The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 379 Conquest

Seeing the Zerg eating the Anzhu people, Zhang Fan savored their taste carefully. He found that the Zerg particularly liked this soft and furry creature, which seemed to taste good.

Zhang Fan was thinking: "After the mother body is captured, the alien delicacies will have a new twist."

A bloody scene occurred in the command spacecraft, which had seriously irritated all the spider spacecrafts.

Without the command of the supreme commander, these spaceships became headless flies and began to flee. Zhang Fan quickly ordered a pursuit.

The remaining fragments of the spider ship are everywhere along the way.

These metal fragments were a good thing, and the miners cleaned up the battlefield and dragged them back to the planet.

After the metal minerals are mixed in a certain proportion, the strength of the bones of the Zerg can be improved, and the strength of the claws and teeth will also be improved.

Zhang Dan looked at the escaping spider spaceships and waved his hand: "All-out attack!"

As a result, billions of alien armies rushed towards every corner of the Fast Light Source.

Zhang Fan said to the brainworms: "That's what war is. Give the right instructions at the right time. Okay, now it's time to harvest. Find the mother body for me."


Athena, who was in a stalemate with another group of Anzhu troops, also learned about the victory on the frontline battlefield.

After receiving this news, Athena launched an even more violent attack regardless of whether the alien army would be destroyed by the opponent.

Most of the spider ships held back Donagon's pace, and they didn't expect that other troops would suddenly become so crazy and launch a completely suicidal attack.

This suicide attack made very good progress, not only rescuing Donagon, but also split the spider spacecraft army into two sections with its indomitable momentum.

At this time, reinforcements arrived, and together with Athena, they destroyed the entire army.

In the capital galaxy of the Anzhu civilization, the leader has become decadent. He has been like this since Caracalla's death. Although he has been impeached many times, there is no way for the leader to step down now during the war.

The entire Anzhu civilization was in turmoil. Although spider spacecraft were still being manufactured, this was only a drop in the bucket.

Leviathan brought several Nidhogg to the capital galaxy, avoided countless defense satellites, and crashed into a planet in the eyes of the senior leaders of the Anzhu civilization.

An unprecedented tsunami erupted across the entire planet, and the entire world entered its doomsday.

However, this is not the final doomsday. The real doomsday is the arrival of the Zerg.

In the ocean, marine insectoids have hatched. After the worker shrimps quickly laid down the deep-sea fungus carpet, the remaining sea wolves cooperated with the sky-swallowing beasts and attacked the Anzhu civilization's navy.

Looking down from space, the sea is filled with black shadows.

The sky-swallowing beast roared, jumped out of the sea, and overturned an aircraft carrier. The remaining sea wolves scrambled to tear apart the Anzhu people.

The most powerful one is the behemoth of the deep sea. It looks like an octopus, but it is not an octopus. It has more tentacles.

It has a huge jaw and countless terrifying tentacles. Each tentacle has a powerful attack power and can swamp any creature at will. Moreover, several tentacles are dispatched at the same time each time, which increases the lethality.

Each creature sucked in by the tentacles is transported to its head, where it chews up the bones and then spits out the bones, sucking only the fluids from the body.

The evolved deep-sea behemoth Zhang Fan also gave it a new name, Otwa.

Otwa were originally a primitive worm, but they had a very strange structure and had thin ridges in their bodies.

Otwa is invincible in the ocean. If the sky-devouring beast is a sperm whale, then Otwa is the giant squid.

In addition, the plasma eel also showed its amazing fighting power.

Huge lightning balls are often seen in the sea. This is the power erupted by the plasma eel, just like a nuclear explosion in the sea.

Countless ships were blown to pieces by this explosion, and the people of Anzhu were burned into charcoal.

In the sky, the Zerg air force also fought with the Anzhu Civilization's fighter planes. The first one to appear was still the Flying Blade Dragon.

These flying blade dragons caused great trouble to the Anzhu fighters.

First of all, from the perspective of maneuverability, the Flying Blade Dragon can turn at right angles, which is not comparable to that of a fighter plane. The Flying Blade Dragon can bite the opponent's tail anytime and anywhere.

After biting the tail, flying blade bugs will be launched. These small bugs can turn in the air and explode when they hit the fighter plane.

Apart from these two surprises, what made pilot An Zhu despair the most was the terrifying regenerative power of the Flying Blade Dragon.

After the Flying Blade Dragon was hit by the laser cannon, pilot An Zhu thought he had a chance to win. Unexpectedly, when these ferocious and terrifying creatures appeared again, the wounds had already healed!

In addition, the bombing force is composed of Devouring Beasts and Air Guards.

The Devouring Beast is still the same, except that its flight state has been changed to an anti-gravity creature, and its bombing power has been increased. Overall, not much has changed.

The biggest change is the air guards. Originally they were like fat worms floating in the air, swallowing virus spores.

But now they look more like a ball, with balls covered with jets all over their body. Zhang Fan named them anti-aircraft cysts.

These airborne spores can be squeezed to release chain spores.

These chain spores will spit out mucus after attaching to the enemy. The mucus will form filaments, which can not only control the enemy's movements, but also produce a cutting effect after solidification.

The Devourers sprayed nuclear banelites, uprooting city after city.

Just like that, another planet where the Anzhu people migrated changed hands.

The alien army conquered two-thirds of the territory in a very short period of time. They cleaned up all civilizations, retaining only a few races that Zhang Fan found interesting, and eliminated all others.

One of these civilizations is called Dabo Civilization. One of their characteristics is that every birth is a twin, and the twins can share their minds.

Zhang Fan has done some experiments and found that this kind of sharing of thoughts can be effective no matter how far away it is. Maybe this can have a certain effect on his own thinking research.

There is another race, which is a biological civilization. It is also a pyramid civilization like the alien race. However, the reproduction of this biological civilization is too slow. Zhang Fan is considering whether to change their genes.

They mainly have four forms, the most basic form is the infection form, also called the infected body.

A bit like a spore, it is a small spherical life form with a small protruding brown horn hanging down at the top of its back. There are many tentacles on the lower part of the spherical body. These tentacles are similar to the legs of the infected body. The infected body relies on the tentacles to make sinusoidal movements. , and get closer to the goal in this way.

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