The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 414 The Power of Rebirth

"Woooooo!" Yuan Xiyao watched in horror as she continued to fall vertically towards the ground.

Is this how the beauty disappears? No, I'm still young and I don't want to die.

Yuan Xiyao's tears continued to flow from the corners of her eyes, creating a sad and beautiful picture in the sky.

"No!!!" Bai Kai roared angrily, holding the energy column tightly with both hands.

Let the scorching heat burn the palms of his hands.

The vulture laughed at this time, covering his forehead and laughing like crazy: "Hahahahahaha!"


Yuan Xiyao fell to the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust. The dust in the sky obscured Bai Kai's vision.

Bai Kai stared blankly at the place where Yuan Xiyao fell. He roared angrily, and his roar was so sad.

After the vulture finished laughing, he took a breath and said, "Do you particularly want to kill me now?"

"I'll kill you!!" Bai Kai's eyes have turned red, his hands are constantly repairing and destroying, and his chirping sound echoes through the originally quiet factory.

The vulture shook his head, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, lit it, exhaled slowly and said, "I'm just standing here watching you venting helplessly. The picture is so beautiful."

"Ouch!" Bai Kai used all his strength to pull away the energy column, but the energy column seemed to be welded and could not be shaken.

The Vulture lazily watched Bai Kai's performance, then took a deep breath to finish the cigarette, and flicked the cigarette butt into a beautiful arc with a flick of his finger.

After the cigarette butt fell to the ground, Vulture took out his pistol and pointed it at Bai Kai and said: "You look like you have strong repair power. Energy attacks will not have any effect on you, so let me try this weapon." Armor gun."

After saying that, Vulture decisively shot at Bai Kai: "Bang!"

The bullet continued to magnify in Bai Kai's eyes, and finally pierced his left chest. The moment it touched his heart, the armor-piercing bullet exploded.

The powerful explosive force blew half of Bai Kai's body to pieces. In an instant, Bai Kai's eyes lost color and he knelt on the ground silently. Scarlet blood dyed the land red.

The Vulture blew slightly at the armor-piercing gun and said, "That's all."

He swept through the factory, looked at the corpses on the ground and said to himself: "We can't stay here any longer."

After saying that, he turned around and left the factory coolly.

Zhang Fan's shadow appeared next to Bai Kai, but he did not help him from beginning to end.

He said to himself: "Vulture? I admire this guy."

After saying that, a force of force enveloped Bai Kai's body, and he said, "Half of his body was only blown up."

Then he checked Bai Kai's body through the force and said with a smile: "I wasn't sure at first, but it turns out it's really this. Rebirth, my child."

Zhang Fan stimulated Bai Kai's cells through the Force, and then Bai Kai's damaged cells began to become crazily active.

Cell after cell absorbs nutrients from the remaining tissue and begins to regenerate at a high speed.


A crimson heart was exposed in the air, beating powerfully.


Pieces of tiny muscle cells wrap around the heart like water filling it.

The blood all over Bai Kai's body began to flow crazily, and his entire body turned a sickly red color.


Bai Kai groaned involuntarily, but his exhausted body continued to repair the damage.

The muscle cells flow faster and faster, and the bones are repaired during this period and become stronger than before.

The capillaries are connected together like tentacles. If you look closely, you will find that there are no traces of splicing on them, and the appearance is quite perfect.

In a short period of time, Bai Kai's body has repaired solid muscles. The skin cells have not yet been repaired, so the blood flowing in the veins above can be clearly seen.

The bones of the left hand regenerate together with the muscles, and the regeneration speed is not slow.

Skin cells appeared and once again covered Bai Kai's body, covering Bai Kai's muscles from top to bottom.

Finally, after his heart beat violently again, Bai Kai slowly opened his eyes, looked at Zhang Fan floating in front of him and said, "Master, what's wrong with me?"

Zhang Fan said: "You are dead."

Bai Kai was silent, and then Zhang Fan said: "Now you are alive again."

Bai Kai raised his head, struggled to stand up, looked at the energy pillars that had disappeared around him, and stumbled out.

Zhang Fan was floating in the air, looking at Bai Kai's staggering figure and said, "What are you doing?"

"Xiyao is still alive!" Bai Kai shouted in a hoarse voice.

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "She is already dead."

"Impossible! I said I would protect her." Bai Kai knelt beside Yuan Xiyao's body.

Zhang Fan floated over again and said: "She is indeed dead."

Bai Kai suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhang Fan with tears on his face: "Master! You have a way to save her, right?! Master, please save her!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Zhang Fan, but passed through Zhang Fan's body and fell to the ground, scratching the skin on his face.

Zhang Fan looked at Bai Kai and said, "I do have a way to save her, but I need your help."

Bai Kai knelt in front of Zhang Fan, his eyes full of prayer.

Zhang Fan said: "Let's bleed."

Bai Kai decisively made a cut on his artery with his fingernail.

In an instant, blood spurted out like spring water. Zhang Fan used the Force to wrap it up and said, "This is really exciting."

Then, Zhang Fan controlled Bai Kai's blood with his left hand, and controlled Yuan Xiyao's upper body with his right hand.

He said: "Whether she can succeed or not depends on her luck. Your strength is still too weak."

Bai Kai's face gradually turned pale. He gritted his teeth and insisted: "Master, as long as I can save her! I will die without regrets."

Zhang Fan looked at Bai Kai with scarlet eyes, and then fused the blood with Yuan Xiyao.

He said: "I don't need you to die, I want you to conquer the world."

Bai Kai looked at Zhang Fan's unfathomable face and nodded firmly.

Zhang Fan nodded with satisfaction, and then concentrated on nourishing Yuan Xiyao's body.

"Huh? Such a thing could happen?" Zhang Fan was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, a force of force appeared in Yuan Xiyao's body just now.

Zhang Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly in his heart: "Dragon Emperor Civilization's physical fitness is indeed good."

When the blood was completely integrated into Yuan Xiyao's body, Zhang Fan said: "Your power is rebirth, and you will gain the power of immortality."

Bai Kai looked at the repaired wrist and said, "Master, didn't you do it?"

Zhang Fan said: "This is your own power."

"Ah~" A crisp voice woke up Bai Kai.

He hurriedly crawled to Yuan Xiyao's side and said nervously: "Xiyao, are you okay? Wake up!"

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