The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 381 The Terrifying Matrix

The size of the mother body is getting bigger and bigger, and countless Anzhu people are flying towards this direction after receiving the influence of the mother body.

After discovering the heresy, Zhang Fan said: "Let Nidhogg surround the mother body and eliminate those Anzhu people first."

Millions of Nidhogg flew towards the mother body, surrounding the entire planet.

Those Anzhu people were already unconscious, so Nidhogg easily got rid of them.

However, this situation angered the mother body, and she kept roaring. Even in space, you can see thousands of his big mouths opening.

Zhang Fan stared at the mother's body closely, with an ominous premonition in his heart. Sure enough, the mother's body moved.

The mother body on the entire planet squirmed and seemed to be gathering.

When the earth appeared in front of Zhang Fan again, it had become a barren wasteland, and all life had been swallowed up by the mother body, even the sea water was not spared.

The mother body gathered faster and faster, and Zhang Fan fired at the mother body again.

However, these energy cannons were still blocked.

Zhang Fan said: "Use the devil virus to attack. He is a living creature, and we are also living creatures. It is best to use the most primitive attack methods."

So, the lord appeared with the host. Their changes were not very big. They turned hydrogen flight into anti-gravity flight, increased the size, and could only be regarded as a small transport force.

They slowly floated towards the mother body. Of course, the mother body discovered this group of uninvited guests and swatted them all into powder with its tentacles.

The demon virus took the opportunity to invade the mother's body.

However, when Zhang Fan went to feel it, he discovered that the mother body did not simply rely on the Anzhu people to absorb energy. It could actually absorb the energy of sunlight, and the efficiency was not low.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Fan accelerated the spread and disease-causing speed of the demon virus.

The mother felt the pain in her body and kept roaring. He had never encountered such a virus, such a terrifying virus so quickly.

As a result, the mother closed her mouth and her body slowly shrank.

Zhang Fan knew this was an excellent opportunity, and after increasing the attack power of the virus, he ordered the army to encircle and suppress the mother body.

However, an unexpected situation occurred, and the mother's body suddenly expanded, and then exploded.

After the explosion, countless pieces of meat flew into space, and each piece of meat squirmed in space, as if they were still alive.

Some pieces of meat spattered onto the alien army.

Immediately afterwards, a situation occurred that shocked Zhang Fan extremely.

Those pieces of meat are trying to devour the alien army.

Zhang Fan originally thought that the foreign army's solid exoskeleton and strong muscles would be able to withstand this kind of devouring.

Unexpectedly, these pieces of flesh could swallow anything. Even the exoskeleton was corroded and swallowed into the mother's body.

On a Leviathan, chunks of maternal flesh corroded the exoskeleton, devoured the muscles, and then fell into the Leviathan's body.

Zhang Fan tried to regenerate Leviathan's muscles at high speed, but he found that these damaged muscles were covered with maternal body fluids.

These fluids inhibit Leviathan's regeneration.

In its body, the mother body is still absorbing nutrients, and its size becomes larger and larger.

The eggs in Leviathan's body hatched automatically and launched a fierce attack on the mother's body.

However, the mother body is like a solid mountain, allowing the Zerg to launch attacks, such as plasma cannons, energy cannons, sharp cutting blades, etc., these attacks are like mud and cattle entering the sea.

Leviathan was also quickly absorbed, and finally the mother body swallowed the entire Leviathan, turning into a new huge mother body, opening its mouth and letting out a silent roar.

This situation is not rare. Many foreign armies were infected by the mother body and then devoured. In desperation, Zhang Fan could only order a retreat.

After the alien army retreated, the new mothers slowly began to gather together, and the demonic viruses also disappeared.

Zhang Fan held an emergency meeting. He knew that this was the most terrifying enemy he had ever faced.

The brainworms racked their brains, but no matter what method they used, they could not cause harm to the mother. Not only that, the size of the mother seemed to become even larger.

Under this situation, Zhang Fan's priority changed, dealing with the remaining Anzhu people first, and then dealing with the mother body.

After wiping out all the Anzhu people, Zhang Fan discovered that the size of the mother body had grown to 2,000 kilometers, almost turning into a planet, and now it became more difficult to deal with.

Zhang Fan said with some surprise: "What kind of creature is this thing? Why has it become so huge?"

Tianqi said: "Sir, do you still remember some of what Tongluo said?"

Zhang Fan thought for a while and said: "You mean this mother body may also be a relic left by a higher civilization?"

Tianqi nodded and said: "Yes, sir, if it were not a product of advanced civilization, it would not be possible to have such strong strength."

After a pause, Apocalypse added: "And if it develops naturally according to the laws of the universe, it will definitely be biological diversity, and there will not be such an unlimited growth monster."

Zhang Fan looked at Tianqi and said, "Is there any way to deal with this creature?"

Apocalypse shook his head and said: "After the demon virus expires, I have no way to deal with him."

Zhang Fan spat and said, "What a difficult question."

At this moment, Angela said: "Master, can you use star attack?"

"Star attack? Star guidance technology?" Zhang Fan said doubtfully.

Angela nodded, and then spoke at length about her conjectures and some theoretical data.

After listening to this, Zhang Fan said: "This method should be feasible, but, look."

Zhang Fan adjusted the screen to the Eyeworm, and then he said to Angela: "Did you see that after absorbing the alien army, the mother body mastered anti-gravity flight, and is now able to move quickly, and the star guide cannot catch up."

Angela was silent for a moment and then said: "Then Master, if we use stellar compression technology and reactor technology together, can we deal with him?"

When Zhang Fan heard Angela talking like this, a flash of inspiration seemed to flash in his mind, and then he said: "No, Angela, maybe I know the meaning of Starry Sky Detention."

In space, there are endless strange lives. Their appearance is only unexpected and impossible.

Countless ideas, with the permission of the God of the Universe, have built a huge universe of biological diversity.

The mother body is the product left behind by ancient advanced civilization.

Maybe that civilization has disappeared in the long river of history, maybe that civilization has reached the pinnacle of the world.

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