The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 369 Three Tribes’ Powerful Efforts

Mithril said to the brothers around him: "Everyone must have understood that this time we go out to fight not to confront the Yinginir people, but to lead them to the Anzhu army."

A soldier asked: "Second Master, will they come?"

Mithril said: "When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we fight. As long as they can't stand it anymore, they will definitely pursue us with all their strength."

Mithril paused and then said: "What's more, we still have a backup plan."

the other side.

"Ann! Commander Caracalla! We have entered the area of ​​influence of Tianan Star and are about to make contact with the enemy! Ann!" A messenger reported the current situation to Caracalla.

Caracalla said: "An, prepare for war with all your strength, and let the vanguard go to investigate first. An."

A team of one million spider ships set off, saying it was for reconnaissance, but this momentum could not be concealed at all.

Adam learned about the movements of the reconnaissance team through the Eyeworm, and said to Maya: "Maya, are you all ready?"

Maya nodded and said: "Get ready, let them taste the power of fireworks!"

As soon as he finished speaking, millions of troops entered a meteorite area. The team leader said: "An, everyone move forward carefully. We are only responsible for reconnaissance, not the main force! An!"

"An! Got it! An!" the team members replied excitedly.

This meteorite area is very large. There was originally a white dwarf star here, but the life of the white dwarf star came to an end, and the fragments turned into meteorites in this starry sky.

Maya stared at the team, counting down in her mind: "Three, two, one! Explode!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" A huge explosion occurred in this meteorite area. Shock waves scattered the surrounding meteorites and enveloped the entire spider spaceship team.

This is Adam's ambush. There are countless nuclear banelings buried in this meteorite area. The yield of these nuclear banelings is more than 100 million tons.

The meteorite area in the main film turned into a sea of ​​nuclear explosions, and the millions of teams were submerged in it.

Caracalla was horrified. Fortunately, it was not a large force advancing, but millions of spaceships were killed and it was not broken.

To be on the safe side, Caracalla ordered the 10 million-level spider spacecraft to charge as the vanguard.

Ten million spaceships, not to mention these 10-kilometer-level behemoths, even ten million ants are terrifying, okay? Once spread out, they can be counted in astronomical units.

Adam observed their dynamics through Euglena and said to Gaia: "Gaia, what happens next is up to you."

Gaia curled her lips and said, "Humph, I wouldn't listen to you if it wasn't an emergency."

Then, hundreds of thousands of Behemoths took off. Compared to before, their condition was much better and they could fully adapt to the current battle without being beaten to the point of being beaten by the opponent.

Caracalla had already discovered the big group of guys. He quickly ordered the formation, and then a twenty-kilometer-class spaceship appeared in front of the array.

Caracalla ordered to fire, and then the spider spacecraft poured its energy into the spacecraft in front.

A huge red energy cannon hit the Behemoth army.

The meteorites along the way broke into pieces when touched, which showed the terrifying power of this energy cannon.

Gaia was shocked, but quickly calmed down. There was still some time for the energy cannon to attack, so he ordered Behemoth to imitate the Anzhu people and fire a huge energy cannon.

The artillery shells from both sides exploded into brilliant sparks in the meteorite area, and shock waves shattered the surrounding world.

Seeing this, Caracalla once again sent more troops and fired an even larger energy cannon.

Gaia knew that this time was not of the same magnitude as before and could not resist forcefully, so she ordered Behemoth to change direction quickly.

However, the energy cannon was too fast and powerful, and thousands of Behemoths were still killed in the beam sweep.

Gaia said: "Adam! I can't hold it anymore. There are too many opponents. Are you ready?"

Adam nodded and said: "When you are ready, you can retreat, Maya, it's up to you."

Maya nodded and said confidently: "Leave it to me!"

In another corner of the battlefield, there are millions of Leviathan hidden. Their main job is not to charge into battle, but the number of them is not enough to fill your teeth.

Their mission was to make fixed turrets for the plasma bugs. After adjusting the angle, Maya quickly ordered: "Fire!"

"Bang bang bang!" Blue plasma balls hit the spider spacecraft army one after another. They were just a little slow in speed, but they were more powerful.

After step-by-step improvements, the plasma cannon fired by the plasma bugs has long been far more powerful than a nuclear explosion.

Caracalla had long discovered an unusual energy. He knew it was the opponent's ambush force. He sneered in his heart, did he think he could defeat the invincible Anzhu people with just these number of shells? dream.

A protective shield covered the spider spacecraft army, and after a flash of lightning, the army revealed its true form again.

Caracalla sneered in his heart, it was quite powerful, but it could not penetrate the Anzhu people's defense.

Maya said that he was very calm, his task was completed, and he would leave it to Adam.

Adam smiled and said: "Fortunately, these little guys survived, otherwise I would have no soldiers to use."

Gaia frowned and said, "Is your method feasible? I'm a little worried."

Adam said: "It depends on people. May the Lord bless you."

In fact, there are a large number of larvae hidden in the plasma cannon, and the nutritional energy in their bodies has already entered a loaded state.

After withstanding the power of the plasma cannon, it floated quietly among the spider spaceships.

They hatched quickly, and milky-white cocoons appeared in front of the spider spacecraft.

Caracalla received the news that countless white cocoons appeared in the two squadrons, and they seemed to be still alive.

Caracalla thought to himself, this is not going to be another explosion. Looking at this extremely small cocoon with a diameter of only one meter, Caracalla decided to ignore them for the time being and continue to move forward, destroying the opponent with its devastating power.

Adam is waiting, Gaia and Maya are also waiting. Biological civilization has this problem. It takes time to wait. You see how good other people's technological civilization is. As long as there are enough materials, countless factories can assemble it.

Not long after the spider ship advanced, the poisonous baneling hatched out and flapped its short lower limbs in space.

Caracalla observed this creature. They were all green, as inconspicuous as green leaves floating in space.

According to the supervisor's experience, the more terrifying the substance, the darker its color, because that is the state it appears after being concentrated.

Experts also commented on these creatures and promised Caracalla that this was just a cover-up of the Ingenil civilization.

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