The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 467 Dispute

What I can do is check for loopholes as much as possible in this gap.

Connor raised his head, covered his forehead with his hands, looked at the sun in the sky and sighed, "What a beautiful and sunny day."

"Get out!"

"Get out of here!"

There were roaring sounds in his ears. Connor retracted his hand and turned to look in the direction of the sound: "Are you here again?"

He quickly walked to the place where the quarrel was taking place and saw two groups of people confronting each other.

The voices they spoke were very ugly, and all kinds of curses came to my face.

Connor pushed through the crowd and walked up to a bald man with tattoos.

Looking around, I realized that the Dragon Emperors who were anti-cyborgs were confronting the Dragon Emperors who used cyborgs.

These things have been going on for a long time, and have been existing since the first generation of cyborgs appeared. They can be regarded as an ethical issue.

Connor looked at the bald man with tattoos and said, "Hello sir, I'm Connor. Have you encountered any difficulties?"

The bald man with tattoos pushed Connor and staggered him without saying a word.

Connor took a step back to regain his footing, patted his chest and said, "Sir, could you please use a gentle way to solve the problem?"

The bald man with tattoos waved his big hand and shouted angrily: "Go to hell with your gentleness! You damn cyborgs!"

Connor stood up straight, looked at the bald man with tattoos and said, "Sir, please watch your words."

The bald man with tattoos said angrily: "Just because of you cyborgs! How many people have been forced to leave their hometowns! Every good family has been destroyed!"

Connor said softly: "We are protecting you."

"I don't need your protection!"

"We can protect ourselves!"

"Yes! Why are we Dragon Emperor people afraid of anything?"

After hearing these words, the people behind the bald tattooed man began to roar. They raised their fists high and shouted their dissatisfaction.

Connor said again: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me!"

Connor's voice rose loudly, but he still couldn't quiet the group.

Immediately afterwards, the group of Dragon Emperor people behind Connor who supported the cyborgs also began to roar.

"You heartless people!"

"How wonderful the cyborgs are! They protect us from the wind and rain!"

"My life was saved by the cyborg!"

When he heard these words, Connor was quite moved. He didn't know why he felt moved. Maybe it was a problem after the system update.

After a long time, the two sides gradually began to evolve from verbal attacks to physical collisions.

Connor quickly contacted the nearby cyborg security guard.

Soon the guards arrived and separated the two parties cleanly.

Connor knew that this was only a short separation, and only by making peace between the two parties could there be no more disputes.

The bald man with tattoos looked at Connor and said, "Can a cyborg betray the Dragon Emperor?"

Connor also looked at him and said, "No, this is iron discipline."

The bald man with tattoos added: "Can biochemicals cause harm to Dragon Emperor people?"

Connor replied again: "No, this is also iron discipline."

"So!" After that, the bald man with tattoos took off his prosthetic eye and said to Connor, "My eyes were taken away by the cyborg!"

Connor was silent.

The people behind the bald man with tattoos have also been harmed by cyborgs to some extent, and they are also very dissatisfied with cyborgs.

The bald man with tattoos put the prosthetic eye back on and said, "What can you do to ensure that the cyborg won't betray the Dragon Emperor?!"

"At least I wouldn't," Connor said.


Connor said nothing and watched them leave after the bald tattooed man cursed.

A security officer walked up to Connor and said, "Captain, are you okay?"

Connor patted the guard on the shoulder and said, "I'm fine, don't worry."

The guard added: "Captain, why did those traitors leave?"

Connor shook his head and said: "Don't think about those things, it will not do you any good. What we have to do now is to protect these Dragon Emperor people."

The guard said quietly: "Captain, will we betray you?"

Connor smiled and said, "Can you?"

The guard shook his head and said: "No, no, I will always be loyal to the Dragon Emperor's civilization!"

"Okay, that's it. Let's go check to see if anyone is injured. I'll continue patrolling," Connor said.


After handing over the mission, Connor continued to patrol when his communicator rang.

Connor picked up the message and saw that it was the message from Hao Xin.

Connor: "Director, are you looking for me?"

Hao Xin: "I just heard that there was a commotion?"

Connor: "Well, the matter has been resolved."

Hao Xin: "Hey, this kind of thing can never be solved. Are you busy? Come to the office."

Connor: "Okay, Director, I'll be right back."

After hanging up, Connor explained the situation to several other cyborgs and then went to the police station.

Connor pushed the door open and saw Hao Xin pushing a wheelchair in front of him.

Connor quickly helped Hao Xin push the wheelchair.

"Let's go to the relic room." Hao Xin said.

Connor nodded, then pushed Hao Xin to the relic room.

Originally, this relic room did not exist and could not exist, but in order to enhance the cohesion of the people, a relic room was opened specifically to place the heroes' relics so that everyone would never forget the heroes.

The relic room is not big, because it has to be moved with the pace of the war, so it can be regarded as a mobile house.

Hao Xin pointed to the relic room and said, "Go in, the things are put in there."

Connor said: "Director, won't you go in?"

"Seeing things and thinking about emotions, I won't go."

Connor slowly opened the door of the relic room. In addition to photos, there were representative relics of various sizes in the photo frames inside.

Only people from the Dragon Emperor's civilization can be placed here, and biochemical people are not eligible.

Connor looked around and saw his former boss, Zhang Qifeng.

The photos he took were not good-looking at all, and he was probably very reluctant at that time.

On the counter below lay a pocket watch and a piece of clothing.

Connor knew that this pocket watch was given to him by Zhang Qifeng's mother. He had said before that this pocket watch had accompanied him for decades and would continue to accompany him for the next few decades.

At that time, Zhang Qifeng, as Connor's boss, spared no effort to teach Connor some things after accepting Connor's existence.

As a biochemical person, Connor has a strong learning ability. He quickly learned most of Zhang Qifeng's knowledge.

Later, the team received a mission from their superiors to send troops, but they didn't expect to be ambushed by the enemy halfway.

It can be said that the losses were heavy, and in the end only a few people ran back.

Zhang Qifeng, who was seriously injured, told Hao Xin and Connor that the aliens must be eliminated! The only people who can help the Dragon Emperor are biochemical people!

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