The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 270 Ripple Nuclear Weapon

Donagon was constantly being devoured by the flames in the recovery ship, but it remained motionless, strolling leisurely inside the ship filled with flames, and all the steel plates blocking its progress were torn apart by it.

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "What a pity, what a pity."

He felt sorry that so much information on this spaceship was destroyed like this.

The explosion continued, and through Leviathan's eyes, the entire body of this huge recovery ship was burning with flames.

Zhang Fan said to Athena: "Athena, since this spaceship is useless, you'd better send Donagon back as soon as possible. I want to check it."

Just when Athena was about to nod, another round of explosions started.

One after another ripples spread from the inner cabin to the outfield.


The shock wave hit Donagon's body, and Athena actually felt pain from it.

"No! There is a back-up plan?!" Athena said in surprise.

The ripples continued to impact Donagon. Athena struggled to control it and stood up, with blood seeping out of her body.

Donagon's muscles tensed up, and he burst out with majestic power. He clenched his fists at his sides and flapped his wings suddenly. In an instant, he was able to compete with the ripple nuclear weapons.

The impact force after the two sides squeezed once again exploded with astonishing momentum, directly cutting the recovery ship that was braving the raging fire into two pieces.

Zhang Fan was confused by the sudden shock wave and quickly asked: "Athena, what happened?"

Athena frowned and said: "Master, the opponent seems to have a backup plan. The impact of this weapon is very powerful."

Zhang Fan asked: "Is there any way to deal with it?"

Athena shook her head and said: "Master, I don't know, but I can save Donagon."

Zhang Fan sighed and said, "Let's get back first. The Dragon Emperor's civilization is really powerful."

After Athena heard Zhang Fan's words, Donagon's whole body began to glow with red light, and he turned around and came to outer space.

Donagon looked at the recovery ship that had turned into a pile of ruins, spread his wings again, and prepared to return to the Beite star.

Zhang Fan also ordered the Leviathan army to start returning. Anyway, the spacecraft was destroyed and those restrictive signals could not be transmitted.

However, just as the alien army was about to return, a violent explosion occurred again on the recovery ship.

This explosion not only emitted a dazzling light, but also carried a highly penetrating shock wave.

This is the last ripple nuclear weapon. The most powerful power of the ripple nuclear weapon is not when it explodes, but in the aftermath of the explosion.

This aftermath is not purely radioactive energy, it is more like a sound wave that can exist in space.

This form of ripples visible to the naked eye begins to expand very quickly.

Zhang Fan felt nervous and shouted quickly: "Athena, take Donagon and leave quickly."

Athena also knew the seriousness of the matter, nodded and controlled Donagon to fly quickly without saying a word.

The expanding ripples have become as big as a satellite and are continuing to expand without any sign of weakening.

Zhang Fan just glanced at it. That sight was something he would never forget.

The ripples shattered the spacecraft, and the fragments pressing against the spacecraft swelled, as beautiful as snowflakes in winter.

In the middle position, the ripples continued to release powerful shock waves, which seemed to produce a certain spatial distortion in that place.

The feeling is very strange. When the light reaches the vicinity, it actually forms a circle, entering from the left and then emitting from the right, so it looks a bit like a halo.

Zhang Fan had started to evacuate with the Leviathan at full strength, but he still couldn't escape the ripple attack.

The impact of the ripples has distorted the surrounding light, so the curvature flight cannot be calculated immediately in this case.

It's like the garbled code in the program is messy and there is no way to find the correct route.

The ripples swept across Leviathan's body, and the first thing affected was the fusion reactor, which was also an energy reactor and flamed out in an instant.

No matter how Zhang Fan controls it, it cannot be started.

Then another ripple struck, becoming even more powerful.

This ripple seemed to be tearing apart Leviathan's body, and every inch of muscle was in a state of tearing.

The meridians connected to the body became tense like a tug of war.

If it weren't for Leviathan's own physical strength, it would have been turned into pieces in the impact.

The ripples did not stop, and they hit Leviathan's body with a speed similar to that of light.

Finally, the five-kilometer-long Leviathan could no longer withstand this kind of attack. It broke layer by layer, and the broken muscles disintegrated under the impact again and again, turning into tiny particles.

Zhang Fan was surprised to find that he couldn't even maintain his cell state.

The embryos in Leviathan's body, as well as some soldiers, had all died painlessly in the first round of impact.

In just an instant, they turned into a bunch of elements. This kind of thing is like a neutron bomb, but the neutron bomb is not as powerful as a person.

The Leviathan army disappeared, and Zhang Fan could not sense their presence at all. Then Zhang Fan felt the majestic power through the Sky-eyed Insect.

The corrugated nuclear weapons had expanded to resemble a planet, and the huge scope made Zhang Fan fearful.

"How were such things created? Do they want to destroy this galaxy?" Zhang Fan stared blankly at the explosives and muttered to himself.

Fortunately, Donagon withstood this attack. The creatures developed by high-level civilizations are indeed powerful and can survive this kind of explosion shock wave. Although they are more or less injured, they have a little bit of cultivation. The stool can be restored.

Zhang Fan was still a little worried, worried that this kind of ripple nuclear explosion would continue continuously.

However, this kind of worry is unnecessary. Every substance has an upper limit value, and the value set by Wang Dalu is the energy that can destroy planets.

Finally, after crossing the vast void of space, the attack pattern of the ripple nuclear weapons weakened and slowly dissipated into space.

Zhang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and also looked forward to it. He was very envious in his heart. How he wished he had such a powerful weapon.

After this battle, Zhang Fan said that he looked down on the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. It was known as the most powerful weapon of low-level civilizations. It had no room for existence in space and was about to be eliminated from the stage of history.

Although the Leviathan army is gone, Zhang Fan feels a little sad, but it is not absolute, as long as Donagon is still there.

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