The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 278 Two nutrient solutions

The resources on the small island can no longer meet the daily needs of the iguana, and it must be moved.

Zhang Fan stood on the shore and looked at the endless sea and said, "Let me see which way to go next."

According to the news fed back by the bacteria, there is a prosperous city to the east of the island.

Zhang Fan decided to swim in that direction. You must know that there are many kinds of creatures in the ocean. It is estimated that the iguanas will have grown to tens of meters by the time they get there.

Just go to the sea. The iguana in the ocean swung its tail quickly and swam towards the east.

A large pile of tuna appeared in front of Zhang Fan. This kind of fish has a high protein content and is a delicacy on the table. Zhang Fan will definitely not let them go.

So a chase started, and soon Zhang Fan caught several tuna and swallowed them all.

"Nutrition is not enough. I didn't expect that we need so many nutrients now." Zhang Fan thought for a while and then contacted the host in space.

The huge host began to condense nutrient solution in its body. It looked like ordinary players working hard, while gold-hungry players only had to work hard to earn money.

"Puff!" Two 0.02 mm nutrient solutions were wrapped in a film and flew towards Zhang Fan's location.

Nasar fell into panic again. There was no sign of the appearance of these two meteorites.

The supervisor severely criticized the observers below and asked them to find out the reasons.

Some scientists who specialize in cosmology and space science have put forward a hypothesis, whether a wormhole has appeared in the universe.

However, no matter what means they used to detect, they were still unable to find traces of the host because those waves had been absorbed by the ATP force field.

This is another use of the ATP force field discovered by Zhang Fan. In addition to defense, it can also absorb various microwaves in the universe. Of course, it is not enough if the intensity is too high.

The craziest people on Erth are not the scientists, but the novelists who wear thick flat glasses, eat chicken feet and smoke cigarettes.

Unscrupulous novelists suddenly had their imaginations wide open and wrote endless apocalyptic novels, and they wrote them in a precise manner. Many of the books were determined to be adapted into movies.

These novelists made money and lived a comfortable life. After the country came forward to refute the rumors, everything became peaceful again.

Zhang Fan had already received the two nutrient solutions: "I'll choke you! Why are they so big?"

Zhang Fan was speechless looking at the 20-meter-diameter nutrient solution.

He had tried his best to make the host condense small particles, but he didn't expect them to be so big in the end.

There is no other way. Since everything has been delivered, it’s hard to give it back.

Zhang Fan approached the nutrient solution and grabbed the membrane with his sharp claws, but he didn't expect that the blow failed to break it.

"Good guy! The thing I despise so much is so strong! I still don't believe it!" Then he pawed down again.

There was a "ding" sound, and the iguana's claws broke, and bright red blood seeped out.

The smell of blood began to spread, attracting the surrounding evil sharks.

They swam near Zhang Fan with red eyes, but they didn't expect Zhang Fan to strike first.

The tail flicked, and the sharp thorns pierced into the shark's body.

Pulling it out again, the blood in the ocean began to become richer.

At this time, Zhang Fan's hands had returned to normal, and he was watching the sharks bite each other.

"What a bunch of low-level animals." Zhang Fan said mockingly.

After quietly stealing a few sharks and eating some delicious seafood, Zhang Fan felt sleepy on the iguana.

So, he returned to the island to sleep again.

At this time, a pair of scientific expedition teams were swimming towards the two nutrient solutions.

"Dr. Aipeng, we shouldn't be able to find those two meteorites if we search like this."

Aipeng, wearing a white coat and a pair of intellectual glasses, said: "How will you know if you don't try? This time we also brought the Jiaolong submarine. We will definitely be able to find those two meteorites. If we find them, we will definitely be able to find them." Uncover the reason for the inexplicable appearance of meteorites.”

Beta is Dr. Aipeng's assistant. He nodded and said: "Okay, Dr. Aipeng, I will urge the captain to speed up."

Early the next morning, Zhang Fan woke up under the warm sunshine. He was 9 meters long and 6 meters tall. It didn't look like he had grown much.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan received news from the bacteria that a ship was swimming in the direction of two nutrient solutions.

It's okay, the other party can't find out, Zhang Fan still wants to keep it a secret.

Ever since, the material in the host's body condensed again, and a 0.01 mm solid ball was ejected.

The space was dyed red by the meteorite. Ipeng was shocked. After a quick calculation in his mind, he shouted: "Captain Clark! Stop! Otherwise, we will hit him!"

Clark seemed to have heard Aipeng's words and quickly turned the rudder, and then the scientific research vessel began to move sideways.

"Sniff!" The fire light blinded everyone's glasses, and then the medicine ball fell into the ocean and set off huge waves.

The entire scientific research ship was hit by this huge wave, and the entire ship was overturned.

The ocean became calm again, and Aipeng swam hard to a floating board.

Looking at the ruined ship, she fell into despair.

"Dr. Aipeng! Thank God! You are still alive!" Beta said with tears streaming down her face.

Aipeng hurriedly swam towards Beta and found that there was someone beside him, it was Clark.

Clark's face was full of sadness. He didn't know why the meteorite suddenly landed and it was heading towards them.

The three of them worked together to find a lifeboat and several boxes of intact food.

Beta couldn't help but said: "What should we do next?"

Ai Peng shook her head. She had no idea how to survive in this kind of wilderness.

At this time, Clark said: "I remember there is a small island near here. Maybe we can go to that island and wait for rescue."

Ai Peng said: "This is the only thing we can do."

Clark added: "Now we can only wait for the night, because it is difficult to distinguish the direction during the day."

While several people were discussing countermeasures, Zhang Fan controlled the iguana and swam over while shaking its head.

Sneaking into the seabed, it would be difficult to detect his existence if it weren't for a special detector.

Zhang Fan had already seen the escape boat, and just when he was about to attack, he received news from the host. It turned out that the solid ball had accidentally scratched the film of the nutrient solution.

Zhang Fan looked up at the escape boat and said, "Good luck to you."

Then, he twisted his body and swam in the direction of the nutrient solution.

With so much nutrition, it is estimated to last for many days.

The sky turned dark and the North Star appeared in the sky. Clark and the others drove through the night and spent two days finally arriving at the unknown island.

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