The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 406 Science and Metaphysics

The so-called science is to constantly search for the truth in the unknown, which has a certain degree of randomness. However, once it is found, science and technology will grow by leaps and bounds.

Scientists all over the universe are striving to find the truth. They know that there must be a "force" that is the only "force" that comes from the fundamental force of the universe.

The scientific community believes that the universe is random. At the beginning of the Big Bang, there was endless randomness, which is waiting for scientists to explore.

The opposite of science is metaphysics, which is also called theology. This kind of god is not the god of civilized belief, but the so-called god of the universe.

In the world of metaphysics, it is believed that there is a certain destiny in the universe, and everything cannot escape from a certain law.

Just like the ancient God Liuren calculated a person's fate in his life, God Taiyi calculated the changes in the world's situation, and Qimen Dunjia looked at the momentum of the mountains and the earth, there were certain rules.

Every civilization has people who study metaphysics. They are not pretentious magicians, but truly study the laws of the universe. The ancient Tuibei diagram is a good explanation.

Speaking of complementarity, scientists believe that the universe is a kind of life, and their dreams change the world.

Metaphysics believes that the universe is a computer, and all its programs have been set, and no matter can escape it.

Marcus is a senior metaphysics researcher in the Sekent civilization.

He took out the crystal ball and studied the changes on it.

Carrot couldn't understand these nonsense things, but he liked them very much because he escaped a disaster by chance when he was a child, and then he rose to his current position.

Small dots kept appearing on the crystal ball, as well as lines with unknown directions.

Carrot asked: "How's the situation?"

Marcus said: "Shh, your Majesty, please keep your voice down, your voice will disturb the ripples."

Carlott nodded and said nothing.

Marcus stretched out his finger, pressed it on one of the lines, and then moved it slowly.

Zhang Fan's heart suddenly tightened as he was snapping his fingers, feeling as if he was being spied on.

He looked around and never found that person, but the feeling of being spied on lingered.

Zhang Fan said doubtfully: "What's going on? Why do you feel like you've been discovered? Is it my misunderstanding?"

At this time, Marcus in the palace was still fiddling with the lines. Carrot had already stepped down from his throne and quietly watched Marcus' movements.

Marcus moved the lines very slowly, and the more he moved, the more frightened he became.

"Strange, why doesn't it take shape?" Marcus said doubtfully.

Carlot asked: "What's wrong?"

Marcus stopped his hand, then turned to look at Carrot and said: "According to the other party's civilization, it is similar to ours. It stands to reason that I should be able to find them, but it has never been able to take shape."

Carrot said doubtfully: "What will happen after it is formed?"

Marcus said: "Everything in the universe has a shape, but the shape is different. Even if it is a stone, as long as the shape can be determined, I can expand the search step by step to find it."

Carlot was surprised: "So powerful?"

Marcus coughed twice and said, "I am the number one master of metaphysics in the Sekent civilization."

Carlot added: "But why does this happen?"

Marcus shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's my first time encountering this situation. Maybe the other party also has a master of metaphysics."

Carlot asked again: "What would happen?"

Marcus explained: "I counted the advanced civilization, but it was blocked by an invisible force. I couldn't even make the wave lines. It can be seen that there are people who study metaphysics in the advanced civilization."

Marcus paused, took back the crystal ball and said: "The only furthest thing I can calculate right now is some trivial things in the Dragon Emperor's civilization. I can't do anything about those confidential things."

Carrot straightened up and looked down at Marcus and said, "Isn't this biological civilization an advanced civilization? Why is this happening? It's really puzzling."

"Maybe they were a special civilization," Marcus said.

Carlot asked again: "How to say?"

"In addition to the regular civilized races in this universe, there are also a small number of special civilizations, just like the group we encountered before." Marcus said.

Carrot looked stern, and then remembered the ghost tribe he had encountered a few years ago.

Marcus saw through Carrot's thoughts and said: "Yes, that kind of ghost race, I can't construct their shape either."

Carrot added: "However, this civilization uses biological entities to attack."

Marcus shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, do you still remember what I said before?"

"you mean?"

Marcus nodded seriously and said, "Yes, it is the Shenzhou civilization."

Carrot said: "I understand this civilization, it is hidden in the Dragon Emperor Civilization."

Marcus said: "I can't figure out that civilization either. I guess they were a spiritual civilization, and I suspect the same is true for the current biological civilization."

Carlot scratched his head and said, "This is really troublesome."

He is a warrior, not a think tank who makes suggestions.

Seeing that Carlot was in a state of anxiety, Marcus said: "Your Majesty, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Carrot waved his hand and continued to scratch his head.

Marcus walked out of the palace, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the shadow on his face deepened. He said to himself: "It should be a spiritual civilization. It is the same as the Shenzhou civilization that gave me the feeling at that time, an alien civilization? Zerg civilization? Which one is your real name?"

Zhang Fan felt that the sense of voyeurism disappeared, and he was still confused until now.

Could it be that I have been discovered by a higher civilization? Could it be said that this method of intrusion harms Trina?

Zhang Fan asked the brainworms and the queens, but everyone said they didn't know.

This is, Athena said: "Master, could it be precognition?"

Zhang Fan asked: "I only know about the Force, but I haven't heard of precognition."

Athena explained: "Precognition is the power of foresight, Lord, the kind of power that was calculated when you came to your home star."

Zhang Fan said in surprise: "Can I count the invasion? Is it really possible to predict the future?"

Athena shook her head and said: "I don't know, I just saw it."

Zhang Fan asked: "Does anyone in the Igwanna tribe practice this kind of thing now?"

Athena shook her head and said: "No more, no longer. Now all the Igwanna people exercise."

Zhang Fan sighed: "It's all my fault. What a pity."

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