The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 303 The Dragon Emperor Civilization is Coming

Finally, with the joint efforts of his companions, the information was found, and a diary that had been sealed for a long time was also found.

Through the contents in the diary and materials, I learned the entire incident of that year.

At this time, Ai Ou's heart suddenly felt empty. He didn't know what he should pursue next. After the truth came out, he had lost his goal.

At this moment, several armies from the United Nations came over.

Ai Ou didn't want to go head-to-head with these troops, so he took those materials and diaries with him and called on his companions to evacuate quickly.

However, I didn't expect that the number of troops this time would be so large, and each of them would be an elite.

After a hard fight, Io ran out of the forest, while all his companions stayed behind the forest.

Io dragged his tired body away from this sad place and became anonymous. He stayed in hiding for several years.

The Avengers organization disappeared, and David once again gained recognition from his superiors, and his future promotions were smooth sailing.

However, it was because of his bad temper that he was stuck in the position of senior colonel.

Angela also graduated and came to work as a research fellow at a research institute of a foreign-funded enterprise.

At that time, the Beta clone also began to grow up and joined the juvenile class again. Angela became his mentor, and later Beta became Angela's assistant.

Just after everyone began to forget about this incident, Io once again did something that shocked the world.

He actually exposed the scandal between the Academy of Sciences and several major countries, and the incident was broadcast on all channels.

This was terrible, something more terrifying than the Avengers back then, so he ordered a hunt again. This time he must be eliminated, and David was recruited again.

However, for some unknown reason, Io was never found, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

There is only one person in the world who knows where Io is now, and that is Clark.

At this time, Clark was just a rural fisherman. Although he had brains and physical strength, he liked this kind of free life.

Clark also learned the truth from Io's mouth. He fell silent and chose to escape.

After watching the wanted notice played on TV, Io smiled and said to Clark: "I didn't expect my head to be so valuable. Let's sell him. Next time, I'll buy a bigger ship. The sea is the real freedom." .”

Io committed suicide, without Clark's knowledge, and left a letter to Clark.

Clark took Io's body and some symbolic things to the Security Bureau to receive the reward.

After getting a large amount of money, he followed Io's idea and bought a large exploration ship to stay away from this noisy city.

But later, after he sent a text message to each of the other three people, he threw the phone into the vast sea.

Angela took a deep breath and said to Zhang Fan: "Master, my story is finished."

Zhang Fan was still satisfied after hearing this and said: "Angela, you are so good at writing that you can write novels."

Angela smiled and said: "Master, you are joking, how much money can you make by writing novels?"

Zhang Fan also smiled sweetly and stopped discussing the matter.

Zhang Fan continued: "In that case, there should be four transformers left."

Angela shook her head and said with some nostalgia: "No, there are still three people left."

"Huh? Who died?" Zhang Fan said.

"Clark, Clark died during your first attack. I attended his simple memorial service." Angela said calmly.

Zhang Fan comforted Angela and said, "I'm sorry."

Angela shook her head and said: "Master, this is not your fault. I am doing biological research, so I am also very aware of the concept of the weak and the strong. You did not massacre all of us Ethians. That is already a great kindness."

Zhang Fan didn't know whether what Angela said was true or not. After scanning Angela's mind, he realized that she really thought so. Suddenly, Zhang Fan felt a little embarrassed.

Because he knew that he could capture this small planet easily, and there was no need to go through so many tricks.

It can be regarded as a cause and effect. If you don't play like this, you won't be able to conquer Angela.

Just as Zhang Fan and Angela were discussing the management of Eth Star and the management of medical institutions, a rapid alarm sounded throughout the alien race.

This sound could only be heard by Zhang Fan. He left the Erth Star and transferred all his attention to Maya's observation station.

The black shadow turned into reality, and Zhang Fan asked with a serious expression on his face: "Maya, what happened?"

Maya said nervously: "Lord, Lord, something bad is going to happen. The Dragon Emperor Civilization is coming!"

"What?!" Zhang Fan took a breath and said, feeling his gums hurt a little, "Where are they now?"

Maya trembled and said: "Master, their spaceships are staying outside the double star system. There are 20 of them in total."

When Maya said that the other side only had 20 spaceships, Zhang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, okay, it's not the Dragon Emperor Civilization's army that's coming. We still have hope. Unfortunately, Donagon has been transported back." , otherwise it will make them look good."

Maya nodded desperately to relieve the fear in her heart.

Zhang Fan continued to say with a serious expression: "Order all units to pay attention and make every effort to create Leviathan and move towards the binary star system. In addition, all the Leviathans who are about to attack the new area will be called back to garrison the binary star system. This is our last stand." !Whether we can win or not depends on this battle."

Zhang Fan's instruction was not only sent to the brainworms and the Queen, but also to all alien races with brains.

All the alien races have taken action, and the space carpet has also begun to operate at high speed. The busiest ones are Gaia and Adam. They must develop weapons that can withstand the Dragon Emperor Civilization before the Dragon Emperor Civilization fully attacks the alien races.

At this moment, the Dragon Emperor's civilization fleet was quietly looking at this somewhat prosperous binary star system.

The manager adjusted his glasses and said to the hot spring: "The hot spring is here, right?"

Hot Spring nodded in hatred and said, "That's right! Manager! This is where the bastard died!"

The manager patted Wen Wen on the shoulder and said solemnly: "Don't worry Wen Wen! Although our company is small, with only three people! But I will definitely avenge Wang Dalu! Don't you think so, Aunt Wen?"

Behind the hot spring sat a lady in cleaning clothes. She tapped her legs and said angrily: "I don't care whether you are grudges or not. I just want to know whether my sister was harmed by this civilization." of."

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