The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 448 Interrogation

In front of the two of them, a stranger was eating the supervisor's body.

At this time, the supervisor's head had been cut off, and he rolled to the side and died with his eyes open.

The stranger heard the sound and turned his head curiously, watching the two men pointing guns at him.

The alien still had the instinct of the Dragon Emperor in his body, and he quickly raised his hands, but the blood on his mouth and chest looked a bit ferocious, as if he would pounce at any time.

Zhang Qifeng winked at Connor, who nodded, and then put the electromagnetic pistol back into his gun bag.

He took out a white ball from the other side.

This is a magnetic handcuff, with a small hole at its upper and lower ends, from which electromagnetic force can be released.

This kind of handcuffs can control all practitioners below the Force Warrior. It is very popular among the police force. It only needs to be placed on the cross of the opponent's hands to take effect.

Connor turned sideways and walked towards the stranger step by step under the cover of Zhang Qifeng.

At this time, the foreigner lowered his raised arms and scratched his head, remembering that he was no longer from the Dragon Emperor, so why was he so honest.

Just as Connor was approaching, the stranger pounced on him, just like a hungry tiger pounces on its food. Connor's eyes reflected the pieces of meat in the stranger's mouth that had not yet been swallowed.

"Connor be careful!"


An electromagnetic bomb was fired at the foreigner. The foreigner twisted his body with all his strength in mid-air. The translucent electromagnetic bomb slid along a graceful trajectory and streaked along the foreigner's chest.

However, even so, the alien's thigh was still hit by the electromagnetic bomb. The powerful penetration and paralysis force made the alien's body freeze.

Connor reacted quickly. At the critical moment, he picked up the electromagnetic handcuffs and cuffed the stranger's hands together with two clicks.

Then, the alien fell to the ground, twisting his body and wailing.

Zhang Qifeng took back his gun, walked to Connor and asked, "What does this smell like? It stinks!"

Connor knelt down, held down the stranger's head, and then looked at his shot wound.

The blood flowing out there is slowly oxidizing when it encounters the air, and then turns purple and black.

Connor said: "Captain, this smell seems to be coming from his wound."

Zhang Qifeng said: "Can you be sure what it is?"

Connor shook his head, and then he said, "I can try to analyze it."

Then, he slowly moved his hand towards the stranger's wound.


Two sounds like electroplating appeared in his ears. Connor quickly retracted his hand and raised it to see a white liquid mixed with blue flowing out of his fingers.

Connor quickly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it up, then turned back to Zhang Qifeng and said, "Captain, this seems to be a very strong acidic substance that can even melt through my biochemical skin. Look, The smell you smell is exactly what happens when the floor is corroded.”

Zhang Qifeng took out the gun again and asked: "What on earth is this? Why do these things flow out of his blood? Are they aliens?"

Connor shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. We should take him back and study it."

Zhang Qifeng nodded, and then carefully cuffed his electromagnetic handcuffs to the foreigner's feet. Then in the supervisor's office, he pulled out a lot of cloth and wrapped the foreigner's mouth fiercely.

Then, Zhang Qifeng took out his communicator and contacted the headquarters.

Not long after, the sirens from the headquarters came to the Tesco store.

A young policeman from Longdi came forward, saluted Zhang Qifeng and said, "Captain, what happened?"

Zhang Qifeng returned the gift and said: "The supervisor of the Tesco store is dead."

"Has the prisoner been caught?"

Zhang Qifeng said: "Connor and I caught him and I think there is something wrong. You arrange for two people to transport him back."

"Yes, Captain."

After saying that, the young policeman started busy giving orders to the cyborgs.

Seeing that Connor was still wrapped in a handkerchief, Zhang Qifeng said, "How is your hand?"

Connor said: "Captain, I'm fine. I'll just sew it up myself later."

Zhang Qifeng nodded and said, "Sometimes I really envy you cyborgs."

Connor smiled and said: "Captain, please stop joking."

The stranger was not sent to the laboratory or hospital at the first time, but was sent to the interrogation room of the police station.

Because, a series of actions and words can show that the alien has wisdom.

Zhang Qifeng decided to interrogate himself. Connor, Hao Xin, and a policeman watched Zhang Qifeng yelling hysterically and interrogating.

Hao Xin asked: "Connor, how about you partnering with Captain Zhang?"

Connor said: "The director, the captain is very nice and takes good care of me."

Hao Xin said: "Not necessarily, there was a biochemical person who cooperated with him before, but guess what happened later?"

Connor followed the director's words and asked, "What happened next?"

Hao Xin said: "Later, the biochemical man was sent back to the scrap collection station."

Connor looked at his nose, nose and heart and stopped talking.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened with a bang.

Zhang Qifeng said angrily: "This stupid thing! It's so damn stubborn! You didn't even say a word! I'm so angry!"

Connor hurried forward and said, "Captain, don't be angry."

Hao Xin also said: "Well, Connor is right, Qi Feng, how did you lecture me?"

Zhang Qifeng said angrily: "It's not the same old thing, coercion, inducement, emotion, reason. Who would have thought that this guy didn't even speak. I heard him talking to himself before."

Connor patted Zhang Qifeng on the shoulder and said, "Captain, how about I try?"

Hao Xin nodded and said, "Then let's try it."

Zhang Qifeng pouted and said, "I can't do it, but can he?" After saying that, he turned sideways and let Connor enter the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, the stranger was sitting quietly opposite Connor, handcuffed and legcuffed.

After Connor sat down, he just raised his head slightly and then stopped talking.

Connor said: "I know who you are, you are not from this planet, maybe I can take a guess."

The stranger raised his head and looked at Connor jokingly.

Connor said: "Your hometown was originally a place rich in resources, but due to the harsh environment, your bodies mutated, and by chance you fell into the world of the Dragon Emperor's civilization."

The stranger looked at Connor mockingly again. He thought what Connor said was quite interesting.

Connor looked into the alien's eyes and said, "You are a creature similar to a parasite, right?"

At this time, the stranger spoke, and he smiled and said, "That's right."

Connor seemed to have gotten his answer. He leaned back and said, "The person sitting opposite me is a wanted criminal with a reward of 500,000 dragon coins. He is not a very important person in the Dragon Emperor's civilization. I don't know, but you are How is it parasitic?"

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