The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 336 Controlled Radiation Technology

"Claudia Civilization?!" Zhang Fan exclaimed, even the brainworms were shocked.

Who among the alien races doesn't know about the Cloverdale civilization. This is the advanced civilization that Zhang Fan has been exposed to for a long time. Part of Athena's thinking is the main program thinking of that space battleship.

Zhang Fan hurriedly asked: "Why are there relics of the Clowarddale civilization here?! Athena, do you still recognize the words on it?"

Athena shook her head and said: "Master, this slave cannot recognize everything. I can only know the pronunciation of some words, and some memories are incomplete."

Zhang Fan said: "It's okay. You can say as much as you know, and the brainworms will cooperate with you."

Athena nodded and began to read the words on it. The sound sounded a bit like Sanskrit.

The brainworms continued to collect the above information, and after three days of research, the results finally came out.

This stone tablet records a technology of the Cloverdale civilization.

This technology is called: controlled radiation technology.

Radiation waves are everywhere in the universe. This kind of radiation is colorless and invisible. It can only be detected but cannot be discovered.

And the so-called colorful light is actually the effect of radiation. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and violet represent wavelengths changing from long to short.

The so-called ultraviolet rays can also cause certain destructive effects on the flesh of living things.

Therefore, children should not play with ultraviolet light casually.

In the general concept, radiation waves are invisible waves that are lethal to biological bodies. The earliest discovery came from heavy metals.

As early as the ground period, Zhang Fan had collected these ores with radioactive properties. Although these heavy metals can now be used, these things were lethal at that time, and cancer cells were also affected by them.

There are long and short radiation waves. The short one is like a nuclear fusion explosion. Although the explosion still contains a large amount of radiation, it does not last too long.

It looks like a nuclear fission explosion, which converts one heavy metal substance into another heavy metal. The power of radiation can last for years or even decades.

If we want to count more powerful radiation, it is gamma rays, the culprit that caused the early extinction of alien races.

The explosion originated from an aging star, and it is not known whether that star has now become a black hole.

All we know is that the supernova explosion at that time must have wiped out countless lower civilizations.

The brainworms are constantly analyzing the inscriptions on the stone tablets, and some parts are difficult to understand. Although the Cloverdale civilization has been written in a somewhat concise and comprehensive manner, it is still a high-end technology for the current alien races.

Formulas one after another and number series combinations were placed in front of Zhang Fan. Looking at these dense numbers, Zhang Fan felt a little dizzy.

Eva came to Zhang Fan and waved her silly hair. Zhang Fan said: "It can be seen that this stone tablet itself is a high-end technology. If we want to analyze it, it will take at least decades."

Eva wiggled her silly hair, and Zhang Fan said: "Not enough? A little bit. I suddenly have a question."

Eva asked with her silly hair waving, Zhang Fan said: "That is the problem between Anzhu civilization and Ruibote civilization technology."

Eva shook her silly hair excitedly, Zhang Fan smiled and said: "You have thought of it, right? Indeed, according to Anzhu Civilization, the emergence of Ruibote Civilization is so incredible that they seem to have skipped a big The bottleneck has entered the level 2 civilization era."

Eva waved her stupid hair in thought, Zhang Fan nodded and said: "You are right, the Ruibote civilization must have discovered stone tablets similar to this technology very early on, and created powerful mechas. In addition, the spider spacecraft of the Anzhu civilization is estimated to have also adopted stone tablet technology."

Eva waved her stupid hair curiously, and Zhang Fan said: "I'm not sure about this. If it weren't for my special shape, it would be difficult to find our radiation stele. This kind of radiation energy level is based on what they have. Judging from the level of civilization, it is difficult to survive here."

Eva thought of something and her stupid hair swayed. Zhang Fan's eyes lit up and he said, "What you said makes sense. Maybe this kind of stone tablet exists due to the extremely special environment. There should be a Fast light source."

Eva waved her hair excitedly again, and Zhang Fan laughed and said, "Don't flatter me, you can't even speak properly. What you said just now is not good, it's too slow. From now on we have to look for the stone tablet."

Eva shook her stupid hair worriedly, and Zhang Fan said: "Your worries are not unreasonable. Nidhogg will conduct reconnaissance first, and then Leviathan will follow, and then plant alien seeds on every planet. .”

Eva waved her stupid hair worriedly again, and Zhang Fan said: "Well, yes, how could such a big move not attract their attention, so the expansion of the army is imminent, and we must establish our own power under their noses. .”

Eva waved her silly hair happily, Zhang Fan smiled again and said: "Okay, don't worry, you all have a chance to lead troops to fight."

Radiation technology has been researched to 10%, and it is estimated that in a few years, the aliens will be able to fully understand this technology.

After Maya's calculations, the level of this technology represents the high-end technology of a level 2.3 civilization, which is less than level 2.4. It is estimated to be the same type of thing as the waveguide attack and ripple nuclear weapons of the Dragon Emperor civilization.

Here, Zhang Fan once again made a bold idea. In the early days of level 2 civilization, nuclear weapons were basically used.

Weapons such as nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, neutron bombs, and beam energy weapons were developed during the level 1 civilization period.

One characteristic of these weapons is that they are extremely lethal and can be infinitely increased in dosage, eventually forming a power similar to a supernova explosion.

But their most obvious shortcoming is their slow speed. Whether they are exploded or exploded, their speed is very slow.

In space combat, attack speed is the first priority. Even if the power is strong, what can you do if you can't hit the enemy?

Just like how it dealt with the Beit before, the Cannonball Bug flew for a long time before rushing into the enemy army.

If this kind of attack were to face a more advanced civilization, they would only need to move the spaceship slightly, and Zhang Fan would not be able to touch the opponent no matter how hard he used the jet bug.

Level 2.1 civilizations are civilizations that can conduct space operations. Their main weapons have the characteristics of their own civilization.

Just like the Dragon Emperor Civilization Expedition Team that Zhang Fan saw early on, they used a pulse weapon. The attack characteristic of this weapon is that it is fast, but it may be somewhat lacking in power.

In addition, Zhang Fan is currently also a level 2.1 civilization, and his main weapon is the stolen plasma cannon.

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