The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 265 Recovery Ship

"You idiot! Stop playing your game from thousands of years ago! Such a bad game!" A tall man as thin as a hemp stalk said, knocking a fat man on the head.

The little fat man covered his head, looked at the man with the straw and said aggrievedly: "Brother, aren't we the ones who collect waste? It's normal to play old games."

The man with the straw raised another chestnut and said, "Although we collect rags! But we don't play with antiques from thousands of years ago, right?! How is this different from picking up stones on the roadside!"

The little fat man looked at the man with the straw aggrievedly and did not dare to quibble, and then said: "Brother, what are we doing here?"

The man with the straw gave the little fat man a look at the hygiene ball and said: "I have told you so many times, the manager said that the Beit civilization here is under threat, let us come over and take a look, and sell some scraps by the way."

The little fat man scratched his head and said, "Brother, why doesn't the company send an adventure ship? What's the point of asking our recycling ship to come!"

The man with the straw screamed again, and the little fat man suddenly stood up and roared: "Try hitting me again! I'm not done with you!"

The man with the straw was unmoved and said two loud words one after another: "What are you doing with me?"

The little fat man covered his head and said seriously: "I said, I will mess with you! Brother! Don't hit me."

The man with the straw nodded and said, "Remember, the manager pays our salary. Although our company is small, it has all the internal organs. When we go out to do things, of course we have to do it beautifully."

The little fat man added: "But, brother, it seems that I heard that the company is undergoing transformation recently and is preparing to follow in the footsteps of the empire."

The man with the straw said: "You don't know this, right? Since the empire has upgraded to level 2.3 civilization, there are no enemies around. We are going to move closer to the inner circle. You have to know that that is the place with the richest resources." , when things here are over, I will apply to the manager, and then we can go shopping on the Little Spiral Arm together!"

The little fat man said flatteringly: "Brother, don't forget to take me with you when the time comes!"

The man with the hemp stalk said with a stern expression: "Don't worry, I'll be with you."

The spacecraft flew slowly towards the interior of the twin stars.

The straw man looked at Beit Sanxing, which had turned into a purple sea, and said, "Tsk, it's too late, Beit civilization has been killed."

The little fat man said to the man with the straw: "Brother, what should I do? Do you want to be beaten?"

The man with the straw raised his hand and said, "Just a fart, let's go and take a look first. Zero-note curvature flight."

Lingyin said: "Understood."

Then the recovery ship flashed and disappeared into space. When it reappeared, it had already reached the inner circle of the twin stars.

Eyeworm discovered this uninvited guest immediately and hurriedly passed the news to Zhang Fan.

After Zhang Fan heard the news, he was stunned. Could it be that Dragon Emperor Civilization was calling? But I'm not afraid!

Zhang Fan said to Athena: "Athena, the Dragon Emperor Civilization has sent troops to attack. The enemy currently has a warship. You go and meet them. The command is handed over to you."

"Yes! Slave, go now!" Athena took the order, and then all the Leviathans in the binary star system began to take off and flew towards the recovery ship.

The little fat man looked at the string of data on the monitor and said to the straw man: "Brother, the energy ring used by the opponent is an early model of the empire!"

The straw man opened the little fat man and looked at the monitor and said, "Is there such a coincidence? Could it be that they stole it? Let Ling Yin check it for me."

Lingyin said: "Understood."

Not long after, Ling Yin's voice came again: "Hello, dear Mr. Hot Spring, the calculation system of the other party's energy ring comes from the Explorer more than a hundred years ago. In addition, I regret to tell you that your big Grandma was on that ship.”

The hot spring was the hemp man. He said angrily: "What the hell? Grandma? My grandma's sister?"

Zero Sound said again: "Yes, Mr. Hot Spring, the accuracy is 97%."

"Damn it! You idiot! Get ready to fight!" Wenquan said angrily.

The little fat man obviously didn't expect this to happen and said, "Brother, do we really want to fight? We don't have weapons!"

"Idiot! Isn't there that pile of waste? Use that!" Hot Spring said.


Before the little fat man finished speaking, Wenquan said with a loud voice again: "It's nothing, but, listen to me, I have to avenge my great grandmother, even though I haven't seen her before."

The little fat man said aggrievedly: "Okay, you are the brother, you are awesome."

"Zero Yin, help me release the batch of Guardian robots from the first grade of elementary school."

Ling Yin said: "Received, Mr. Wang Dalu, and Mr. Wang Dalu, 70% of the Guardian robots are unable to conduct space operations."

Wang Dalu scratched his head and looked at the hot spring, then said to the main screen: "Then, let's just leave it alone and throw out the ones that can be hit."


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan discovered that the cabin of the spacecraft actually opened, and small robots came out one after another.

Zhang Fan said a little nervously but also a little excitedly: "Athena! It's up to you."

Athena said: "Master! Just feel free to give it to your slave!"

The first thing to launch was the cannonball bug in Leviathan's mouth, part of which was aimed at the spaceship, and part of which was aimed at the small robot flying over.

"Brother! The opponent launched a nuclear weapon! What an ancient way of fighting." Wang Dalu said with a grin.

He felt that he was a bit bullying the elementary school students. This kind of elemental explosion-style nuclear explosion had long been eliminated by the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

Wenquan turned away the screen and said: "You idiot, send a detonation signal and go over."

"Okay, brother."

An invisible signal was emitted from the recovery ship, and it swept across the group of speeding cannonball bugs in an instant.

For some reason, Zhang Fan felt that there was a sudden squeeze inside the Cannonball Bug. There was no reason? It seems that he did not give the order to detonate.

Then, in the dark space, the pile of cannonball bugs exploded into a ball.

"What's going on?" Zhang Fan asked in confusion.

Athena was also a little confused and said: "Master, don't you know this?!"

Zhang Fan glanced at Athena and said, "If you don't know, just find out the reason for me!"

Hearing the master's tone, Athena was a little angry, and she quickly knelt down on her knees without begging for mercy.

Zhang Fan waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, there are too many things in the universe that we don't know. Finding out the reasons is the most important thing. Athena, you continue to fight here. If necessary, you are allowed to use that."

Athena stood up and respectfully watched Zhang Fan leave the conference room. Then she rubbed her face and focused on the recovery ship again: "All troops attack!"

On the recovery ship, Wang Dalu said to Wenquan: "Brother, the explosion is over. The Guardian robot has passed through the explosion zone."

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