The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 317 Meeting

The binary star system is a resource-rich area, so Zhang Fan specially moved his base camp to this place.

Adam and Gaia are on the Bait star, Maya and Apocalypse are on the Sun star, Eva and Elise are on the Yin star, Athena is practicing on the wandering planet, and Angela is still in Leviathan's body.

Today is a good day and a great day.

Zhang Fan ordered all the high-ranking aliens except Athena and Angela to come to Beite to welcome the guests of the Dragon Emperor's civilization from afar.

In order to make this welcome more solemn, the Cerebrates and Elise appeared on the Bait star.

Zhang Fan had already materialized. He looked at the tall Elise in front of him and said, "You don't need to come here in person."

Elise shook her head and said: "I used to be a member of the Dragon Emperor's civilization, and now I just miss it."

Zhang Fan added: "What if they suddenly attack? You must know that the brainworm can be reborn, but the queen may not be able to be reborn."

Elise said: "No, I understand the Dragon Emperor civilization."

After saying that, he walked towards the direction of the spacecraft.

Zhang Fan said to Tianqi on the side: "You think so too?"

Tianqi said: "Sir, I understand the history of the Dragon Emperor Civilization, so I think it is better to strengthen the protection of Elise."

Zhang Fan said: "That's exactly what I meant."

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, a large group of engineers rushed towards Elise.

"What are you doing?!" Engineers continued to install exoskeletons on Elise's body.

Elise said to Zhang Fan displeased: "Is this necessary?"

Zhang Fan said: "It is very necessary. You are the only queen on the Beit planet now. I want to ensure your safety."

Elise sighed and said, "If I had the strength of Athena, you wouldn't be like this."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "That's right, I won't do this to Athena or Angela. I'm just doing this for you."

"Hey, it's so disgusting, I know." Elise stood there, letting the engineers move as they pleased.

After a while, a bloated alien queen appeared, and she was equipped with a Zerg vehicle.

This is a withered bone worm. It doesn't have any effect. It is just a support bracket. It was Zhang Fan's last-minute idea.

Elise gasped and said: "It's too heavy and there are too many things on me. If the other party really wants to kill me, I won't be able to run away."

Zhang Fan said: "Don't worry, the Bone Worm can move. You can operate it yourself."

Elise rolled her eyes at Zhang Fan, then controlled the withered bone worms to continue walking towards the spacecraft, followed by five huge brain worms.

Tianqi moved to Elise's side and said to Elise with squinting eyes: "Now facing the Dragon Emperor civilization, how do you feel? Is it complicated?"

Elise raised her paws, looked at the sharp nails on them, sighed and said, "A little bit. Although I am dedicated to the alien civilization now, I can't forget my identity as a Dragon Emperor civilization. What about you? , David Lin.”

This is what Elise calls Tianqi in private. Zhang Fan knows that they will call her this in private, but he won't object. There must be some private life.

Tianqi's fat trembled, as if he was smiling, and he said: "Don't call me that, I'm in a very good mood now. I was once enslaved by the Dragon Emperor's civilization, and now I can finally face them in another identity. "

Elise smiled and said, "It seems you are in a good mood."

Tianqi nodded and said: "Of course, I feel very good now, and I like the body of Brainworm."

Elise stretched out her hand and patted Apocalypse's smooth skin and said, "With such a fat body, what should I do if I get obesity?"

Tianqi said: "Don't you know this? Under this layer of skin and muscles are all brain cells. Brain cells account for 80% of the body's weight."

Elise retracted her hand and said speechlessly: "What do you have to show off? Aren't you guys all the same? I don't want to become like this, it's too ugly."

"I heard that someone said I'm ugly?" Gaia walked to the other side of Elise with an unhappy expression.

Elise crossed her arms and said, "Yes, that's what I said."

Gaia squinted her eyes and said condescendingly: "Dad made this body himself. It's so perfect. Look at how round I am."

After hearing this, Apocalypse kept gesturing to Gaia with his eyes, and he was right.

Elise held her forehead and said, "It's just you guys with big brains who think that all round shapes look best."

Maya said behind Elise: "Yeah, isn't it nice to be round? Everything goes round and round, so it is round."

Apocalypse turned back to Maya and said, "It seems I taught you these words."

Maya chuckled and said, "I think it's pretty good, so I took it out and used it."

Gaia said unhappily: "Then why don't you use what I taught you?"

Maya said aggrievedly: "Gaia, what you taught me is too violent."

Gaia was a little unhappy and when she wanted to speak, Adam said, "Okay, we're here. Stop chatting and cheer up."

Eva wiggled her stupid hair and agreed with what Adam said.

"Huh, boring." Gaia walked away minding her own business.

Adam shook his head to express his helplessness, and then said to Zhang Fan who had already arrived: "Master, what should we do next?"

Zhang Fan said to Adam: "You come and contact them. I won't come forward for the time being. We have to keep some trump cards."

Adam said, "Lord, Adam understands."

After saying that, Zhang Fan dispersed his body and switched to the perspective of the brainworms.

Several brainworms formed a semi-circular arc, and Elise, as the only queen, stood in the middle.

The hatches of the ten spaceships opened, and hundreds of guests from the Dragon Emperor's civilization appeared in front of the brainworms.

Adam moved his body and came to the front of the crowd, using the language of the Dragon Emperor's civilization and said: "Welcome, guests of the Dragon Emperor's civilization."

The group of old people were wearing space suits, and it was impossible to tell their age. Adam thought these soldiers were all young men.

The old people looked up at the tall Adam, not knowing what to say, and their hearts were full of fear.

At this time, Wenquan pushed away everyone, flew forward, and kicked Adam on the body.

This move brought the civilizations of both sides into a brief stalemate.

The first person to react was Gaia. He glared and quickly moved to the hot spring and shouted condescendingly: "You brat?! What are you doing? Do you know that you are prisoners now? Show me some respect!"

Wenquan looked at Gaia without fear and said: "It was you who killed Wang Dalu! Now I have no intention of going back alive! What can you do to me?!"

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