The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 285 Spinal Crawler

Although the spine reptile is only 1 centimeter, which is very inconspicuous in space, compared to the Erth people, it is a behemoth.

The true use of the spine crawler is not to fight alone, but to fight in groups.

They can be connected to transform into any shape, long or short, they can become a ball or a net.

And if these spine crawlers unite to release the ATP force field, the effect will be far greater than if Leviathan releases it alone.

However, Zhang Fan believes that these spine reptiles are still too big. If they encounter a civilization with a higher level of civilization, these spine reptiles will still lose their effectiveness.

Therefore, the main purpose this time is to figure out the main reason why the atomic composition of this star has become smaller. If possible, renovate the cells of the entire Zerg. In that case, the strength of the entire Zerg will once again undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Order the second host to throw the spine reptiles to the planet Erth." Zhang Fan changed his perspective and looked at the galaxy from Leviathan's perspective.

Another host with a diameter of one meter took off and soon arrived over Planet No. 4.

After receiving a large number of spine crawlers, they began to move towards the planet Erth.

A rapid alarm sounded in Nasar's command headquarters, and Zach spotted the host's behemoth at first sight.

"Oh my God! How could such a big creature exist?" Zach looked at the signal from the satellite blankly.

In Zach's eyes, this host is a thousand kilometers long and has an area as large as a country.

Zach said in fear: "If this big monster falls, will our planet Erth still exist?"

Just when Zach was worried about the arrival of this huge monster, the host suddenly stopped and floated quietly in space.

"What happened to it?" Zach looked at the host strangely.

This host did not become invisible, but appeared openly and openly in front of the Ethians.

Even in space, those Ursians also discovered the existence of the host.

They felt deep despair and their bodies felt very cold. Why did this huge monster block the sun?

In an instant, the temperature across the planet Erth dropped sharply, and the ice at the North and South Poles began to approach the equator.

Zhang Fan's face suddenly became embarrassed. He didn't expect that just a host blocking the sunlight would have such a terrible effect.

He quickly ordered the host to drop a bunch of spine crawlers and leave. This planet was too fragile, and Zhang Fan couldn't bear it.

After the spine crawlers fall into the atmosphere, they look like a meteor shower streaking across the sky.

This time, other major powers no longer stayed aloof and went all out to fight against the aliens.

The seven major powers gathered at least 70 aircraft carrier formations and headed in the direction of the Spiny Crawler.

The spine reptile that fell into the sea quickly woke up. After knowing that the Ursians began to attack, he also carried out an effective defense.

They combined front and back and gradually turned into a giant sea snake with a body length of more than hundreds of thousands of meters, roaring towards the aircraft carrier formation like an earthly python.

"Target found! The carrier-based aircraft group takes off!" The carrier-based aircraft took off from the aircraft carrier one after another.

In an instant, the entire sky was filled with hundreds of small planes.

Under the surveillance of the satellite, they started shooting at the spine crawlers.

The missile hit the spine crawler as if it was free of charge. Zhang Fan looked at this scene and felt happy in his heart.

"Finally, we can accurately test the power of the ATP force field! Get up!" Zhang Fan shouted.

Immediately afterwards, a light suddenly flashed on the surface of the earthly python united by the spine reptiles.

Then, those missiles exploded as if they hit a wall, and hexagonal ripples flashed across the ATP force field one after another.

After the explosion, the spine crawler was intact, raising its head and looking down at the aircraft carrier formations.

"Oh! My God! Is this God coming?" A general sat helplessly on the ground. He had completely forgotten what strategy was.

In order not to cause panic, Zhang Fan ordered the two hosts in space to destroy all satellites.

Soon, the communication on Integrated Euse was interrupted, and a large group of people complained about the lack of TV.

Then, the spine reptiles watched cruelly as the aircraft carrier fleets began to massacre.

Speaking of which, the iguana has been lurking in this world for a long time, and it's time to reappear in front of the world.

In a bustling city, a large river flows from west to east.

This river is the mother river of the Kingdom of Ruinia. They have been with this river for generations, and they also started to develop and grow from this river.

However, after the satellite was recently destroyed, this bustling city fell into chaos and was full of crime problems.

A group of gangsters were hiding under the bridge, discussing what bad things to do next.

Suddenly one of them pointed at the swollen surface of the river tremblingly and said, "Look! What is that!"

After everyone heard the sound, they went over and saw a scene they would never forget.

The iguana has grown to 200 meters in size. Its huge body not only washes away the entire river, but also puts its head on the suspension bridge.

The entire suspension bridge was torn apart like paper. Countless vehicles fell into the river in horror and disappeared with the whirlpool in the river.

"Ouch!" The iguana let out an earth-shattering roar.

Announcing its presence, the iguana began to move, moving towards the other side of the river bank.

The gangsters were so frightened that they became incontinent. At this time, they felt that maybe they should be good people.

The iguana's paws stepped on the wide road, followed by the sound of car sirens everywhere.

When the sole of the foot left the ground, a deep pit several meters deep was left.

The surrounding high-rise buildings were also smashed to pieces with Zhang Fan's palm.

Countless stones fell from the sky, and for a moment the city was filled with smoke, and the screams were mixed with the chaos.

A boy looked at the chaotic world outside, then looked down at his drawing board and murmured: "It turns out that the monster dad talked about really exists!"

Just as Zhang Fan was wreaking havoc, the air force troops roared in, their gums bleeding.

Under the command of the commander-in-chief, the fighter group attacked the iguana fiercely.

Zhang Fan looked at the fighter jets, curled his tail, and threw a huge stone towards the fighter jets.

"Boom!" The fighter jet exploded.

Zhang Fan suddenly became interested and kept attacking the groups of mosquito-like fighter jets.

At this time, Ruiniya's top management was making a difficult decision.

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