The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 393 The Original Beauty

Bai Kai touched the package. Zhang Fan had already told him how to open it.

He bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, spraying on the package. Who knows why Bai Kai's bleeding volume was so heavy.

Then, the package began to rot, and the surface peeled off layer by layer. Bai Kai tore off the peeling films with his hands.

While talking back and forth, he said: "Master, I once suspected that you were a biological civilization."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, I am biological civilization."

Bai Kai said: "Is it a top biological civilization?"

Zhang Fan said without hesitation: "It is the top biological civilization that will take you to the top."

Bai Kai took a breath and said, "Then I'll be relieved."

Then, after tearing off the last layer of film, he saw a mask.

The mask has an overall white appearance, with the eyes partially hollowed out, the mouth only covering the cheeks, and some delicate patterns on it.

Bai Kai carefully picked up the mask and turned it over. The inside of the mask turned out to be pure black, with cells that were constantly squirming inside. It looked very strange.

Bai Kai swallowed and said, "Master, what is this?"

Zhang Fan said somewhat mysteriously: "This is the original flower. After taking it with you, you will get stronger power."

Bai Kai said: "Is it more powerful than those mechas?"

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "Be more powerful than them, your body will surpass all machines."

Bai Kai looked at the inside of the mask, swallowed again, and said with some fear in his heart: "Master, you won't hurt me."

Zhang Fan said calmly: "What do you think?"

Bai Kai smiled awkwardly and said, "Probably not."

After saying that, he slowly put the mask on his face. Not long after he lifted it, Bai Kai put down the mask and said, "Master, I'm still a little scared."

Zhang Fan said unhappily: "Then just waste it like this."

When Bai Kai heard this, he thought of all the misfortunes he had had. Looking at his strong body, he was very grateful to Zhang Fan, although Zhang Fan had to bear the blame.

He took a deep breath and said, "I have lived like this, so what do I have to fear? I will change the world."

Zhang Fan said: "Yes, this world will be wonderful because of you."

After saying that, Bai Kai put the mask on his face.

Suddenly, I felt a different kind of crawling feeling on my face, like countless little bugs climbing.

"Ah!!!" Bai Kai knelt on the ground in pain, holding the mask with both hands, looking up to the sky and howling continuously.

The demon cells frantically drilled towards Bai Kai's face. Bai Kai had never felt such heartbreaking pain, as if everything in the past had become unimportant.

The pain that came from the depths of his soul almost made Bai Kai faint.

After Zhang Fan stimulated Bai Kai's brain, he found that his body secreted many special enzymes, which were digesting and absorbing these demon cells.

Zhang Fan stimulated Bai Kai's brain, keeping him awake again and continuing to observe his body.

Zhang Fan sighed: "As expected of a Dragon Emperor with Elise's bloodline, he can indeed digest demon cells."

Originally, Zhang Fan planned that if Bai Kai could not absorb these demon cells, then his body would be taken over by himself, and he would carefully complete his great cause in the future.

However, it is estimated that Bai Kai can survive the current situation. In this case, there is no need to take action himself. Zhang Fan also wants to see if Bai Kai can reach the peak of his life in the future.


Bai Kai kept howling, and his voice became hoarse.

A passing homeless man heard Bai Kai's howling and asked in confusion: "What is howling there? A wild boar?"

After saying that, he walked towards the bottom of the bridge in a strange way.

The environment of this place is not suitable for living. It is too hot during the day and too cold at night, so homeless people will not live here. It is for this reason that Bai Kai was given the opportunity to train.

The homeless man climbed down slowly and quietly approached Bai Kai.

He found that in front of him was a man wearing a mask and roaring to the sky, so the homeless man quickly hid behind a big rock.

He raised his head secretly and observed Bai Kai's changes.

Bai Kai's mind had gone blank. Of course he didn't know what was happening around him, but he couldn't hide these things from Zhang Fan.

His black shadow floated out from Bai Kai's body.

The homeless man rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and after making sure he saw it correctly, he yelled in fear and ran towards the back.

Zhang Fan stretched out his hand and shook it in the air. The homeless man was controlled in place. Zhang Fan said calmly: "Look where you are going. I don't want this secret to be discovered so early."

After saying that, the black arm pulled back, and the homeless man was horrified to find that his body was floating up and flying quickly towards the black shadow.

"No, no, no!" The homeless man yelled no loudly, with fear in his eyes.

Zhang Fan caught the homeless man in front of him, then threw him next to Bai Kai and said, "I guess he will be hungry when he wakes up after bringing him back. I'll make him something to eat first."

Afterwards, Zhang Fan cut the homeless man's body into pieces very calmly, and threw some unnecessary odds and ends outside.

The demon cells are still transforming Bai Kai's body, and the force of the force can be vaguely felt in his body.

Zhang Fan was a little surprised that Dragon Emperor Civilization's physical fitness was so good? The Force can be felt so easily? No, I have to suppress this.

After saying that, after Zhang Fan decomposed the body, he lurked into Bai Kai's body again and controlled the part that sensed the force.

It was at this time that the original beauty on Bai Kai's face fell off, fell to the solid ground, and fell to pieces.

Bai Kai rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, letting out a thunderous grunt.

Zhang Fan knew that this was a sign of excessive mental energy consumption and that he would be fine if he took a rest, so he was not in a hurry to urge Bai Kai to wake up.

When Bai Kai woke up, his nose twitched and he found that there was a lot of meat around him.

Bai Kai said excitedly: "Master! It's you, right? Where are you?"

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "It's not convenient for me to see you right now. Your body has been consumed a lot. Eat this pile of meat first. The other nutrient solution will arrive later."

Bai Kai nodded, then pounced on the pile of meat and feasted.

He nodded while eating. Although the taste was a bit bland, he was really hungry, so he just had to make do with it.

After finishing half of the meat, Bai Kai said, "Master, what kind of meat is this? It tastes weird and has no chewiness at all."

Zhang Fan said, "I'll tell you when you finish eating."

Bai Kai nodded honestly and continued to eat the pile of meat, thinking that it would be nice if there was cumin.

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