The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 458 Battle

"Ouch, I can't hold it any longer. I really can't hold it any longer. I didn't expect to be discovered by a big and thick guy." Jelinka laughed while stroking the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Her voice also changed, becoming somewhat neutral and somewhat synthetic.

Raditz said with a dark face: "You actually! Actually! When did you start betraying us?"

Jelinka looked at Raditz and said with a smile: "When will it start? I have never joined you. I have been a member of the alien race from the beginning. By the way, we have a name, Feng Chong."

"Feng Chong?" Everyone expressed doubts.

Jelinka seemed to be in a good mood and said: "The so-called Zerg is the Zerg that serves the master, and we are the life forms created by the master using your genes!"

Raditz said angrily: "You are making enemies of the entire Sekent civilization!"

Jelinka said: "No, you humble Sekent people are like ants crawling by the roadside! You never know the greatness of the Lord! Are you an enemy? You think too highly of yourselves!"

Then, Jelinka looked at Claude and said, "You think so? Claude?"

Claude smiled bitterly and said: "Originally I wanted to hide it, why did you expose me so early?"

The remaining eight members quickly stepped aside and stared at Jelinka and Claude.

Jelinka said: "It's useless. The Sekent civilization has been destroyed. As long as I snap my fingers, the entire Sekent civilization will change hands."

Zesla said tremblingly: "You! Are you talking about those potions?"

Jelinka said: "Yes, what you extracted is what the master asked you to extract. Biology, we are serious."

After saying that, Jelinka and Claude bowed to the members of the investigation team.

Claude said: "Okay, stop playing around, they are dead now, use potions to control them all."

Claude took out two Teri antibiotics and said, "Catch Raditz and Maduro."

As soon as he finished speaking, the others grabbed Raditz and Maduro as if their bodies were out of control.

Caught off guard, both of them were thrown to the ground.

A fire knife and an ice knife were placed on their necks.

Claude knelt down and said, "I've been comrades with you for so long, and I can't bear to kill you, so be good and don't move."

Then, the medicine was injected into the bodies of the two people. After Maduro trembled, his eyes became dull.

Afterwards, the two of them were released and stood up one after another.

Jelinka clapped her hands and said: "Okay, don't be stunned, let them inject those who have not yet been injected with medicine, and then wait for the arrival of the master."

At this time, Raditz, with dull eyes, spoke: "I know, my Force."

Jelinka turned her head, looked at Raditz curiously and said, "I'm also curious about what your Force power is?"

Raditz looked at Jelinka and said, "Immune, immune to all attacks."

Claude laughed and said, "Are you kidding me!"


Claude showed no mercy and punched Raditz in the chest with the most powerful punch in his life.

In a flash of light, Raditz's body smashed into several walls, raising thick gray smoke.

Claude said: "That's all, it's just a pity."

"Oh! What are you feeling sorry for?"

A figure slowly walked out of the smoke, his body shining with a faint golden light.

This was Raditz who was blasted away by Claude. At this time, he was standing in front of everyone unscathed.

Seeing Raditz's god-like existence, Hanier couldn't help but hum a war song.

When a hero goes to war, a war song will sound. One man is at the gate and ten thousand men are invincible! The Sekents are invincible!

Hearing Haniel's war song, Claude felt himself full of strength again.

He said a little ferociously: "I didn't expect that you would be the most difficult person to deal with in the entire Sekent civilization? Are you immune? Then I'll see how immune you are!"

Blow! Meteor punch!

Claude took action instantly, his hands turned into afterimages, and the heavy rain of pear blossoms hit Raditz's body.

"Ola Ola Ola!"

"Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da!"

Raditz also punched unceremoniously, and the fist shadows of both sides were intertwined at this moment.

The powerful concussive force caused all the surrounding walls to collapse, and the ceiling seemed to have crashed down.

Jelinka shouted: "Maduro!"

Then, Maduro punched the ceiling, click!


The breeze blew and the ceiling turned into a piece of powder.

Then, continue to observe the battle between Raditz and Cloud.

However, with the blessing of the war song, Raditz's combat effectiveness gradually began to be suppressed by the opponent.

Then, Raditz rolled on the spot and avoided Claude's attack.

Claude turned around and wanted to punch her. Unexpectedly, Raditz crawled and quickly approached Hanier.


When he came to his senses, Raditz had already arrived in front of Hanier.

Biting the tip of her tongue, a mouthful of blood shot into the mouth of Hanier who was singing.

Halfway through singing, Hanier received stimulation and coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough!" The little girl is so cute when she coughs.

"What's wrong with me?!" Hanier was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she had not forgotten what happened just now.

"Vice-captain! Just wait! I'll come right away!" After saying that, he sang the war song again.

This time it was more exciting than last time.

Raditz felt the power in his body, stood up and clenched his fists and said, "No one can beat me in my BGM!"

They struggled with Claude again, and the scene was extremely fierce.

Claude couldn't deal with Raditz's immunity, and the heavy blow was like hitting cotton.

Jelinka found Hanier who had recovered, picked up the dagger and headed towards her.

Hanier noticed Jelinka's attack from the corner of her eye and dodged sideways. She held the wrist holding the dagger in one hand and pulled it forward. The other hand slapped Jelinka hard on the back.

Jelinka was in pain and fell to the ground.

Hanier took the opportunity to twist Jelinka's finger, and with a little force, the dagger fell on the ground, making a ding-dong sound, adding beautiful music to Haniel's unstoppable singing.

Even though Hanier is a shy little girl, she has developed the ability to breathe continuously during battles. Singing and fighting at the same time is her strength.

Moreover, Hanier has the best physical skills among the female students.

Seeing Raditz becoming more and more courageous as he fought, Haniel's singing voice became louder.

During the break in the fight, Raditz found the right moment and punched Claude in the stomach.

In an instant, Claude bowed like a shrimp, his eyes bulging out. He didn't understand why this guy's strength and skills were so great!

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