The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 465 Joining the Pirate Group

Is there any way to join the pirate group?

After hearing this, the people on the pirate ship didn't believe it at first, but after Raditz asked again, the dullness on his face faded.

The man looked at Raditz with something strange: "You are obviously a practitioner of the Force, so you should have better room for development. Why do you want to join the pirate group?"

Raditz shook his head: "Don't worry about this. I'll ask if you can accept anyone on board."

"Just the four of you?"

"No, there are four more lying inside."

The man said: "I can't answer this for you. I have to discuss it with the captain."

After saying that, he cut off the communication.

Maduro asked in confusion: "What's going on? Is this pirate so talkative lately?"

Raditz nodded the golden light on his body and said, "Luck is conserved."

I originally thought there would be a big battle, but I didn't expect it to be such a child's play.

After Raditz and the others sent the kobolds and tentacle monsters to the medical room, they waited with the batman.

After waiting for about an hour, the signal on the screen flashed again.

After the call was connected, another batman appeared in front of Raditz and the others.

This batman was about the same size as Brooke, but wore a vest and an awkward straw hat.

"You must be the captain of the Holy Wolf Pirate Group."

"Yes, I am, my name is Luffy." The man in the straw hat said.

If Zhang Fan were here, he would definitely know that these bat men were the same group of Beit soldiers who escaped from the Beit civilization back then.

Raditz looked at Luffy and said respectfully: "Hello, Captain Luffy, my name is Raditz."

Luffy supported his straw hat and said, "As for you, I know something about it. There is no problem in joining the pirate group, but I have to ask you some questions."

Raditz didn't know what Luffy was asking, so he said, "Excuse me."

Luffy said: "I feel a very annoying aura from your body. It doesn't seem to be yours. Can you tell me what it is?"

Raditz obviously didn't understand what Luffy meant: "Can you be more specific? I don't seem to understand."

Luffy narrowed his eyes and said, "It's a familiar feeling, which I hate very much."

Raditz continued to express confusion: "I don't know how to answer this."

Luffy said: "Don't worry, I have sent a medical team there."

As soon as he finished speaking, Goodell said: "I just received news that a small spaceship is waiting outside the Crimson Heroic Spirit."

"Let them in."

When the medical team entered, they were led by a reindeer with a hat on its head and a backpack on its back.

The reindeer said, "Hello, my name is Chopper."


Then the reindeer raised its forelimbs, pointed to the other reindeer behind and said, "This is my brother, Luli."

Luli's shape is similar to Chopper's, except that the horns on his head are longer.

After some conversation, Chopper changed his shape, stood on his feet, and took out a needle with his front hooves.

"Can I get a tube of blood? Don't get me wrong, I just want to know what's in your body."


Then, Chopper placed his hoof on Raditz's hand and began to draw blood.

"Huh?!" Lu Li felt a little strange at the side.

Immediately afterwards, the hairy man shouted: "Brother! Stop! There is a problem!"

"What?" Chopper was surprised.

Suddenly, he felt a little tight in his chest and a little dizzy, as if something in his body was devouring his nutrients.

Seeing this, Lu Li quickly took out a green package from his backpack and stuffed it into Chopper's mouth.


A sound similar to the whining of a rat, a bit intermittent.

Not long after, Chopper spit out a mouthful of black blood clots, and worms could still be seen squirming in the blood clots.

Raditz was also a little surprised: "This! What is going on?"

Lu Li said: "You are Force practitioners and should be able to resist this kind of power, but my brother is not."

Chopper's spirits were a little low and he leaned against Lu Li's side.

"This has never happened before," Raditz said.

Lu Li said: "These things are latent in your blood and spread out when the blood is drawn. Only those who have practiced the Force can resist."

Raditz asked curiously: "Are you also a practitioner of the Force?"

Lu Li said: "That's right."

"Ahem." Chopper coughed twice and began to regain his energy. Luli gave him a green package again.

Chopper said with lingering fear: "I finally understand what the captain hates. I have to go back and study it carefully."

"give it to me."

Lu Li picked up the needle that fell on the ground and put it in the backpack on his back.

"Brother, stay away from me. I'll send you back."

"Well, I'll be right back."

After saying that, Luli left without looking back, and a man drove the small spacecraft back to the giant spacecraft.

After a series of isolation, Luffy finally understood what he hated.

"Alien?!" Luffy was shocked.

"How could they evolve so fast?! Do they already have the strength of a level 2.3 civilization?" Luffy thought again.

You must know that although the aliens back then could infect the Beit people, the infection was not as direct.

Looking at the milky white worm, Luffy contacted Raditz again: "Has your civilization been attacked by aliens?"

Raditz said: "Do you know about aliens?"

Luffy said: "That's a terrible alien race."

The two exchanged information and kept telling the horror of the alien race.

Finally, Raditz sighed: "I never thought that in such a short period of time, this alien race that was originally only struggling in one galaxy would now want to seize the entire small spiral arm."

Luffy said: "Indeed, I always feel that aliens are unfathomable."

Raditz said, "What are you going to do?"

Luffy said: "Now is not the time to contact them. I will report the situation and ask for support."

Raditz lowered his head and said sincerely: "Thank you very much."

"Hey, what's there to be thankful for, my brother."

When he said this, Luffy had already recognized Raditz as a crew member of his spaceship.

Raditz raised his head and said with the same smile: "Thank you, Captain."

At the same time, Carrot was driving the Glacier Lord to continuously attack the aliens in the Sekent Light Source.

Countless aliens were frozen by the Glacier Lord and then shattered, without even a chance to turn into demonic viruses.

"Absolute zero is indeed terrifying. This trick, known as the lowest temperature in the universe, is not something we can resist now." Zhang Fan sighed as he watched the Leviathans being destroyed.

He doesn't feel sorry for the loss of the alien race at all now. After occupying two light sources, he is attacking the third light source.

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