touched Athena's head and said, "It's not your fault. It's because the spiritual cohesion within Igwanna is not enough."

After paying a little attention, the situation on the Yinxing Star has also come to an end. The worker bees and worker shrimps are working hard to build the new home of the alien race.

Since Zhang Fan has decided not to keep the Baite people, of course he will kill them all.

Rivers of blood flowed across the entire Baiyin Star, and even some Bait people who wanted to escape were pushed back by Leviathan.

An atmosphere of despair and helplessness permeated the entire Beit civilization.

The middle-class Beit people on the Beit planet continued to protest against the military's inaction. Some radical personnel actually wanted to invade the residences of the upper-class Beit people, and were eventually killed mercilessly.

Zhang Fan has no time to pay attention to the matter of Beite Star now. He is currently designing the location of the plasma bug turret.

Once the structure is completed, then bombard the Beit star. New partners will of course have to test its power.

The plasma worms are hatching, and their cocoons are constantly emitting blue light.

The nutrients required by these plasma worms are very high, and the bacterial carpet continuously delivers nutrient solution from various places.

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