The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 410 Gathering

Maduro shook his head. There was indeed no method of training inner breath in their village. These things were only available in martial arts schools. He was from a small mountain village and had never accepted such things.

Raditz sighed, then fiddled with the communicator on his wrist twice, raised his head and said, "What's your communication number?"

Maduro reported a series of numbers, and Raditz passed the message over. He said: "This is basic breath control, without any attributes. I don't know what type of Sekent you are yet, so I can't specialize it." I’ll give you pranayama.”

Maduro looked at this basic breath adjustment as if he had found a treasure, and said to Raditz with emotion: "You are a good person."

Raditz said: "Okay, sit down and adjust your inner breath quickly, don't let the strengthening potion go to waste."


After saying that, Maduro began to adjust his breathing with Raditz.

He felt that the burning sensation in his lower abdomen was nourishing his whole body, and he felt an itch that he wanted to scratch.

"Don't move, you will fail."

Maduro opened his eyes and found that Raditz had his eyes closed to remind him. He nodded again and closed his eyes to adjust his breathing.

Maduro concentrated his mind and felt the hot breath flowing through his lower abdomen. The feeling was very comfortable, just like countless hands massaging the body. The cells became active, and the itching feeling just now was no longer there.

He was adjusting his breath, and his breathing rate changed. White air spurted out of his mouth like arrows.

At this time, Raditz had already opened his eyes. He looked at Maduro and thought to himself: "How can this guy be in such good physical condition? He can actually digest it for such a long time."

About 15 minutes later, Maduro exhaled his last breath, and the burning sensation in his lower abdomen gradually subsided.

He slowly opened his eyes and found Raditz looking at him with a smile. Maduro scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "It's inevitable to be a little nervous for the first time."

Raditz shook his head and continued to smile and said, "Would you like to try in the training room?"

Maduro nodded like he was pounding garlic.

Raditz stood up and led Maduro toward the training room.

At this time, the assembly whistle sounded, and Raditz said regretfully to Maduro: "I can only show you next time, let's go first."

Raditz quickly opened the door and left, followed closely by Maduro.

In three minutes, all the colleges had gathered downstairs in the dormitory.

Uluwa looked at the time on the watch and said with a gloomy face: "Three minutes, it actually took you three minutes to complete the team. Do you think it is training for ground troops? What you are going to fight is a space battle! Every second It is crucial! In three minutes, the enemy plowed us countless times!"

All the colleges were in shock, knowing that they were going to be in bad luck next.

Sure enough, Uluwa spoke: "Since you are so slow, let's train your speed, all return to the dormitory, and disband."

The students fled back to their dormitories like birds and animals, nervously waiting for Uluwa's command.

They waited anxiously in the dormitory. Ten minutes passed without hearing the whistle. Just when most people began to relax their vigilance, the whistle sounded.

The rapid whistle stimulated their nerves, and everyone huddled in the corridor, pushing and shouting.

This time it actually took five minutes to gather. Everyone saw Uluwa's face so gloomy that it almost oozed water.

"Who can tell me, what are you doing in the corridor? You thought you were here for a walk! Are you here for fun?! Mineiro!" Uluwa shouted through gritted teeth.

Minero wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Chief instructor, I'm here and everything is ready."

"Well, bring them all," Uluwa said.

Then, everyone discovered that Mineiro had given the weight-bearing bracelets to their hands.

After everyone put on the bracelets, Uluwa said: "Everyone will adjust the weight to 100 kilograms."

The academies are very honest in starting the one hundred kilogram weight bearing. They will not lie about it. This is not good for their own growth.

Uluwa smiled, very sinisterly, and said: "Let's continue practicing and gathering. Once I'm not satisfied, add 100 kilograms and see how long you can persist."

Raditz was shocked. His current maximum load is only 3,000 kilograms, which seems like a lot, but no one knows when Uluwa will be satisfied.

He smiled bitterly in his heart: "It's over."

After returning to the dormitory again, they concentrated again and the whistle suddenly sounded.

Raditz did not take the lead, but asked the people upstairs to run down first, and then followed closely behind.

Everyone has this idea, let the difficult ones go downstairs first.

Everyone has undergone military training since childhood, so there is no reason to quarrel over such a trivial matter.

"Two minutes and 18 seconds, continue." Uluwa said expressionlessly.

Everyone returned to the dormitory in frustration. They didn't understand why Uluwa asked them to speed up when they were already going very fast. What was the problem?

"Two minutes and nine seconds, go on, use your pig brains to think carefully!" Uluwa scolded.

Raditz frowned. Uluwa's idea made everyone use their brains, but they were all new students, and they couldn't get in touch to discuss the result.

The whistle sounded again, and Raditz didn't care about anyone else. He took Maduro on an unusual path and jumped off the handrail.

After a few dodgers, he arrived on the first floor. Uluwa's eyes lit up, and then he regained his composure.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then started to learn it in a decent manner, and the speed really improved a lot.

"1 minute and 35 seconds, too slow! Keep going!" Uluwa shouted again.

Raditz didn't understand why it was continuing after more than a minute, which was already faster than the army gathering.

Everyone did not leave immediately. They stared at Uluwa, as if they wanted to wait for an answer.

Seeing that these guys didn't listen to his orders, Uluwa stretched out his hands and raised them above his head.

Then with a sharp downward slap, everyone fell to the ground as if they were slapped on the top of their heads. The scene of a hundred people falling to the ground at the same time was particularly spectacular.

Uluwa looked at the group of academies with contempt as they stood up tremblingly and said, "Don't question my order. Now, get back."

Some people are angry, some people are surprised, some people are excited.

Maduro quietly said to Raditz: "Radiz, the chief instructor is so awesome. What did you call just now?"

Regarding the general, Raditz has nothing to hide. All his information is public, just like his father.

You should know this if you meet ordinary people, but the Maduro in front of you is a poor kid from a remote area. I guess the person you know the most about in your life is your father.

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