The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 463 Encountering Aliens by Chance

Raditz slowly opened his eyes, his brows still showing fatigue, as if he had experienced a long dream.

Raditz put his hands on the bed, slowly straightened up, and rubbed his temples to dispel the fatigue in his body.

He got out of bed, poured a glass of water on his own, drank it down, and picked up the photo album on the bedside.

The photo album showed a photo of a majestic man holding Raditz with one hand, and a woman leaning gently on the man's shoulder.

The man in the photo is Carlot. At that time, Carlot had become the world's number one warrior and was crowned the king. This was also the only photo of Raditz and Carlot.

Putting down the photo album, Raditz opened the door and walked out.

He felt a little strange. According to the time, he should have entered the capital galaxy. No matter how slow he flew, he should have seen Carrot.

"No, something happened!" Raditz reacted quickly and strode toward the cab.

After opening the cab door, I heard a voice.

"People on the other side, listen! This is the Holy Wolf Pirate Group! Hand over your property! Spare your life!"

Upon seeing this, Raditz quickly asked: "What happened?"

Maduro pointed to the spaceship on the screen and said with a dull expression: "See for yourself."

Raditz was also shocked when he saw the alien spacecraft on the screen.

The spacecraft opposite was more than 500 kilometers long, and the crimson heroic spirit was as small as a baby next to him.

The entire body of the unknown spacecraft is purple-red and shuttle-shaped, and you can clearly see the huge gun barrels on it.

Especially the weapon launch ports on both wings are like whirlpools, as if they can swallow the crimson heroic spirit whole, with a diameter of at least 50 kilometers.

There should be some secret hidden at the head of the spacecraft. Raditz could see that there was a faint blue light in the gap between the upper and lower parts.

This spacecraft absolutely cannot be the spacecraft of the Sekent civilization, nor can it be the spacecraft on the entire small spiral arm.

It is definitely a product of advanced civilization from the outside world. Only aliens who have mastered the core technology can possess such a behemoth.

The unknown spaceship said again: "What's wrong? Are you deaf or mute? If you don't speak, I will fire! 5! 4!"

Hearing the countdown start on the other side, Raditz suddenly reacted, his body glowing with a faint golden light, and replied: "Hello, dear alien travelers, this is the Crimson Heroic Spirit of the Sekent Civilization. I'm glad to meet you. How can I help you?" Of?"

The weapons on the opposite side gradually went out, and Raditz took a breath, and then heard: "Secent civilization? What the hell? You! You! You! And you! Go up and take a look!"

After saying that, a small spacecraft flew out from the inside of the unknown spacecraft.

Goodell asked: "Captain, what should we do?"

"Just wait and see what happens, don't piss them off just yet," Raditz said.

The flying speed of the small spaceship is very fast, even faster than the Crimson Heroic Spirit. This is the speed without turning on the curvature flight.

Soon, the small spaceship approached the Crimson Heroic Spirit, and a voice came: "Open the door! Otherwise, this spaceship will be dismantled!"

Raditz and the others obediently opened the Crimson Heroic Spirit's hatch.

Then, four aliens wearing space suits entered the interior of the Crimson Heroic Spirit.

The four people have different looks, including a kobold, a green man, a tentacle monster, and a hairless, wingless man who looks like a bat.

The leader seems to be the batman, who is relatively short and doesn't know how he became the leader.

Batman shouted: "Get out of here, everyone? Stop playing tricks!"

Raditz and the others walked out slowly, adhering to the principle of keeping a low profile.

Batman said doubtfully: "There are only four of you?"

Raditz nodded: "Yes, respected alien friends, there are only four of us on this ship."

The batman didn't believe it, and then said: "Lanya Blade, go and have a look."

The kobold nodded, then stretched out his nose, sniffed a little and said, "Boss! They still have people!"

The Batman was furious, raised the weapon in his hand and shouted: "How dare you lie to me!"

Just when Raditz was about to explain, the kobold on the side said: "Boss, those people seem to be unable to move. I smell a smell of medicine. They should be undergoing treatment."

The corners of Batman's eyes twitched and he said, "Next time, can you finish your words first?"

"Momoka," Batman shouted.

The tentacle monster moved to the side of the batman: "Tie them up first."

The tentacle monster Momoka quickly moved to Raditz and the others, stretched out its tentacles to tie them up, and then cut off its tentacles.

Raditz and the others did not resist, they just watched quietly.

They found that the tentacles wrapped around the body were not very hard and they should be able to break free easily.

Batman said: "Momoka! You watch them here! I'll go in and search!"

The Sekent quartet watched the Batman leave, and they felt very calm, because there was nothing good on this spacecraft at all.

The Batman wandered among the Crimson Heroes for a long time and drank a glass of red wine specially made by the Sekent civilization.

He ordered his men to bring them all to him.

Batman seemed to be talking to the top, explaining the situation.

When he saw someone coming, he hung up the communication.

"You are so poor! You are so miserable when you fly such a good spaceship." The batman was a little annoyed.

Raditz said: "Dear friends from alien civilizations, we are actually fleeing here."

After speaking, Raditz began to explain to the other party the current status of the Sekent civilization, which was really a mess.

Batman said in annoyance again: "Is there such a thing? Then aren't your entire light sources poor?"

"Wait!" As soon as Batman finished speaking, he saw the golden light on Raditz's body and began to slowly become emotional.

"Are you a practitioner of the Force?!" Batman was shocked.

Then, he yelled Sistily, "Control them all! Headquarters! Force cultivators discovered! Requesting support! Requesting support!"

The kobolds, greenskins and tentacle monsters reacted quickly and rushed in front of several people.

Raditz said, "They're going to kill us! Fight back!"

After saying that, he was the first to break free of the bonds, and the other three people tore off the tentacles on their bodies.

He got into a fight with an alien and knocked him to the ground in three strikes.

Hanier asked doubtfully: "Wow, these guys are too brittle. They all fell down before I even exerted any force."

The Batman watched his men being wiped out in just a short moment, and he shouted in fear: "You! Who are you?!"

Raditz tilted his head and asked doubtfully: "Us? Aren't we just ordinary Sekent people?"

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