The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 417 Life and Death Fighting Competition

"Everyone, please be patient! Kuiba will be out soon! Give everyone a wonderful show!" the host said loudly.

While the host was interacting with the audience, Zhang Fan's voice appeared in Bai Kai's mind and said: "This place is nice, I like it. I'll touch your pocket."

Bai Kai instinctively touched his pocket and felt a squirming movement in his hand. After taking the thing out, Bai Kai found that it was a small worm.

Bai Kai said in surprise: "Master, when did you put it in?"

Zhang Fan said: "Don't worry about this. I have my own way. Just put the worm in a corner where others can't see it."

"Yes." Bai Kai nodded, then threw the worm into the dark corner.

Then, the worm turned over and slowly crawled towards the crowd.

At this time, the host shouted: "Now we invite our strongest warrior, Kui!!! Pull out!!!"


"Quiba! Kuiba!"

"Let me see your violence again!!"

Everyone cheered again, and the entire venue suddenly went into high gear.

Bai Kai looked from a distance and saw a giant more than three meters tall walking towards the ring, with a strong momentum in every step.

The muscles on his body are full of explosive power like a horned dragon.

The staff hurriedly took off Kuiba's coat, revealing his explosive muscles and dense tattoos.

The ferocious face looked like that of a ferocious guy.

Quiba stretched out his hand and hammered his chest, and howled like a gorilla: "Ouch!"

Then, he jumped onto the ring and landed next to the host. The host swayed, then stood firm, looked up at Kuiba and said: "Our Kuiba is still so scary, everyone said Is Kuiba the strongest?"

"Yes Yes Yes!!!"

Quiba also looked at the crazy audience with a proud look on his face.

At this time, the host added: "Then who will die next? Bai Yaksha, come out! Everyone has seen you!"

After saying that, Bai Kai took a deep breath and walked out slowly.


There were boos in the venue, how could such a small man fight with Quiba.

"Go home and drink milk!"

"Trash! Go to hell! Quiba will tear out his intestines!"

"Hahaha! I win again now!"

Bai Kai slowly walked onto the ring, and then the host said: "The competition will start soon, wait until I get down! I don't want to see a bloody scene."

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed, not entirely at the host, but more at Bai Kai's ignorance.

Then, after the host went down, a semicircular transparent energy shield appeared around the ring, enveloping the two people in the middle.

"Ding!" After the firing pin sounded, the host shouted: "The competition!! Start! Start! I don't know how long our little Shiro Yaksha can last!"

When Kuiba saw the game started, he did not take action immediately. Instead, he looked down and said to Bai Kai in a rich voice: "Boy, how do you want to die?"

Bai Kai had never participated in this kind of competition. He didn't know why Kuiba said that. He raised his head strangely and asked, "What?"

After saying that, he saw a sandbag-like fist hit his face.

Bai Kai flew out instantly and hit the energy shield, causing a muffled groan to reverberate throughout the entire venue.

"Fuck! Trash! Waste of my time!"

"I'm better than him!"

"Get rich, get rich!"

The venue became noisy again.

Then, a bright red countdown number appeared on the top of the ring.

The arena is only one hundred square meters wide, but that number seems very huge.

After Bai Kai struggled to stand up, the bright red numbers disappeared.

He touched his cheek and found that half of the bones were broken and were being repaired inside.

Bai Kai sighed in his heart, this guy's power is really terrifying.

Kuiba realized that one punch did not kill Bai Kai, so he clenched his fist and said ferociously: "There happens to be a shortage of sandbags recently, so I'll use you to practice my skills!"

Arriving in front of Bai Kai, Bai Kai grabbed Bai Kai with his big hand.

Bai Kai leaned over and rolled to avoid the big iron-like hands.

But he didn't expect Kuiba to hit Bai Kai on the back with his backhand fist.

"Poof!" A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out and splashed on the white-tiled arena.

Bai Kai staggered forward two steps, then knelt on one knee, with his back to Kuiba, and said to himself: "This guy is not only powerful, but his reaction and speed are not slow at all."

Quiba realized that the opponent was not dead yet, and laughed and said: "Interesting! Interesting! I didn't expect you to be a sandbag player! It's really interesting!"

Kuiba's huge body started running and kicked Bai Kai.


The crisp sound of bones breaking reached Kuiba's ears. Kuiba stood firm, looked at Bai Kai and thought to himself: "You must die now, right?"

Bai Kai lay on the ground and kept squirming. The cells in his body were being repaired at high speed. Zhang Fan asked strangely: "Why don't you fight back?"

Bai Kai said to Zhang Fan: "Master, if we win easily, we won't have to fight next time!"

Zhang Fan said speechlessly: "I'm just looking for money. It's up to you. There's still time anyway."

"Thank you! Master!" Bai Kai thanked him.

Quiba thought that was the end, but suddenly found that the countdown numbers had disappeared again.

Bai Kai stood up tremblingly, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"What the hell is this guy doing? He's not even dead?"

"Quiba! Are you merciful, you bastard?"

"Fake punch! Fake punch!"

The audience became reluctant and kept criticizing Quiba.

Quiba couldn't stand this anger and roared: "Shut up!"

The host quickly smoothed things over and said: "Oh! Our great Quiba is about to explode! This is a feat! Everyone cheers for Quiba! The time to witness the miracle has arrived!"

"So that's it! Is it any wonder?"

"You didn't use all your strength?"

"Sure enough, it was a fake punch! Pay the money!"

Kuiba strode to Bai Kai's side, grabbed him in his hand, and then slapped him hard on the ground.

"Cough!" A mouthful of blood spurted out again.

Kui Ba found that the opponent was already bloody and mutilated, but he was not dead yet. His vitality was much greater than that of Xiao Qiang.

Then, Quiba began to abuse Bai Kai with the most crazy attacks, and the entire arena was dyed red with blood.

The audience was also stunned for a moment.

"Where did this guy come from?"

"Isn't this too beaten?"

"Quiba is completely crazy."

Kuiba was crazy, really crazy. No matter what attack he used, he couldn't kill Bai Kai. He was about to die every time he saw him, but he persisted for so long.

Quiba stopped his hand, looked at Bai Kai with some breathlessness and said, "What kind of monster are you?"

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