The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 319 Sisters

Zhang Fan asked again: "But, what kind of creatures should we use to parasitize them?"

Eva stopped waving her hair, and the entire conference room fell into silence.

Elise said at this time: "I don't understand what you are talking about. I went for a walk."

After speaking, Elise's figure disappeared into the conference room.

Athena looked left and right, Zhang Fan said: "Athena, you should leave first, you don't understand anyway."

Athena cheered and said obediently: "Master! This slave will leave now."

Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly. It didn't matter that Athena, a fighting maniac, didn't attend such a scientific meeting, but he didn't expect that Elise, the former Dragon Emperor civilization scientist, would not participate in such a meeting either, leaving everything to the brainworms.

In fact, Zhang Fan wrongly blamed Elise. It was not that she was no longer interested in science, but that she focused her mission on the aliens.

After the upgrade, the perfect organism can be infected faster, and its resistance to energy attacks is even better.

In terms of resisting energy attacks, Elise will continue to deepen her efforts to fully tap the full potential of the triple-helix gene sulfur-based creature and build it into an invincible force that can win with its terrifying infectious power.

She also knew that no matter how much the aliens upgraded, they would never be able to surpass the Zerg. Those hateful brain worms loved borrowing things and would stuff them with the Zerg if they had any good things.

Recently, after they saw that the aliens were able to withstand energy attacks, they began to study the aliens' armor and muscle structure.

Elise neither accepted nor objected to this. Anyway, it was for the good of the entire alien race, and Elise had no reason to object.

After conquering the planet Erth, Elise had another idea in mind.

Alien infections through flesh are always too slow, and they can only infect living creatures.

Because of the blood flow, they can be sent to various parts of the biological body. Once the blood does not flow after death, these perfect organisms will be useless.

The first idea is that it can parasitize dead corpses. If it can parasitize dead corpses, it may be invincible in space.

How many corpses are there in the universe? When compared with lives, it's just a lot. Even though the lives of those civilizations are counted in billions of billions, the number of deaths can be counted in Gai.

However, in the vast space, those dead lives were either cremated or whitewashed by the power of time.

Elise's plan to parasitize corpses is not to infect those creatures that have been dead for a long time, but to infect those creatures that have just died or whose bodies have not yet completely decomposed.

This greatly increases the infection rate of aliens.

Another idea, which may have to do with Angela's ability, is mental infection.

This kind of spiritual infection is not the kind of cultural invasion that Apocalypse is preparing for, but a literal spiritual infection.

This is very similar to Zhang Fan's ability, but the spirit and thinking are not on the same level.

Elise only had a general idea about this matter, and she still had to think over the specific details.

Thinking of this, Elise thought of Angela again, and after contacting her, she said: "Angela, how is the recent research on micro-cell tissue structure?"

"Oh, it turns out to be Elise. Why did you suddenly think of me? Do you want to treat me to dinner? I may not have time for this. I am studying the latest scientific research." Angela Angela said a lot of words in one breath.

Elise was a little confused, what happened? Why does every queen who joins a foreign race become insane?

Seeing that Angela was still talking, Elise quickly interrupted her and said, "Angela, I just want to ask, how is the research on the alien micro-cells going?"

Angela said: "Don't worry, this plan is lying on my experimental table. Last time Adam told me to start at the cellular level, but I found that the cells of alien civilizations are a bit big. I tried to To separate it, by the way, if I can cooperate with the master to develop modified cells on the planet Erth, it is possible that this project can be greatly accelerated. Gaia said"

Then Angela told Elise all the words that the five-minded insect had talked to her.

Elise cut off contact with Angela expressionlessly.

Elise walked mindlessly on the purple carpet, and a clicking sound appeared under her feet, just like the feeling of stepping on white snowflakes in the cold winter.

Unknowingly, Elise walked near the hive where the humans of the Dragon Emperor's civilization were resting.

Elise shook her head and said, "It's ridiculous, how did I get here."

She raised her head and saw that there seemed to be a person leaning on the outer wall of the hive in front of her. Elise thought about it and walked forward on her own.

Her entire body had maintained the appearance of a foreign queen, so she would not think that Nuan Huan would recognize her.

Nuan Nuan crossed his arms, watched Elise walk over, and said, "You're here."

Elise asked doubtfully: "What? Do you know I'm coming?"

Nuan Nuan said: "No, I didn't know you were coming."

Elise said: "You didn't know I was coming, why did you say I was coming."

Wen Nuan smiled and said, "You are still so arrogant."

Elise seemed to remember something and said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Nuan Nuan lowered his arms and said, "How many years have we not seen each other?"

Elise said: "It seems like we are meeting for the first time now."

Nuan Nuan didn't seem to hear Elise's words, and said to himself: "If you calculate the time, it has been more than one hundred and twenty years."

Elise felt warm and talked about the time of her death.

Nuan Nuan continued: "At that time, I was studying and you were a scientist. After receiving the news of your death, do you know how helpless I was?"

Elise listened to the warm words quietly: "It is also the scientific development level of the Dragon Emperor Civilization that has allowed me to survive until now. You know, the average life span of the Dragon Emperor Civilization has reached more than 210 years old. I can still It’s been a long time.”

Elise swung her tail and said, "More than 200 years old is nothing."

Nuan Nuan nodded and said: "Yes, more than 200 years is just a blink of an eye in the universe, but to meet each other in such a short period of time is true fate."

Elise smiled and said: "Ms. Wen, you keep talking about the past, it seems that you have recognized the wrong person."

Nuan Nuan walked towards Elise, her body still trembling, and she said: "Maybe I will recognize the wrong person, but that kind of inseparable emotion cannot deceive me."

Walking to Elise's side, raising her head, and then hugging you, she said warmly: "Sister, I miss you so much."

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