The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 342 Reinforcements

"No! We are surrounded!" Iron Block began to return with the damaged mecha.

But halfway, they encountered the Second Legion of the Frontier Planet.

Tie Nian hurriedly led the remaining Ribot warriors to evade, but he did not expect that the group of spider spaceships were chasing after them.

"Captain! I was hit! Go back and tell Kalia that I can't marry her." The lower body of one team member had become bloody and bloody, and painful sweat oozed from his forehead.

Tie Nian gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry! Brother! I will bring your words to you!"

The team member smiled and then activated the mecha's self-destruction system.

In this area, there was far more than just one explosion. Dozens of mechas exploded with brilliant sparks in space.

Killing you while you are sick is a wise saying in the dark forest law of the universe. The spider spacecraft once again increased their output power.

The iron block's eyes turned red, and the operating levers held by the two mechanical arms began to rattle.

"Is this what I told you here? I haven't avenged my people yet! Cruel!" Tie Nian shouted in despair.

"Brother! Don't worry! We are coming!" Just when the evacuating troops were about to be wiped out, a voice of hope reached their ears.

"Is that the sound of Platinum Piece? The Second Master has sent reinforcements?!" Tie Nian's eyes were filled with hope.

He shouted: "Brothers! Charge with me! The support troops are coming!"

The damaged mechas stopped escaping and began to return to launch a suicide attack on the spider spacecraft.

The leader of the Second Legion of the Anzhu people immediately ordered an attack, but he did not expect that his rear was hit hard.

"An! Sorry, reinforcements from the other side are coming so quickly? An?!" The legion commander jumped up and down in the command spaceship anxiously.

He tried to contact Caracalla, but the call was always busy.

The legion commander said angrily: "An! Then let me, Jiragila, taste how powerful you are! An!"

Jilagila is also a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He is a seventh-generation son, born in the capital galaxy, and he also holds a high position in the Anzhu family.

His mother is one of the current deputy leaders of the Anzhu people.

Jiragila Thinker Caracalla taught him some combat skills, and then hurriedly ordered: "An, the troops on both wings spread out and circle around the enemy in the rear. The troops in the front continue to destroy the damaged mechas, and the troops in the rear form a formation. , hold on to me! An."

The entire spider spaceship army started to take action, and Platinum Piece was not a fool. When he saw the two wings spreading out, he knew that the opponent wanted to encircle them.

He shouted: "Brothers! Come with me and cut off one of their arms first!"

Subsequently, the reinforcing mecha troops quickly moved towards the right wing.

Jiragila was a little panicked when he saw this situation. He didn't understand why these Ribots were so uneasy about playing tricks.

The right-wing army was violently attacked, and the formation became extremely messy. Platinum Piece notified the iron block to rush here, and then he moved towards the middle army again.

The platinum piece said to itself: "Three, two, one, scatter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the army in the middle dispersed as if they had received the order from the platinum piece. As soon as they turned around, they collided with the mechas.

Jiragila shouted again: "An! What's going on?! An?! Who can tell me why they are coming back?! An?!"

No one could answer him. He was the key to winning this battle. All the Anzhu people of the Second Legion were nervously waiting for Gila Gila to give the order.

Jiragila said fiercely: "An! Destroy those damaged mechas first! An, they want to rescue, but I won't let them succeed. An."

Platinum Piece thought that Gila Gila would form a formation again to counterattack, but unexpectedly the armies on both wings flew in the direction of Iron Piece.

Bo Pian yelled something bad in his heart, and then hurriedly contacted Tie Niao and said: "Iron Nugget! Two armies are coming towards you! You should retreat quickly!"

Of course Iron Block discovered the situation in front of him. There was nothing to hide in the empty space.

The majestic two armies pressed the iron block a little hard, but he still had to act. He looked back at the dense defense satellites, swallowed his saliva and shouted: "Brothers! Follow me!"

Immediately afterwards, the iron block rushed towards the defense satellite.

The spider army followed closely behind, and Platinum Piece also began to catch up.

The group of defense satellites once again discovered the uninvited guests, turned the muzzle of their guns, and made preparations for launching towards the iron army.

However, they found that there was a legion of troops hanging behind the iron block. They hesitated a little. If they shot, it would definitely cause damage to the rear troops.

In just this moment of hesitation, Iron Block had already approached the defense satellites, and he was overjoyed.

"Platinum! I'm on the defense satellite side! They don't dare to attack!" Tie Nian shouted excitedly.

Platinum Piece was equally happy and said: "It's really yours! Don't worry! I will kill those spider spaceships, and you can see if I can destroy the launch system of the defense satellite."

Both the iron block and the platinum piece began to act, one side was entangled with the Second Legion, and the other side began to look for ways to destroy the defense satellites.

The defense satellite is like a huge fortress, with some sophisticated machinery inside. After the iron block drilled into a passage, he drooled with envy.

After entering the defense satellite, the space inside began to become narrower, and defense forces on the satellite began to appear around it.

The group of Anzhu people were also wearing mechas and holding weapons, but they were dozens of sizes smaller than the iron mechas.

"An! Ruibote people go to hell! An!"

"An! Drive out the Ruibote people! Victory belongs to us Anzhu people! An!"

The iron block controlled the remaining movable body and punched several small mechas with one punch, then said: "Noisy!"

Although the team members cannot deal with the huge spider spacecraft now, they are more than enough to deal with these little guys.

After ping-ping-pong-pong killed the Anzhu ground defense force like a mole, a team member shouted: "Captain! The spider spacecraft is approaching!"

Iron Block said: "Let's keep moving forward! If necessary, abandon the mecha and enter the satellite!"

Facing the huge defense satellite, the size of the spider spacecraft seemed a bit small, and Gila Gila regretted not shooting immediately.

Losing a defense satellite is nothing. As long as there are resources, it can be built. The top priority is to wipe out those Ruibote people.

Gila Gila ordered the spider spacecraft to surround the defense satellite, and then launched a fierce attack on the mechas from every corner.

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