The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 456 Rescue successful

Raditz looked at the compatriots around him. They all had scars more or less on their bodies.

The blood stains that Jelinka found before were probably left by these people after they went out for reconnaissance and were attacked.

Jelinka came to Raditz and said, "What should we do next? Take them out?"

Raditz nodded and said, "Well, let's go together. They can resist the devil virus. They should have some kind of antibodies in their bodies, which will be very helpful to us."

Jelinka nodded, and then called her companions to negotiate with the group.

At this time, Maduro's body was shaking violently. Raditz noticed his condition and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Maduro looked at Raditz with shock in his eyes and said: "Big terror! There is great terror! Brother! Run!"

Raditz, strangely enough, has been on edge since Maduro landed on the planet.

He has been with Maduro for the longest time, and he knows that Maduro will never act without aim.

Therefore, he thought Maduro's words were quite reasonable. He looked around and then said in a deep voice: "Where do you feel?"

Maduro said: “Everywhere!”

When Claude saw the two of them whispering, he walked over, patted Maduro on the shoulder and said, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Your body is shaking so badly."

Raditz pulled Claude and said, "He's feeling a little unwell."

Claude glanced at the two of them, showed a playful smile, and then left.

With the help of the investigation team, this group of Sekent people packed their bags and simply followed behind the investigation team.

Jelinka said: "Don't worry, everyone, we will definitely rescue everyone safely!"

Hanier also used her singing to soothe everyone's emotions.

When they were about to arrive in front of the big iron gate, Jelinka opened her hands and stopped everyone. She said with a gloomy face: "We are being targeted by the other side. They are right outside the door, ready to fight!"

After saying that, the ten members of the investigation team stood at their fighting positions.

Raditz stepped back. He was responsible for observing the surrounding environment and then making the optimal combat plan.

When the survivors saw that the rescue teams were facing a formidable enemy, they hugged each other nervously. They never wanted to experience those terrifying times again.

The ten team members walked sideways towards the big hole in the iron gate. Jelinka winked at Elifin.

After taking two deep breaths, Elifan jumped out of the cave.


"Don't slap me in the face!"

"It hurts!"

"Damn it! I'll fight you!"

There was a fierce battle sound outside the cave, and the screams of Elifan were heard, as well as various bang-dong collision sounds.

Zesla said: "There are at least 30 monsters outside, and the number of those monsters is quite large."


Elipon was knocked back into the hole by the licking insect door and rolled twice on the ground.

He struggled on the ground for a few times. When he stood up, his clothes became tattered and he looked like a beggar.

Elifan said sheepishly: "I'm going to change clothes first."

After changing his clothes, Elifan said: "What should we do next?"

Zesla said: "I can only calculate their number and strength. How to fight depends on what the captain and vice-captain say."

"I'm not good at arrangements," Jelinka said to Zesla.

After saying that, the other nine people all focused on Raditz.

Raditz touched his nose and said, "Okay, then I'll do it."

In Erifin's narration, Zesra calculated the opponent's specific appearance, as well as the agility, strength value, and attack method.

Raditz looked at the fighting style of these monsters and said: "They are indeed very agile and powerful, but they are still far behind us. They can definitely fight."

After that, the tasks were assigned.

After the explanation, Raditz patted Elifan on the shoulder and said, "It's up to you!"

With a sad face, Elifan rushed out of the cave again.

"Three! Two! One! Enter Igna!"


After saying that, Igna rushed out, and a large flame rang out in the not very wide passage.

"Hanier! Add buff!"

The song sounded, and Igna's flames became stronger.

Then Raditz yelled: "Robert! Goodell ready! Release!"

Roberto flashed his body and came to the side of the licking insect, and Igna quickly withdrew the flame.

Like a shadowless kick, Robert kicked dozens of licking insects into the air.

"Absolute zero!"

Goodell opened his arms and released ice at the licking bug in the sky. Under the blessing of cold and heat, even the skin of the licking bug's body was cracked.

Then, without Raditz having to say anything, Maduro rushed out.



The licking insects and the ice cubes were blasted to pieces.

Looking at the squirming muscles on the ground, Zesla said, "Leave it to me."

The nine-headed worm appeared, and Zesla said: "You stay behind."

After saying that, pulse energy poured down like rain.

Snap your fingers in one place and explode.

After doing all this, the members of the investigation team brought out the survivors.

The survivors were very surprised. They knew how difficult these licking insects were to deal with, but they didn't expect that they were able to eliminate the licking insects in such a short period of time. It was really amazing!

The survivors were about to cheer, but Raditz stopped them and said, "It's not a good time to stay here for a long time. Let's talk about it after we get out."

So, a group of people quickened their pace again.

Under the constant harassment of licking insects, this group of people rushed out of the door of Amlibao Company as quickly as possible.

The overwhelming zombies are rushing towards this side. This cannot be dealt with by relying on the Force!

Jelinka shouted loudly: "Crimson Heroic Spirit! Weiyuan Grating!"

The crimson heroic spirit in the sky was on standby for a long time. After receiving Jelinka's order, an invisible shock wave appeared.

The zombies were pushed to the ground by this powerful shock wave, and then their bodies became bloated.




After countless explosions, all the zombies were beaten to ashes by the Crimson Heroic Spirit's artillery.

"Oh my God! This move is so powerful!" Claude praised in surprise.

Raditz hurriedly said: "Stop it! Let's run!"

The surrounding zombies heard the noise getting louder and ran towards this side quickly.

At the critical moment, everyone climbed onto the Crimson Heroic Spirit, breathing heavily.

After settling the survivors, the investigation team will fly to the nearest academy of sciences. Only that group of scientists can study the secrets inside the survivors.

Of course, no one left a specimen for Zesla.

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