The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 313 Energy Immunity

Li Fugui's eyes narrowed and he gave the order again: "Ling Yin, use photon beam energy weapons."

"Zero Yin understands."

The ten fleets began to gather energy when they saw the conqueror for the first time.

This energy absorbs photons in space and then forms an effective beam energy attack. This attack is actually an energy attack, but it is attenuated very well.

Ten white beams shot out, like sharp swords.

Zhang Fan discovered that the attack methods of these beams were somewhat similar to those of previous robots.

"Maya! Adam! Hurry up and analyze the principle of this light beam!" Zhang Fan quickly ordered.

Even if Zhang Fan didn't say anything, all the brainworms would be busy. They also want to figure out why this attack can cut into pieces the Leviathan, which has extremely powerful defense.

The beam propagated very fast in space and arrived in front of the conqueror in the blink of an eye.

The Conqueror was hit in the body by the photon beam energy before he could even react.

Li Fugui raised his lips slightly and said, "This is much easier than swatting flies."

The other crew members were infected by Li Fugui's relaxed mood, and they all smiled happily.

Hot Spring contacted Li Fugui at this time and said: "Uncle Li, this biological civilization has a very powerful creature, please be careful."

Li Fugui looked at the hot spring and said with a smile: "Xiao Wen, don't worry about this. There is no civilization in this area that can be the opponent of our Dragon Emperor civilization."

Wenquan had a bad premonition in his heart, and he said anxiously: "Uncle Li, we are here for revenge, and I always feel that this biological civilization is developing too fast."

Just as Li Fugui was about to open his mouth to quibble, the corner of his eye turned to the conqueror who had just been hit by the beam and was quickly approaching this side.

"What?! What happened? The photon beam energy weapon actually failed?!" Li Fugui could no longer keep calm, and was extremely frightened.

You must know that this kind of beam energy weapon, as well as the previous waveguide weapons, are at least weapons of level 2.2 civilization among interstellar civilizations.

According to the current evaluation of alien civilizations, they can only be considered a level 2.1 civilization at best.

But what he didn't expect was that the beam energy weapons and waveguide weapons had failed one after another. This made Li Fugui not panic.

"Ling Yin! What the hell is going on?!" Li Fugui yelled.

"Elise! What's going on?!" Zhang Fan also asked.

Elise was in a great mood, because she made the right choice this time, and her transformation of the alien family was also correct.

Elise said: "Nothing, I just added some energy immunity to the aliens."

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "Elise, are you talking about magic immunity?"

Elise had never heard of this word, but she also felt that the word Zhang Fan said was very vivid. Demon immunity, magic immunity, magic is also an energy attack.

Elise nodded and said: "Yes, it is magic immunity. I followed the structure of the alien itself, and then installed guidance measures in its body, and added some drainage organs, so the energy will overflow with the conqueror. Into the universe.”

Zhang Fan asked again: "Then according to what you said, wouldn't the alien be invincible? Is it immune to all energy attacks?"

Elise said: "Theoretically, it should be like this, but the conqueror is not truly invincible. Lord, you see, this place and this place have been destroyed by the previous beam."

Zhang Fan looked at the structure diagram of the Conqueror that Elise opened, and then said: "What is the key factor causing this?"

Elise said: "The problem is still at the physical level. In this universe, everything that moves will generate kinetic energy. Even if energy generates kinetic energy, it will also generate mass. The difference is that the physical attack of energy will be far smaller than the real physical attacks."

Zhang Fan pondered for a while and said, "Speaking of this, I think of the railgun on Zuling Planet."

Elise nodded and said: "I already know this from previous expansion packs. As for the rail gun, it is speculated that the civilization level attack should have reached level 2.4 or higher."

Zhang Fan said: "I didn't expect that the Cloverdale civilization would be so powerful. I really don't know how they chose the ancestral spirits back then."

Elise said: "What I'm more curious about is that according to the civilization of the universe, the higher the level of civilization, the higher their cultural heritage and social stability. Even the invasion of higher civilizations may not be able to wipe them all out. What is the reason? Perhaps this has become a historical mystery."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "You are right. Alright, the conquerors are ready to attack."

The scene turned to the conqueror again. It had raised its claws and shot towards the spaceship of the Dragon Emperor's civilization fleet.

The spacecraft's energy shield had been activated to its maximum value, but even so, the aftershocks still shook the ship's hull.

Several elderly people suffered heart attacks and were rushed to the medical cabin by Zero Sound's small robot for treatment.

Hot Spring and the manager were equally trembling. The most tragic thing was Hot Spring. The other party also attacked like this last time.

After the initial panic, Li Fugui quickly calmed down and said, "Everyone! Don't worry! The Dragon Emperor's civilization is invincible! We still have a secret weapon!"

After finishing speaking, he then said to Zero Yin: "Ling Yin! Start the fishing net!"

"Zero Yin understands!"

Originally, this fishing net was used to deal with Donagon, but I didn't expect that the Conqueror could be immune to energy attacks. If the fishing net was not used, it is very likely that these ten spaceships would be accounted for here.

I saw ten spaceships rapidly changing their formations under the control of Zero Yin.

Seeing this, Elise guessed that the Dragon Emperor Civilization might use a special attack method, so she ordered the conquerors to retreat temporarily.

However, the original retreat routes were all blocked by spaceships.

Elise narrowed her eyes and said, "Do you think you can stop the conqueror like this? You are naive."

The body of the Conqueror is extremely bloated, and its body length reaches 10 kilometers, but don't forget, it also has a long tail.

The tail was aimed at a spaceship and whipped at it. Elise was not worried about the tail being broken. You must know that the conqueror also has the ability to regenerate. The conqueror who has been immune to magic can completely resist the interference with regeneration.


Although sound cannot be transmitted in space, the powerful attack is real, and the energy shield on the back of the entire spacecraft flashes several times.

A large group of old people were knocked unconscious by this attack, and some even fainted.

They're not really here to fight, they're just here for a vacation!

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