The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 388 Alien Light Source

Everyone was staring closely at the spine crawlers. They suddenly scattered in front of the wormhole, like a goddess scattering flowers.

These spine reptiles felt the will of the master and rushed to accelerate through the ATP force field.

Through acceleration, countless spine crawlers submerged into the wormhole, and then emerged from another wormhole.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Fan knew that he had succeeded, no, the entire alien race had succeeded, and the artificial wormhole was nothing more than that.



"Lord! Long live!"

Damn it! Who is shouting long live again? Didn't you say you're not allowed to use this word? Curse me, right? Zhang Fan cursed helplessly but happily.

When he walked towards the wormhole again, Zhang Fan's eyes softened, as if he were looking at a peerless treasure.

The two wormholes seemed to have become a bridge, entering from the left and exiting from the right. Then without slowing down, the spine crawler entered the wormhole on the left again, and so on, until the wormhole completely disappeared into the universe.

And those spine reptiles lost the role of the perfect passage like the wormhole and began to scatter, slowly moving towards the black hole under the influence of the black hole's gravity.

Zhang Fan counted the number of spine reptiles. It seemed that not a single one was missing? What if you clearly promised that you would enter the other world? Why not?

According to previous space theory speculations, space has both positive and negative sides. The space Zhang Fan is in is called the surface world, while the inner world represents the hidden world of space.

He thought that after the wormhole disappeared, the spine reptiles would be brought into the other world. At worst, the spine crawlers would be cut into pieces like space cutting. It seemed that he was overthinking it.

At this time, Maya came forward and explained: "Master, wormhole technology is not a real space technology. We have only mastered the surface of space technology and overlapped two unconnected spaces, so the wormholes we see are not the same." There will be no power of space cutting. If it were not for the power that dominates you, we would never have mastered this technology."

Zhang Fan smiled and scolded: "Don't flatter me, you know I don't like it."

Maya smiled and said: "The master is the wisest, I know it."

In the days that followed, the Zerg began to massively transform the Fast Light Source, and the original traces of the Ruibote and Anzhu people were completely erased.

The entire Fast Light Source seemed to have turned into a purple paradise, with purple gems everywhere.

Among the alien races, purple and black are the most sacred colors. They represent the master and the great Zerg.

There may be some deviations in the spectra of some stars. Although the efficiency of purple in absorbing energy is not too high, it cannot withstand the technology and means of aliens.

In addition, the artificial planet has also been successful, using maternal cells, the existence that made Zhang Fan the most helpless. Back then, Zhang Fan had no way to deal with the monster except for being imprisoned in the starry sky.

What now? It was not wiped out by the alien race, so its cells were extracted, and Zerg-specific cells were made to build an artificial planet.

However, this kind of artificial planet has an upper limit, and it is not unlimited expansion.

No wonder the mother body did not expand again that year. The fundamental reason is the core reaction caused by gravity.

The direction of gravity is always towards the center point. The core reaction compresses the material at the center point, forming an internal energy with extremely high temperature.

The high temperature of the earth's core continued to devour the mother body, and the mother body continued to divide. In this way, after the mother body's final size reached a diameter of 8,000 kilometers, it never grew larger.

The artificial planets transformed by demon cells are denser and have stronger gravity. Although the demon cells themselves have strong toughness, they are still unable to withstand the continuous core reaction of the earth. Therefore, the mass of each artificial planet is It passed the test, but its size did not. The largest one was only 5,000 kilometers in diameter.

These man-made planets are called the mother nest.

Another thing that surprised Zhang Fan was that the energy conversion rate of the mother's main nest actually exceeded that of the space creep. You must know that the original space creep has become the most important strategic resource of the alien race after repeated development. Now With better products, old goods can be eliminated.

Therefore, Zhang Fan wiped out the existence of the space carpet with a wave of his hand, and went all out to build the main nest of the mother body, which once again laid a good foundation for the survival of the alien race, and the entire alien world was developing prosperously.

In addition, the signal shielding of the ghost tree is also in full swing. Their main signal will pass through Abathur, and then processed to generate a shielding signal to hide the Fast light source.

You must know that there are thousands of civilizations in the universe, and they will be discovered by advanced civilizations at any time. Therefore, it is most important to have a complete strategy, and preventing the other party from being discovered is the top priority.

Gradually, the Fast Light Source was hidden by the aliens, as if it had disappeared into space. During this period, Zhang Fan changed the name of the Fast Light Source to the Alien Light Source, truly occupying this area. Own it for yourself.

Some advanced civilizations may not care about such a small light source, but those level 2.3 or 2.2 civilizations will not be so calm.

They began to find out the cause and wanted to know whether the light source disappeared artificially or naturally, but there was still no progress.

Some uninformed civilizations were ready to launch an attack on the alien light source, but after many considerations, they gave up this unrealistic plan.

If the opponent's strength is similar to his own, and he goes on an expedition, he will definitely be the one who fails in the end. Therefore, the alien light source is still very stable at present.

Year after year, day after day, the entire Fast Light Source is home to billions of organisms, which are transported to different planets one after another by Leviathan or miners.

Some Zerg troops that originally lived on the ground can also move briefly in space through the action of the ATP force field.

Their supply comes from the reactor, no, it should be called a biological reactor now. It looks like gem meat, but its function has far exceeded the efficacy of gem meat.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about those terrestrial creatures, sea creatures or sky creatures that can soar in their own different fields, as long as the energy of the reactor is replenished.

Although the alien light source was not yet saturated, Zhang Fan knew that the alien race was reproducing too fast, and they were like predators that couldn't get enough to eat, so he made up his mind to capture another light source.

The light source has been selected and is located in the area closest to you.

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