The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 28 The birth of the real Zerg

Every once in a while, the larvae will break out of their shells. They will carry a large number of evolutionary genes and evolve into worker bees, springtails, poisonous banelings or hydralisks if necessary.

The prototype of the base has been basically completed, and the next step is the issue of protection capabilities.

To put it bluntly, creep is just a plant that can reproduce quickly.

You must have all seen the dehydration of plants. The dehydrated vegetables in Master Kong’s instant noodles are very dry.

Of course, this is not the result Zhang Fan wants. If he is really dehydrated like this, the base will really explode as soon as he rubs it.

He wanted to strengthen the structure within the base in a completely new way, which took into account the element of calcium.

Not only insects, but all living organisms contain calcium. If this calcium is continuously polished, the steel will become stronger.

Calcium is a very common element on grasslands and can be extracted from the soil.

Adam injected the gene for refining calcium into the culture carpet. Once the culture begins to dehydrate, it will rapidly absorb calcium until the cells die.

The construction of the new base went smoothly, and Zhang Fan named it Mother's Nest, caring for the larvae's nest like a mother.

The color of the mother's nest is still purple, that's because the chlorophyll in the fungus blanket has been squeezed and exploded to cover the calcium element.

There is no need to extract calcium inside, so Zhang Fan left a gap between the inner and outer layers of fungi.

This gap is like a spring shockproof, which can reduce internal damage caused by external attacks.

After building the base, the springtails will start preparing for their super evolution.

Except for some ghost king katydids that escaped, most of them have been cell-modified by Zhang Fan.

The controller, Ghost King Katydid, entered Adam's laboratory, the Evolution Chamber.

The evolution chamber is very large, and the structure of the large and small rooms inside is like the original laboratory in the Lake of Life.

Each laboratory has its own unique role, from exoskeleton defense testing, claw attack testing, to genetic mutation engineering, and anti-lethal strike experiments, there is a dazzling array of them all, all designed by Adam himself.

Although there is currently only Adam, a scientific research worker, the operation is not that troublesome.

After sending all the Ghost King Katydids, Zhang Fan did not explore what Adam should do. He turned his attention to the northern forest.

Adam looked at these ghost king katydids with excitement in his eyes, and ordered the worker bees to dismember them and send them to the genetic decomposition laboratory.

After some cleaning, Adam entered the laboratory, and as usual, nutrient solution began to be injected into the laboratory.

The Ghost King Katydid was very big, even bigger than Adam. Zhang Fan guessed that they might also be giant creatures that ran out of the forest.

Adam extracted the cause of their giant genes and transmitted the data report to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan took a cursory look at the report, which mentioned that high concentrations of oxygen stimulated cell growth.

After some questioning, Adam came up with a plan to build lungs, so that oxygen can be highly utilized over a wide range without wasting it through skin breathing. Of course, skin breathing can also be retained.

The breathing port is designed under the abdomen of springtails. Springtails have only two segments, the head and thorax. They are not divided into cephalothorax and abdomen like ordinary insects.

Lacking all the factors for sexual reproduction, springtails remove their abdomens, which become the thoraxes of other insects.

The Ghost King Katydid has six legs, just like ordinary insects. The middle leg is just for balance.

Adam still decided to make use of it, extending the middle leg forward to interchange with the forelimb.

Later, Adam removed the forelimbs of the springtail and replaced the position of the antennae. There was no need to communicate after entering the forest, just do it when you see it! So the tentacles are no longer needed.

The shape of the entire new springtail is like a ferocious vicious dog crawling on the ground, and the sharp claws on its back are terrifying.

However, Adam discovered that the springtail designed in this way still had a flaw. Although the attack power of the four forelimbs was powerful, there was a problem with balance.

It looked at the worker bee. The worker bee didn't know why Adam looked at it like this. After a short pause, the worker bee continued its work.

In desperation, Adam added a long tail to the abdomen of the new springtail to maintain the balance of the body.

In order to ensure the aggressiveness of the new springtail's tail, a poison sac and a poison needle are designed at the top, like a scorpion.

When encountering a crisis situation, springtails can pierce the venom into the enemy's body to achieve the strongest killing effect. However, the formation of this venom is very slow, and it must wait for the biofilm in the poison sac to recover before it can be used again.

Finally, small barbs were installed on the body of the springtail. The barbs are designed to be retractable, otherwise they will be like the ghost king katydid, which cannot be removed after being hung up.

The new genetic map is entered into the larvae and can be hatched at any time.

Zhang Fan was very satisfied with the hatched springtail, and he knew it was a very evil person at a glance.

After harvesting such satisfactory results, Zhang Fan suggested that the worker bees and hydralisks should be upgraded together.

The problem of the worker bee is easy to solve. All its appearance including internal organs were designed by Zhang Fan alone.

All it takes is a slight change in the genes of the worker bees, and it doesn't matter unless the appearance is too different.

There are only three differences between the new worker bees and the original worker bees. The first is the size, which is about one meter in size, slightly smaller than the springtails.

The second change is the addition of lung organs. The oxygen consumption of the worker bees increases, the power of the heart also increases, and the endurance becomes sufficient.

The third change is in its pliers, which are divided into two pliers, large and small. The large pliers are used to carry large materials, and the small pliers are used to perform some delicate operations.

Changes to the Hydralisk are more difficult, because they use incomplete giant centipede genes, so their body size has exceeded one meter in height.

Whether it's the venom ejection organ or the sickle hand on the chest, they are already approaching perfection, and there is no need to optimize them.

And in order to enhance the spraying effect of venom, Adam added lung organs to the hydralisk early to increase the atmospheric pressure.

By the way, there are also poisonous banelings. After thinking about it, the poisonous banelings haven't changed much, except that they have grown slightly in size. Now the poisonous banelings can no longer walk.

If we encounter a siege battle again in the future, we will have to bother with the help of worker bees.

The Zerg's strength has further improved, and it has also increased its intensity in conquering the forest. Zhang Fan has entered the forest twice and knows the dangers inside.

In the past, insects didn't care because they were too small, but now they have grown in size, and some insects are already jumping around the edge of the forest.

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