The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 268 The Power of Donagon

With engine oil on his face, Wang Dalu contacted Wenquan and said, "Brother, I found the corrugated nuclear weapon, but why is it a blueprint?"

Wenquan said: "Yes, it is a blueprint. I received this blueprint myself."

"Then what's the use? Do we need to build it ourselves?" Wang Dalu asked puzzledly.

Wenquan said: "Yes, we made it ourselves. Although it was a waste of materials, if this blueprint is sold to a low-level civilization, do you know how many resources can be exchanged for it?"

Wang Dalu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Wenquan pretended to be mysterious and said: "The power of this corrugated nuclear weapon alone can wipe out the entire Bait star."

Wang Dalu looked at the drawing in his hand and said to Wenquan: "Brother, how did you get such a powerful thing?"

Hot Spring said: "Don't worry about how I got it. Look at the drawings carefully and then build the corrugated nuclear weapon for me."

Wang Dalu glanced at the drawings roughly and said, "Brother, this probably involves high school knowledge, I..."

Hot Spring said: "If it doesn't work, forget it. I won't take you out next time."

After hearing this, of course Wang Dalu quit. He quickly said: "Brother, I can do it, believe me!"

Hot Spring nodded and said: "Well, you idiot, move faster, we are wasting too much time here."

After a round of nanorobot explosions, Leviathan's injured parts have returned to their original state.

Zhang Fan didn't understand what the other party meant by doing this. Was it just a test?

He asked again: "Athena! Is she here?"

Athena hurriedly said: "Master, my slave has arrived!"

Donagon is a biological soldier created with great pains by the last prince of the Cloverdale civilization.

Every cell in the body can use fusion energy. Not only that, after Zhang Fan's long exploration, he discovered that this Donagon is still growing.

If Donagon was an infant before when he was an ancestral spirit, now he should have entered his youth, with a height of nearly 100 meters and a wingspan of 150 meters.

Hot Spring just glanced at Donagon in the center of Leviathan and ignored it. As for biological civilization, biological civilization that has not yet reached level 2.1 can have anything powerful.

Donagon flapped his wings, and the huge wings erupted with powerful energy. In the veins of the wings, red rays of light could be clearly seen like rivers.

There is no air in space, and only the fusion energy carried by Donagon itself can be used.

With a flash of red light, Athena controlled Donagon to fly quickly towards the curvature flight trajectory, and instantly disappeared from the sight of the hot spring.

"Pfft!" The hot spring who was drinking water sprayed a mouthful of water on the monitor, "Ahem, cough, what's going on? Instant warp flight?!"

When he came to his senses again, Donagon had arrived two kilometers in front of the recovery ship.

At such a close distance, Donagon quickly gathered energy.

Hot Spring was shocked: "Zero Sound! Energy Shield!"


A light blue energy covered the entire body of the recovery ship.

The flames in Donagon's body spurted out. This energy was similar to that of a plasma cannon, but the energy level of the aggregation was higher than that of a plasma cannon.

With an extremely powerful momentum, it streaked across the dark universe, and the high-energy flames hit the energy shield.

In an instant, the energy shield was enveloped in endless flames.

Inside the recovery ship, a rapid alarm sounded, "Warning! Warning! The propeller deck is damaged!"


"Warning! Warning! The cold circulation system has stalled!"

Wang Dalu, who was making corrugated nuclear weapons, was also startled by the sound of sirens. He quickly asked: "Brother! What happened?"

Wen Wen said to Wang Dalu with a dark face: "Damn it, we are in trouble."

Wang Dalu said equally anxiously: "Brother, what should we do?"

Hot Spring said: "You continue to make ripple nuclear weapons, and I will take care of other things."

After saying that, Wenquan's expression became serious. He discovered that the recovery ship had been damaged in many places due to the attack just now.

He said to himself: "This is definitely not an attack method that can be achieved by level 2.1 or level 2.2 civilizations. If it is a level 2.2 battleship, it may be possible, but the opponent doesn't seem to look like it."

Hot Spring suddenly said: "Zero Yin, analyze this guy's level for me, and then choose the best plan."


The data stream on the display kept flashing, and Zero Yin kept determining Donagon's civilization level.

"Hurry up! Zero Yin!" Hot Spring shouted impatiently.

"Sir, the opponent's level cannot be detected." Ling Yin said.

Hot Spring patted the table and said, "Quick, report it to me."

"Okay sir." Then the image of Donagon was displayed on the monitor, along with a text explanation.

Name: Donagon

Height: 96.32 meters

Wingspan: 158.44 meters

Weight: 145 tons

Category: Energy-concentrating creature

Threat level: orange

Attributes: (Take Dragon Emperor Civilization Adult 10 as an example)

Strength: 214,500

Agility: 163,200

Intelligence: Unknown (presumed to belong to the controlled creature)

Skill: High Energy Fusion Flame

Another: unknown

Hot Spring's eyes twitched when he saw Donagon's attributes. He mainly saw the aggregation of creatures, and then said: "Zero Yin, have you calculated the opponent's civilization level?"

Lingyin said: "Sir, the detection target level is 2.2-2.3. The threat level is very high. Lingyin recommends evacuating first."

When Onsen saw Zero Sound say this, he bit his thumb and kept thinking about countermeasures.

At this time, Donagon stopped the first round of attacks, and Athena's eyes flashed: "Master! Donagon is so powerful! The power of that level just now is too powerful!"

Zhang Fan did not expect Donagon to be so powerful. He really found a treasure. He hurriedly said to Athena: "Athena, grab that spaceship from me!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Donagon moved again, with a flash of light and a claw grabbing the blue energy shield, and the entire spacecraft shook continuously.

"Damn it! Damn it! You bastard!" The sudden attack caused Wenquan to accidentally fall onto the board of the ship.

After getting up, with blood still flowing on his head, Wenquan said angrily: "Zero Yin! Use whatever equipment you have! Kill it for me!"

But Lingyin said: "Sir, I'm sorry. It has been detected that the current weapon cannot cause damage to the opponent. My suggestion is to evacuate."

"Damn it! Zero Sound will record the situation! Send it back to the empire! We have encountered an enemy!" Wenquan said through gritted teeth.

Just when Zero Yin was about to transmit the signal, Donagon clenched his fists and hit the blue energy shield hard, smashing the energy shield in one go.

Aftershocks spread throughout the body of the recovery ship, and balls of flames suddenly appeared on the spacecraft.

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