The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 373 Insect Tide

Tongluo's mecha stabbed Tongluo's mecha with a dagger and said tremblingly: "I don't want my brother to be eaten by them like this."

Tongluo's vision began to blur, and his mechanical eyes gradually lost color. He used his last strength to say: "You bastard"

After saying that, Tonglu lowered his head and left this world forever.

Tongluo pulled out the dagger, looked at the blood flowing on it, and roared in pain.

Elise had stopped attacking and was watching the brothers kill each other.

Tongluo's eyes lost color and said: "I am indeed a bastard and a coward. Brother, brother is here to accompany you."

After saying that, he pierced the dagger into his body, and did not forget to start the destruction process. In an instant, the gong and the copper furnace were reduced to ashes.

Elise watched all this quietly. She walked out of the conqueror's mouth and floated in space with a swipe of her tail.

Elise has imitated the technical principles of anti-gravity creatures, so she can float in space. As long as Elise is willing, she can change all the alien genes.

Seeing the conquerors around her also losing their lives, Elise looked at her paws and said, "Is the war over? No, this is just the beginning."

Elise swung her tail, flew quickly, and then entered a curvature flight trajectory.

Athena has begun to attack the Anzhu people's rear area frantically.

The bright planets were devoured by countless flying springtails.

They are like a torrent falling from outer space, they can only be described as countless.

Donagon, on the other hand, blocked the attacking batches of Anzhu troops.

Athena stood on Donagon's head with her hands folded across her chest, looking at everything with contempt. All living beings were just stepping stones for the Lord.

Athena twisted her neck, spread her wings, and assumed the same standing posture as Donagon and said: "The world belongs to the Lord!"

After saying that, red light shone in the gaps between the black scales, exactly like Donagon's posture.

In a flash, he turned on the ATP force field and hit the protective shield with the violent energy cannon attack.

Under the extremely shocked gazes of the Anzhu people, Athena tore open the protective cover of the spider spacecraft with her bare hands.

He punched through the deck of the spaceship and jumped into the cabin.

The gates of the Anzhu people were torn apart by Athena like paper, and Athena strolled into the command cabin.

Looking at the Anzhu man who was trembling all over and whose face was getting worse and worse, Athena said contemptuously again: "How do you want to die?"

"An!!" The Anzhu people went crazy. They picked up weapons with their tentacles and kept firing at Athena.

Athena stood still, letting the energy cannon explode on her body.

Dust filled the entire command cabin, and Athena said gloomily: "Is this your last strength? It's too weak."

After saying that, a sharp claw grabbed the head of an Anzhu man and picked him up.

This Anzhu man wrapped his tentacles around Athena's black-scaled arm and kept shouting peacefully.

With a slight exertion of his claws, the Anzhu man exploded in his hand like a ball of meat.

Pieces of meat were everywhere, and the pieces of meat stuck to Athena's scales slowly slid to the ground. Her scales were still as shiny.

The remaining Anzhu people were truly desperate when they saw this scene.

Imagine that a person is torn apart by five horses in front of him. How terrifying that feeling is. Even if they are warriors, they cannot withstand this fear.

Athena looked at the stunned Anzhu people and slapped her tail heavily on the floor, creating a crack like a spider web.

She said: "It's boring, I thought it would be fun, then the game is over."

Athena's body shone red again, she raised her head and opened her mouth, letting out a roar that seemed to come from ancient times.

A dark golden fire erupted from Athena's mouth and penetrated the spider spacecraft in an instant.

The lingering power of the fire remained unabated, penetrating through the spider spaceships one after another with incomparable power.

Then, Athena turned her neck and drew a circle, and the fire light drew a huge arc like a whip.

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge explosion occurred in the Anzhu people's army, and Athena stood in the explosion, like a demon from the abyss.

Athena held out her hand and said, "Donagon!"

Donagon also opened his mouth, and in the same action as Athena before, he sprayed out a more powerful beam.

All matter in a straight line is annihilated.

Athena calls this move the annihilation ray.

Athena was confident that even the superior Dragon Emperor civilization could not withstand this terrifying annihilation ray, which was the ultimate technology of the ancient civilization Clowarddale Civilization.

After doing all this, Athena continued to attack the vast land of the Anzhu people, where she wanted to sow the seeds of alien races.

Caracalla also fell into silence after receiving the news from the base camp, but now there is no way out, there is no way back, either the other party will die, or he will die.

In front of Caracalla's army, the number of opponents seemed to be constantly increasing.

Caracalla knew that he could not wait any longer and must launch an attack. Even if the opponent had a special weapon that could affect the spacecraft, he must attack, otherwise the final outcome would be complete defeat.

The five-minded insects controlled the Zerg army. After seeing the attack of the Caracalla army, they also launched an attack. This was a full-scale attack by the two armies.

Zhang Fan watched all this silently and said, "Do you know what Zerg is?"

The brainworms shook their heads, and Zhang Fan continued: "Devour, cruelty, and fearlessness, starting from a planet, constantly evolving, and eventually turning into a boundless sea of ​​insects."

The brainworms listened carefully to Zhang Fan's words, and he continued: "If you want to avoid being eliminated, you can only become the strongest and make all civilizations in the universe feel fear."

Zhang Fan waved his hand and said: "Go! Let them feel the real sea of ​​insects!"

The brainworms know that this is the supreme will of the master. They check the resources and shout in their hearts: "Sea of ​​insects! Enough!"

Countless hives hatched larvae, which quickly transformed into giant space troops.

All planets are filled with the sound of cracking insect eggs, and the space carpet is also hatching troops.

The entire Zerg world has never been so crazy.

Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions!

To the Zerg, they were just a number, and soon a billion-strong army gathered and rushed into the battlefield.

Feeling the strength of the opponent and the Zerg army that was equal in size to our own, Caracalla's heart sank, knowing that I could fight back.

Seeing that the opponent gave up long-range attacks and relied on the power of his body, Caracalla knew that the future of the Anzhu people would be slim.

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