The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 43 The Art of Poison Explosion

I saw that the ground began to ridge, and it was also mixed with high temperatures. The insects began to stand unsteadily on their feet. Some smaller insects fell to the ground and were trampled by large insects.

The ground was ridged higher and higher, and the surface began to crack. Seeing that something was wrong, the Anopheles King quickly pulled his tribesmen and began to climb.

Chironomid King also felt a little dangerous, but he was still fearless in his heart. He felt that he was strong enough and continued to chase the Zerg.

The Giant Mosquito King is on the ground, and it can feel the changes on the ground most intuitively and clearly. This earthquake-like change shakes its heart.

Watching the chironomid continue to chase the Zerg, the giant mosquito king felt deeply worried. It felt that the chironomid king might not be able to come back this time.

It had the intention to stop it, but for this battle, the giant mosquito did not take the adult mosquito with it.

Zhang Fan watched as these ignorant insects gradually entered the poisonous explosion zone of the poisonous baneling insects.

He wanted to see how many insects could survive in the end.

The ground temperature has risen again, and the giant mosquito king no longer cares about the chironomid, nor does he care about the cold lips and teeth. He wants to run and leave this dangerous place.

It is very confident in its own defense. Over the years, only very few creatures have been able to cause harm to giant mosquito larvae.

But this time, the feeling is no longer a matter of harm or not, it has already reached the point where there are no bones left.

Goodbye, my good friend, I will remember you. Do you still remember the time when we fought side by side in those years?

At that time, you were on top and I was on bottom, and I was often caught in your hands.

Whenever we fight, you will always be the first to think of me. We have traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers together and promised eachother. You said that we will never leave each other. We don’t want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day. die.

We serve His Majesty together and are the most solid partners. Whenever there is a threat, you will always stand in front of me immediately, and I will become your sharp teeth to tear all enemies to pieces for you.

However, the reality is so cruel, and it destroys our relationship abruptly. It is not that I am too cowardly, but that the enemy is too strong.

Every mosquito has a desire to live, and so do I. Goodbye, my friend, I am running away now.

The giant mosquito king kept moving its small body. Because it had no legs or wings, its moving speed was very slow, but it felt that it was the fastest movement in its life.

Even if the insect army tramples over the mosquito's body, it cannot shake the giant mosquito king's desire to escape.

Huh? Why am I flying? The Giant Mosquito King turned his head in confusion and saw the scene he least expected to see.

The chironomid actually wanted to fight again and picked up the larvae.

The Giant Mosquito King felt like he was about to explode with anger. He finally ran out. What are you causing trouble?

The giant mosquito king ignored it and turned back to bite the chironomid, making it let go.

There was a stinging sensation on the chironomid's leg, and then it let go of the giant mosquito king. It was still wondering what the hell was going on with this worm.

The mouthparts of chironomids are not offensive. They suck pollen, and their mouthparts have become siphon-type. Therefore, they will bring the larvae with them in every battle and use them as their weapons.

The Chironomid King does not have as many psychological activities as the Giant Mosquito King. It only implements the orders of Emperor Jingjing to destroy the enemy and must bring the larvae with it.

But I didn't expect these larvae to be so uncooperative this time, so I will have to read it later.

The giant mosquito king landed on the ground, feeling the increasingly powerful vibrations, and looked back hatefully at the chironomids still flying in the sky.

I consider you a friend, but you want to harm me! I can't live this day! Run quickly!

The Giant Mosquito King has only one desire in his heart, and that is to run out, out of this land of right and wrong.

A stone suddenly tilted up in front, lifting the Giant Mosquito King high, and then the stone began to fly backwards.

In mid-air, the giant mosquito king was carried away by the stone and returned to its original place again.

The Giant Mosquito King was desperate. He really couldn't escape this time.


There was a thunderous roar underground, and all the poisonous baneling insects had detonated. The explosions filled with venom were constantly squeezing the surrounding land.

Emperor Zhijing, who was far away in the forest, also heard the roar. At first, he thought another self-exploding mosquito was coming, but he did not find the mushroom cloud.

While Emperor Jie Jing was still confused, the whole earth began to tremble, and the trees in the forest began to shake, and the collision of branches made a rattling sound.

The big Mosquito King who was lying on the ground suddenly raised his head and saw an unforgettable scene with Emperor Mosquito Jing.

The earth was torn apart, and venom rushed into the sky like a torrent.

Those insects that were once so high above were immediately hit by this shock wave.

There was no need to think about it, no time to remember, and they were torn into pieces.

With the power of a volcanic eruption, venom continuously gushes out from the ground.

The giant mosquito king was lucky and did not die immediately, but it was also unlucky. It saw despair, and disaster approached it step by step, and finally drowned it.

Chironomid King, who was relatively confident in his own resistance to magic, was also shocked. The venom underneath began to spray out, which was far above the upper limit of its magic resistance.

Time seemed to slow down again, and the venom flooded the legs of the Chironomid King. It did not react at all and spread to its abdomen. The Chironomid King felt the sting and began to flap its wings vigorously.

With the first swing, the venom spread over its chest. With the second swing, the venom covered its entire body. The Chironomid King had no chance to swing a third time.

The Anopheles King was still running. When he looked back, he was already frightened. He broke out at the fastest escape speed in his life, which was almost as fast as the Aedes mosquito.

The shock wave of the poisonous baneling explosion, coupled with the venom, made the entire sky seem to be enveloped in a sea of ​​green.

Zhang Fan's poisonous attack was a move that could damage the enemy by a thousand and himself by eight hundred.

Not only did he kill the enemy, but his own soldiers were also affected.

Nearly half of the springtails died in the blast.

After the explosion ended, acid rain pattered in the sky. The acid rain fell on the ground, causing a second damage to some insects that were dying.

A shock wave staggered the Anopheles King, and when it came to its senses, acid rain in the sky had already enveloped it.

His body became heavier, he could no longer fly, and his wings were melted through by the strong acid.

Every part of the body is being covered by acid rain, which is eliminating viruses from its body.

The acid rain all over the sky had entered the forest's sphere of influence, and Emperor Mosquito Jing hurriedly asked the Mosquito King to retreat.

However, the mosquito king was still hit by the acid rain and was crawling forward in pain. Its desire to survive told it that it could not die here.

It's so hot today, I'm going to be scorched

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