The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 330 Ruibote Civilization

The total number of alien Leviathans and Behemoths now only exceeds 100,000, which have already consumed 70% of the resources of the entire alien civilization.

Among the millions of spaceships seen so far, each spacecraft is 10 kilometers in size, and the larger ones are about 20 kilometers in size.

According to Maya's guess, these millions of spaceships are estimated to be only 10% of the existing troops of the entire Anzhu civilization.

Zhang Fan sighed: "What a powerful civilization, Gaia, are you still planning to attack now?"

Gaia had a dark face and stopped talking. He was also frightened by the number of Anzhu civilization spaceships.

However, there are only tens of thousands of mechas opposite the millions of spaceships.

These mechas are all in humanoid form, with a height of one thousand meters, which makes them look extremely small compared to this dense army of spaceships.

"An! Ruibote Civilization! You have entered the territory of Anzhu Civilization! Please evacuate! I repeat, please evacuate! An!" The spacecraft sent out an electronic broadcast, which spread over and over again.

Zhang Fan didn't know what those mechas would do, so he decided to wait and see.

At this moment, Zhang Fan heard the words coming from the mecha group: "People from Anzhu, you have been very active recently, and you haven't taken us seriously at all, have you?"

Caracalla is the person in charge of this area. When he heard the words from the other side, his pupils shrank and he exclaimed: "Copper furnace?!"

Tongluo laughed and said, "Yes! It's me! Are you Kara Little Ball?"

When Zhang Fan heard the sound of the copper furnace, the image of a bearded man appeared in his mind. The sound was too rough.

Caracalla said with a dark face: "Ann! Copper Stove! What do you want to do? An?!"

Tongluo laughed again and said, "I heard that you Anzhu people have had guests come recently, and they happened to come over to have a look when they were free. Why don't you welcome them?"

Caracalla said: "An, Anzhu people do not welcome Ruibote people! An!"

Tonglu snorted and said, "Now that I'm here, I don't intend to talk to you properly."

Caracalla looked nervously at the tens of thousands of mechas without saying anything.

At this time, one of the crimson mechas took action, and the reactor on its back began to release high temperature.

Immediately afterwards, the mecha quickly approached the Anzhu spaceship army.

Caracalla was shocked and shouted quickly: "An! Defend! An!"

Tens of thousands of spaceships took action, all aiming their guns at the crimson mecha.

At this time, the voice of the copper furnace came again: "Little ball! Isn't there any innovation? You can't catch me like this!"

Each spider spacecraft has dozens of gun ports. After these gun ports were fired at the crimson mecha, the entire space was dyed red.

These red energy cannons contained powerful power, and the overwhelming energy cannons went straight towards the crimson mecha.

Tongluo shouted: "Well done!"

The reactor started running at high speed again, and the speed of the entire mecha increased again.

Zhang Fan watched in surprise as the crimson mecha shuttled through the endless sea of ​​energy cannons.

Zhang Fan said to himself: "Such a thing could happen? How did he do it?"

The copper furnace in the mecha quickly operated the controller with both hands, and several transmission lines were connected to his head.

Turning his mechanical right eye, Tongluo said to himself: "Humph, Anzhu people are still the same."

After saying that, he pulled his hands, and the mecha began to climb, passing through a sea of ​​dense energy cannons, and came to a spider spacecraft.

Caracalla shouted: "An! Get out of the way! An!"

However, time was still too slow. The crimson mecha merged its hands, and a stream of energy condensed between the hands.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed through, directly penetrating a spider spacecraft.

The golden light's momentum continued unabated and continued to penetrate another spider spacecraft.

Zhang Fan discovered that the weapons of the Ruibao people seemed to be more advanced than those of the Anzhu people.

According to the generals of the Anzhu people, the Ruibote people should also be a level 2.2 civilization. Why is there such a big gap between the two sides?

Zhang Fan began to control Leviathan to get closer. He wanted to take a closer look.

However, the two spider spacecraft in front blocked Leviathan and sent a message saying: "An, distinguished guests of the Ingenil civilization, please stay here quietly. An, there is a war zone ahead. Too dangerous."

Zhang Fan said: "Let me see if there is anything I can help you with."

An Zhuren continued: "An, I'm sorry, guests of Ingenil, this is a war between us and Ruibote civilization, please don't interfere. An."

Although the Anzhu people on this spaceship spoke of respect, their tone was not polite at all.

Zhang Fan stopped talking and turned to Adam beside him and said: "Adam, release the eyeworm."

Adam nodded and then controlled Leviathan to start hatching the eyeworms.

Soon, the eyeworm appeared in Leviathan's mouth, and then Leviathan opened his mouth.

The spider spacecraft nervously sent a message: "An! What are you doing? An?"

Zhang Fan said helplessly: "It won't affect the two detectors."

After a period of silence, a message came from the spider spacecraft: "Ann, yes, I'm Ingenil's guest, but please don't go too far. Ann."

Zhang Fan didn't intend to do anything more, he just wanted to observe more carefully through the Eyeworm.

The dark red mecha is like a knight in space, with a powerful appearance.

After Tongluo finished dealing with a few spaceships, he stopped his attack and said, "Little Yuanqiu, tell me, what have you been doing lately? There's been quite a lot of movement."

After listening to this, Zhang Fan realized that the person who came here was looking for him, and it seemed that the other person was not an easy guy to deal with.

Caracalla said: "An, this is a matter for the Anzhu people and has nothing to do with you, An."

"It doesn't matter! Then I'll fight until it does! By the way, I can avenge the Haslak civilization." Tongluo shouted, and the mecha took action again.

Tens of thousands of mechas behind him also started their own reactors.

Tens of thousands of mechas just shuttled among the dense energy cannons.

The mechas were controlled by Ribots, and not all of them were very powerful. Some of the new partners were sacrificed in space after being concentrated by energy cannons.

Those who survive will also show strong strength in future wars. This is the Ruibaote civilization, a civilization that continues to grow in wars.

While destroying the Anzhu civilization spacecraft, Tongluo was still observing the situation around the Frontier Planet.

"Iron, go over there and have a look." Tongluo had a premonition and said to his younger brother.

"Okay brother!" After saying that, a light blue mecha flew in the direction of Zhang Fan.

Caracalla, as the battlefield commander, of course saw the mecha and sent an order: "Ann! Everyone, stop that mecha! Don't let them get close to the Ingenil! An!"

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