The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 345 Iron Soldier

The iron block couldn't control that much anymore, and he waved his arm and shouted: "Brothers! The control room is right in front of you! Come with me!"

The red-eyed Ruibao people pounced on the frightened Anzhu people like evil tigers.

Their backbone, the stationmaster of the defense satellite, had long died in the previous battle.

The more they beat, the more scared they became, and the more they beat, the more frightened they became. These Ruibao people kept beating the Anzhu robot as if they were not tired.

Finally, when he arrived at the door of the control room, Iron Block opened the heavy door without saying a word and shouted: "Come in quickly!"

Both sides were awakened by a loud noise. The Anzhu people were desperate and the Ruibao people were excited. After punching the robot away, the remaining Ruibao people all entered the control room.

Iron Block quickly closed the thick door, then removed his mechanical left arm to hold it against the door.

Tie Nian took a breath and said, "How many people are left now?"

One team member said: "Captain, there are still twenty-six people. Too many brothers have died. This is the battle with the most deaths for us in the past few years."

Tie Nian looked at him and said: "No, this is a war. This is a crucial war that determines whether we can defeat the Anzhu people."

Tie Nian looked at a long passage with blue light and said: "The main console is right in front of you, let's go there."

"Captain! Leave it to me!" After saying that, he ran forward excitedly.

At this moment, a blue laser in front of them rushed past his eyes.

Iron Block yelled: "Be careful!"

However, it was too late. The laser swept across the team member's neck and cut off his head flushly without a trace of blood. There were currently 25 people in total.

The laser's momentum continued unabated and continued to rush towards Iron Block and the others. Iron Block shouted again: "Squat down!"

All the team members hurriedly squatted down and cut off a few hairs with the laser.

The hair slowly fell to the ground, and just as everyone was taking a breath, a shorter laser came from the front.

This time there was no need for the iron block to prompt some people to take off and some to lie down, and the iron block chose to lie down.

In the chaos, someone will always make mistakes, and three more team members were killed, bringing the total number to 22.

Iron Block knew that he could not continue to waste away like this, so he shouted: "Come on me if you are not afraid of death!"

The iron block rushed to the first position again, and a laser 30 centimeters above the ground swept over.

Iron Block crossed the laser with a long stride. Fortunately, no team members were injured this time.

Immediately afterwards, a cross-like laser rotated towards Iron Block and the others.

Iron Block's pupils shrank and he murmured: "Oh, no!"

Although he was nervous, his body was honest. With a leap of faith, he crossed the cross laser net like a straight javelin.

After the iron block fell to the ground, they saw a tragic scene. At least a dozen team members were cut into pieces by the laser.

Iron Block's eyes were red, he turned over and ran again, and three horizontal bars appeared in front of him.

The iron block passed over again, and a large piece of skin was swept away from the abdomen, revealing the burnt belly.

Finally reaching the exit of another section, he quickly turned around and shouted: "Come here quickly!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a laser net appearing behind the team members.

There was no way to escape this net, so the remaining team members were torn apart by the five lasers.

Tie Nian closed his eyes, knowing that he would not survive. A hot breath appeared in front of him, and the past events began to echo in his mind.

When he was a child, his mother told him that this kind of scene would only appear before death, and now he realized it.

However, just when Iron Block thought he was going to die, the laser stopped at the tip of his nose, and a layer of skin was burned off on his nose.

Tie Nian opened his eyes and found that it was the mechanical arm he left behind that had performed a meritorious service. It interfered with the program's judgment.

After the laser disappeared, Iron Block opened the door with the power of his right arm and entered the main program control center full of science fiction.

When he came to the console, he stretched out his right arm and used his teeth to take out a chip. This was the anti-control system that every Rebot had.

After inserting this chip into the main program, the entire defense satellite system went into shutdown.

Tie Nian breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground. He felt a little sorry for his brothers. He originally promised them to escape together, but now he is the only one alive.

At this moment, the main program restarted, and the original red was replaced by blue. Iron Block knew that he had succeeded.

So, he conveyed his voice into the microphone: "Platinum piece! Leave quickly! I'm going to attack!"

Platinum did not expect that the iron block would actually succeed. He was surprised at first, and then saw the blue light coming from the muzzle of the defense satellite and shouted: "Oh my God, get out of the way!"

The platinum troops retreated quickly, and then a dazzling blue light shot out from the defense satellite, directly hitting the Second Legion's army.

When Jirajila saw the blue light heading towards him, he shouted in despair: "An! No!!"

Later, Blue Slide passed the command spacecraft, the leader of the Second Legion, Gila Gila.

When the commander of the Third Army received the bad news, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly ordered the reinforcements to return.

Because the remaining defense satellites have pointed their guns at the iron block.

Tie Nian once again spread his voice: "Eradicate the tyranny of the Anzhu people! Victory belongs to the Ruibao people!"

Hundreds of huge red beams bombarded the defense satellite where the iron block was located. A great warrior died in this way, and all Ruibote people mourned in silence.

Mithril clenched his fists tightly, and his breathing began to increase. He really wanted to use the big guy now, but it was still not time.

"Copper Furnace! The iron block was sacrificed! Protect yourself!" Mithril conveyed his order to the Copper Furnace.

Tonglu fell into silence at first, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Iron died on the battlefield, and this was his glory."

Mithril continued: "I don't want any more sacrifices of warriors."

Tonglu said: "Who can say for sure?"

Copper Furnace has found the headquarters and also found the underground backup headquarters, but Caracalla was not found inside.

Tonglu looked up to the sky and sighed: "God didn't want you to die so early! What a pity!"

Caracalla had resumed command at this time. Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, Gila Gila died on the battlefield. How would he explain to the deputy leader in the future?

"An, forget it, just leave it to fate. An." Caracalla said in despair.

At this time, the subordinates received a notice and shouted excitedly: "An! Commander! The first reinforcement army is about to arrive! In addition! The warp flight technology has been successfully researched! The second reinforcement force is also coming soon! An!"

Caracalla dispersed the gloom on his face, smiled and said: "An! Finally succeeded! An!"

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