The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 422 Outstanding Students

When Jelinka heard this, her face turned red and she scolded: "So and so was eliminated, I...I beat him."

Maduro said strangely: "Then don't you feel disgusted?"

Jelinka said: "No, your hearts are too fragile."

Then, the three of them chatted about the alien race, and Raditz described in detail some of the things that happened after that.

Jelinka's expression kept changing as she listened to Raditz's description. Finally, she couldn't help but said, "Stop talking, it's disgusting."

Maduro suddenly understood and said: "Oh! I'm just telling you! How can you not feel disgusted if you have never seen a foreign race?"

Jelinka curled her lips, then looked at the untouched food, and said angrily: "Is it disgusting for you to talk about this while eating?"

While Raditz and other students were training, Uluwa was recalled to the palace by Carrot.

Uluwa looked at Carrot's gloomy expression and asked, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

Carrot said: "Just now we received news of the alien attack, and two more galaxies were infected."

Uluwa clenched his fists and whispered: "Is there no news from the Academy of Sciences?"

Carrot shook his head and remained silent. Uluwa nodded and said, "If possible, I am willing to fight."

Carrot looked into Uluwa's eyes and said: "Now is not the time. What we need is not ordinary warriors, but to cultivate elites who can use the Force."

"It's hard," Uluwa said.

Carrot said: "I know, but this is the only way we can fight them at the moment. You come with me."

After saying that, Carrot got up and took Uluwa to the secret room.

In the secret room, a large group of people wearing masks and red shirts watched Carrot bow.

Uluwa followed Carlot to the center and found a struggling zombie in an incubator.

Uluwa said in surprise: "Did you catch him?"

Carrot said: "Caught back together with the people from the temple."

Uluwa asked: "Don't these viruses affect you?"

Carlot said as he walked inside: "It has an impact."

After saying that, he put his hand into the incubator, and the zombie bit Carrot's arm.

Carlot shook the zombies away with a slight tremor and withdrew his hand.

A wound with teeth marks was placed in front of Uluwa.

Uluwa stepped back slightly because he discovered that there had been subtle changes on the surface of Carrot's body.

Carlot said calmly: "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

After saying that, a convection flow occurred around his body, and then his skin returned to blood red.

Uluwa said thoughtfully: "Can the Force restrain these viruses?"

Carlot said: "Yes, the force can be restrained, but it is not absolute. My physical strength is somewhat exhausted now."

Uluwa said: "Is there really no other way?"

Kalot shook his head and said: "So far, this is the only way to control the spread of the virus."

Uluwa nodded, and then let the zombie bite his hand, and the force returned to normal after being shocked.

Uluwa took a deep breath and said, "It takes so much physical energy?!"

Carrot said: "Of course, the virus enters the blood vessels directly and consumes a quite astonishing amount of force."

Carlot added: "As long as we are not bitten by these zombies, viruses spreading in the air cannot invade our bodies."

Uluwa asked: "How many more people do Zablo have under his command?"

Carlot said: "There are probably a few thousand people, which is an inconspicuous number in the vast sea of ​​people."

Uluwa nodded and said, "I understand, and I will train them in a more severe way."

Carlot said with satisfaction: "Very good, by the way, have you found any talents among these children?"

Uluwa smiled and said, "I think your son is quite awesome."

Carlot waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about that brat, I know how much he weighs. Let's talk about the others."

Uluwa said: "A girl named Jelinka achieved first place in the test. Although her physical strength and reaction were a bit poor, in some daily performances, I found that she seemed to have the ability to predict ability."

Carrot was shocked: "Are you telling the truth?"

Uluwa shook his head and said: "We can't be sure yet. We won't know until her Force is activated."

Carlot said: "I understand, I will find Marcus when the time comes, is there anything else?"

"Yes," Uruwa said, "Maduro, he is exactly the opposite of Jelinka. His physical fitness is absolutely first-class. If his mind is smart enough, he will also be a candidate for the throne in the future."

Carlot nodded and said, "I'm afraid you guys will rush to ask me for someone then."

Uluwa smiled slightly and said: "There is also a young man named Goodell. He is also very physically fit and very alert. He is also among the best in terms of performance, but he is a little dark in his heart."

Carrot said, "Is there a way to find out why?"

"He was abused as a child, so he was wary of everyone," Uluwa said. "In addition, he was wary of only one person."

Carlot asked: "Who?"

Uluwa pointed at Carrot.

Carlot pointed at himself and said, "Me?"

Uluwa said: "Yes, I didn't expect that the person he trusts the most is you, not his closest relatives."

Carrot said with a smile: "I see, I have to have a heart-to-heart talk with him when I get the chance."

"It couldn't be better." Uluwa continued, "Robert, the son of the ogre, is not bad except for being a bit of a mama's boy."

Carrot touched his nose: "The son of an ogre? A woman like her will find a man."

Uluwa said: "In vitro fertilization is not because of you."

Carlot said: "It's all in the past, don't talk about it anymore."

Uluwa said: "I still have to remind you that the ogre uses your genes, so Robert is also your son."

Carlot took a breath of air: "Stop talking about this! Next one."

Uluwa nodded and said, "Igna, the daughter of Archduke Jonas."

Carlot said: "I know that little girl. I remember when I was young, I joked with Jonas that I wanted his daughter to marry my most outstanding son."

Uluwa said: "Isn't your most outstanding son Raditz?"

"He's too young," Carrot said.

The two returned to the original study room. After they both sat down, the palace maid brought new tea.

Uluwa took a small peck and said, "Zesla is a scientific madman who tinkers with various instruments in his dormitory. His grades are average. If there is a chance, it would be better to arrange for him to go to the Academy of Sciences."

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