The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 427 Life Explodes

Wu Xun discovered that there was chaos among the Sekent people and quickly ordered an attack.

However, at this moment Zhang Fan looked at the group of Fu Wu people and said, "Huh, do you think I will let you go?"

A burst of thinking power caused chaos within Fuwu.

And it is more chaotic than the Sekent civilization, and the power of thinking affects their manipulation of witchcraft.

Countless Fuwu people became Zhang Fan's slaves in an instant, chasing their companions with machetes.

Zhang Fan watched all this silently: "It's too reluctant. The power of thinking cannot fully cover it."

In fact, Zhang Fan used Wu Ming's hypnotic power to diffuse his thoughts, although he could not control their whole bodies like he could control aliens.

However, it is possible to create a little illusion.

As a result, Wu Huhunting stopped chasing the Sekent people and began to return to suppress the rebellion.

Neither party cared about the aliens, which was the best outcome for Zhang Fan.

The alien army was divided into two groups and began to attack in batches. Except for the improved strength of the alien army, except for being unable to confront the free warriors, other battles ended in a devastating way.

Venomous snakes and flying springtails landed on the planet of the Fuwu civilization, and also released the mother insects.

The mother worm, to put it bluntly, is an evolved form of the worker bee. In addition to being able to lay a carpet of bacteria, the mother worm also has a certain degree of aggression.

Its appearance is somewhat like a stick insect, with slender skeletons all over its body.

There are more than a dozen pairs of small fleshy wings growing on its back. These fleshy wings are specially used to absorb solar energy.

The female worm landed on the ground with four legs, grabbing the ground firmly, and her other four hands quickly placed the fungus seeds in place.

After a while, an area turned purple, and the work efficiency was far greater than that of the worker bees.

The Fuwu civilization sent some interstellar cruise ships to attack the aliens.

The rays all over the sky caused certain damage to the alien race.

However, Fuwu Civilization found that the speed of destruction could not match the speed of construction of the opponent, which somewhat put their minds into a panic.

Zhang Fan stimulated his potential to fight against the aliens in Fuwu Civilization, and then quickly hatched the plasma worms.

The two sides launched a fierce exchange of fire on this planet.

The planet that was originally filled with birds and flowers and beautiful scenery became full of ruins after just this small-scale battle.

Moreover, the Fu Wu civilization saw the powerful infection ability of the aliens. As a last resort, Wu Hunting could only order a retreat first.

A large area was once again captured by alien races.

On the other hand, the Sekent fleet also retreated after losing more than half and returned to its base camp.

Zhang Fan discovered that these Sekant people who returned had inspected everyone very carefully.

Zhang Fan sneered and said, "Well, if it's really that easy to find out, then I won't get involved."

Despite this, some strangers were still discovered, and later, the Sekent thought of a way.

That is to let each warrior add an explosive ring to his neck, and detonate it directly whenever an abnormality is found.

This anti-civilization method was only used on low-level slaves, but now it was used on one of their own people, and everyone was filled with anger.

However, if you don't do this, you won't be able to tell who is one of your own and who is a stranger.

Zhang Fan saw that the Sekent people were treating his own people like this. He nodded and said, "It's surprising that such a practice is possible. Well, the aliens' actions have been able to calm down a bit recently."

Then, he aimed his gaze at the Fuwu light source.

"Vajra Temple? It's mine." After saying that, Zhang Fan's mind drifted to Fuwu Light Source.

The Fuwu people were violently attacked by aliens. They felt that these aliens were more terrifying than the Sekent civilization.

Those terrifying fecundity, those terrifying vitality, and the ATP force field similar to an energy shield.

All Fuwu people are not enemies of the alien army.

Countless planets were occupied by alien civilizations. Just as the alien army continued to advance, the King Kong Temple appeared in front of the army.

"Stop!" Wu Hunting shouted angrily with a sullen face.

Zhang Fan remained silent and waited for the other party to continue speaking.

Wu Hunting walked to the altar of the King Kong Temple, and a huge light screen appeared on the dome of the temple.

"Me! Wu Xinghunting! The 376th generation patriarch of Fuwu Civilization! I order you to evacuate!" Wu Xinghunting shouted.

Zhang Fan's black shadow floated out from the alien army. The huge black shadow covered the sky, and a pair of blood-red eyes were like two shining stars.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Fan asked with cruelty in his voice.

Witch hunting said: "This is Fuwu civilization! This is not a place for you to run wild!"

Zhang Fan looked at Wu Hunting who kept roaring and said softly: "It seems you haven't figured out the situation yet."

After saying that, the alien army dispersed and rushed toward the surrounding galaxies.

Witch Hunter shouted angrily again: "No! You damn invaders! Ahem!"

Wu Xunxing was getting old, and the stubborn diseases in his body broke out.

After coughing violently, red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He said with a sullen face: "Little King Kong! I will give you my life back!"

Little King Kong said sadly: "Grandpa! Is this really necessary?"

Witch Hunter said: "Come on!"

Little King Kong wiped away the non-existent tears and said, "Yes! Grandpa!"

Then, a dazzling light burst out from Wu Xunting's eyes.

"Ahhhh!" Wu Xingyun roared in pain.

Zhang Fan watched all this silently: "Is this? Vitality? He is overdrawing the last power of his life! It's incredible that he still has such vitality at such an old age."

The entire King Kong Temple began to change. In the silent space, Zhang Fan seemed to vaguely hear the roar of a dragon.

Zhang Fan said excitedly: "We must find the ancestral tree! We must find this seed!"

In the Vajra Temple, all the living people raised their hands and contributed their life force.

Rays of light sank into the obelisk.

At the last moment of his life, Wu Hunting said: "Thank you, and thank you, little King Kong."

As soon as he finished speaking, the wizard fell to the ground and passed away.

Little King Kong sobbed helplessly, and gradually his figure began to become blurred, and finally disappeared into the vast world.

The King Kong Temple, which had absorbed the vitality, changed.

What was originally only half of the dome now covers the lower half, turning it into a huge ball.

Although a ball with a diameter of 30 kilometers is nothing to Zhang Fan, for Fuwu Civilization, this is the last secret weapon.

Then, the surface of the sphere was gradually covered with a bright red color, making it impossible for people outside to see clearly what it looked like inside, but Zhang Fan knew that those in the temple were all dead.

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