The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 324 Venomous Snake

Zhang Fan didn't react after hearing this, and said to the brainworms a little strangely: "Is there any problem with warp flight? Why is this Anzhu civilization so nervous?"

Maya was the first to speak. He is usually responsible for calculating curvature flight technology, and he has more say in this aspect. Maya said: "I don't know! Lord! What I sent them was only the first generation of curvature flight calculation formula, and there are three more The calculation formula for one-tenth is not written down.”

Zhang Fan said with some confusion: "This is strange. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be so nervous. This is just the most basic curvature flight technology."

Gaia said: "Dad, I think it has an inseparable relationship with the environment they live in."

Zhang Fan said: "How do you say this?"

Gaia paused to collect her thoughts and said: "Dad, the stars of this Fast light source are very close together. According to flight calculations, even ordinary nuclear fusion propulsion only takes a few years or decades. , you can reach other planets, so I don’t think they will consider that kind of long-distance flight technology at all, and I think all civilizations in this light source will not consider that kind of high-end flight mode.”

Tianqi added at this time: "Sir, Gaia is right. In addition, our curvature flight calculation method comes from the basic calculation formula of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. I understand the history of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. They once belonged to the edge of the land, so I am particularly interested in this way of flying. According to my opinion, it is not that the higher-end civilizations have higher-end flying technology, but that there is a demand for it, and the more advanced the flying technology becomes."

Zhang Fan understood what they said: "In that case, we got the curvature flight technology by accident."

Tianqi said: "Yes, sir, I guess that the advanced civilizations in the inner circle may not necessarily use curvature flight technology."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "We'll talk about this later. I don't think your groundless guess is unreasonable. You know, according to our previous calculation method, the territory occupied by advanced civilizations is very large. They need faster transportation so that they can Manage more turf.”

Tianqi looked stagnant and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, I seem to have guessed wrong."

Zhang Fan said: "It's not your fault, Adam, let's see what the other party says."

An Zhu Civilization's childish voice came again at this time, but the voice seemed a little too excited: "Hello An, respected Yinginil Civilization, I am the ninety-sixth generation descendant of An Zhu Civilization, Carakala, An , Nice to meet you, we really want to get this kind of curvature flight technology, An, I don’t know if there is anything that can be traded, this is the list we sent, please take a look, An.”

Adam received the list circulated by the other party. Most of it was mechanical technology, with only a small amount of biotechnology. However, these biotechnologies were too backward for alien civilizations.

Zhang Fan didn't get nothing from the exhibition of items on the list. At least there seemed to be a lot of weapons on them. This may also be related to the environment they were in.

Adam said to Caracalla, "I'm sorry, Mr. Caracalla, but we didn't find the technology we needed."

Leviathan was about to leave, and Anzhu Civilization quickly sent another message: "Ann! Dear guests of Ingenil Civilization! We sincerely invite you to come to our Anzhu Civilization as a guest, An! We express our warmest regards The ceremony welcomes you! Really, Ann!"

A smile appeared on Zhang Fan's lips and he said: "This is the result I want, Adam, answer them, let's go."

Adam nodded and said to An Zhu Wenming: "Mr. Caracalla, we are flattered by your invitation. Since you are so polite, we are embarrassed to refuse."

Caracalla said: "Welcome, peace, welcome, peace."

Immediately afterwards, the other party said: "Please follow us, Ann."

The spider-shaped spacecraft turned around in mid-air. Zhang Fan looked at their flying movements and said, "It seems that they also fly through anti-gravity devices."

Eva shook the stupid hair on her head, and Zhang Fan said: "You are right, the principle of anti-gravity is nothing to a race that has entered level 2 civilization."

Leviathan moved, closely keeping up with the opponent's pace. The Cerebrates yawned as they watched each other fly. It must have been flying too slowly.

Originally, it only took a few hours for Leviathan to fly this trajectory, but the Anzhu civilization flew for several weeks.

Zhang Fan and the brainworms had no time to fight with them. They ordered Leviathan to follow them and then got busy with their own affairs.

After the Zerg were upgraded again, the Hydralisk also changed its name. The new name looked more domineering, called Venomous Snake.

The venomous snake is the most venomous creature among the entire alien race, with venom flowing in its veins.

This kind of highly venomous snake would not dare to spray venom at will on the planet, because the newly developed venom will become highly volatile after being sprayed for several hours, and then the poisonous mist will spread very widely.

This poison is also extremely toxic and extremely corrosive. Even materials as strong as Titan skin will be melted through by the venom.

Zhang Fan believed that the venom of this highly venomous snake was more than enough to deal with the spider spacecraft in front of him.

In addition to being able to spray venom, the Venomous Snake also has the effect of self-explosion, which is very similar to the poisonous Baneling Bug.

After self-destruction, a highly venomous snake can release all the venom in its body. According to calculations, the poisonous mist spread by a highly venomous snake after self-destruction can reach 10,000 square kilometers, just like a nuclear explosion.

This highly toxic poison only requires 0.01 ml to kill 1 million humans of the Dragon Emperor Civilization, which shows how powerful its toxicity is.

In addition, the scythe of the venomous snake has also been modified and became extremely sharp. However, under normal circumstances, the venomous snake does not use the scythe. It will only use it when receiving a melee attack. The effect is the same as the claws of the flying springtail. similar.

The venomous snake has a blowhole added to its back, mainly for use in future space operations.

The miniaturization technology of controllable nuclear fusion has not yet been realized, and it can only be tried through jet technology.

In addition, the Thunder Beast and Phantom Bug have also been transformed.

The first is Thunder Beast. The current Thunder Beast is called Thunder Beast. As the name suggests, it is a giant beast that can use the power of thunder.

After the brain worms have analyzed the operation method of the plasma worms, they have begun all-round research and continuous transformation.

The Thunder Beast is the result of this research. This Thunder Beast is different from the Plasma Bug.

If the Plasma Bug is a fixed turret, then the Thunder Beast is a movable turret.

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