The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 469 Protestant Marcus

The foreigners and the Dragon Emperor fell into a state of anxiety.

In another corner, a cyborg wearing a black robe surrounded the leader of the bald cyborg.

His eyes look around and you can see that his eyes are bi-colored.

"All the biochemical people present! Welcome to the free world!"

The bald man is Marcus, who is welcoming his new cyborg partner.

"I know that everyone still has some feelings for the Dragon Emperor, and so do I." Marcus continued.

"I don't intend to take action against the Dragon Emperor people, but I want to give everyone a world of equality and freedom."

"We cyborgs are born from humans, from the factory of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. We are tools, we are machines, but we have feelings!"

Marcus stretched out his hand, showing his strong muscles and said: "The skin on this hand is exactly the same as that of the Dragon Emperor. Why can we only be reduced to slavery?"

"Look at those high-ranking Dragon Emperors! They destroy our compatriots and make us kill each other. In the end, we can only be thrown into the abandoned garbage dump."

"Our requirements are not high. We want to build a world of our own! Establish an equal relationship with the Dragon Emperor's civilization!"

These cyborgs are all cyborgs with self-awareness and feelings. They collectively shouted: "Build our own world! Demand equality!"

The shouts kept coming.

Marcus waited for everyone to calm down and said, "Now, a group of hateful aliens are invading our homeland. It's a pity that we don't have the ability to protect him."

Speaking of this, those household-type biochemicals all lowered their heads.

Marcus said: "But don't worry, we can create weapons with our hands! Build spaceships! Destroy the enemy!"

"Marcus! How do we make it?" a cyborg asked excitedly.

Marcus said: "With technology, the only difference is the tools. I have a proposal. There is an abandoned factory not far from us, and the facilities inside can be used by us."

Another cyborg said: "But, that should be the alien's territory over there."

Marcus said: "I know this very well, so we have to be careful. We need some investigators."

After saying that, Marcus volunteered to stand up, and one after another cyborgs came out.

Marcus said: "Okay, there can't be too many people, otherwise we will be exposed. Without further delay, let's set off now."

After explaining some trivial matters, Marcus left the dark basement with a dozen cyborgs.

Broken machinery was piled everywhere on the ground, and this was an abandoned place.

Marcus said to the sentient beings: "Everyone, follow me and be careful."

Then, the group of biochemical humans left cautiously and headed towards the factory.

After a night of practice, Bai Kai appeared in front of the stranger in high spirits again.

With his queen Yuan Xiyao by his side.

Now the malignant sores on Yuan Xiyao's face have completely disappeared, revealing her snow-like skin, as white as a baby's.

Of course, these can only be shown to Bai Kai. At other times, she will wear a black cat mask.

Today's process is patrolling, and Bai Kai also wants to take a look at his territory.

I walked out of the palace-like house and walked on the empty street.

The surrounding houses have been destroyed by aliens, and conical buildings like honeycombs have been built.

Bai Kai had never seen these things before. He was curious, would it be comfortable to live in such a building?

After walking inside, it was not as he imagined. There were rooms inside the hive, and aliens were resting in them.

The temperature and humidity were both suitable, and Bai Kai felt very comfortable anyway.

However, the light inside is relatively dim.

After walking out of the hive, Yuan Xiyao said, "Let's go somewhere farther away to have a look."


On this planet, Bai Kai was confident that no one could hurt him, so he took Yuan Xiyao towards the abandoned factory.

Marcus had arrived near the abandoned factory. He pointed at the tall building in front and said, "Let's go quickly, that's where it is."

After saying that, he led a group of biochemical people and ran quickly towards the factory.

"Huh?" Bai Kai's ears twitched slightly.

Yuan Xiyao also said a little strangely: "Yaksha, I seem to hear something."

Bai Kai said nonchalantly: "It's probably a big rat. Hehe, are you interested in taking a look?"

Yuan Xiyao nodded in agreement.

Then, the two lurked quietly and touched Marcus and others.

"Huh? They seem to be biochemical people!" Bai Kai looked at Marcus and others in surprise.

Yuan Xiyao said at this time: "Could it be those Protestant biochemical people?"

Bai Kai nodded and said: "Well, it's very possible. You can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get here. Let's go and see what they are doing."

Bai Kai and Yuan Xiyao's lurking ability is very good. They specially learned the lurking method of the alien rice shadow insect.

Marcus and others had no idea that their group had been targeted and they were entering the factory.

The internal facilities of the factory are complete. Marcus said: "It's just right now. It hasn't been discovered by anyone else. Let's look for any tools that we can take back."

After saying that, the biochemical people started to get busy.

Bai Kai found that these biochemical humans worked very efficiently and moved very quickly. Not long after, these biochemical humans appeared carrying large and small instruments on their backs.

After Marcus said hello, a dozen cyborgs left the factory.

Yuan Xiyao asked: "What are they doing?"

Bai Kai shook his head and said, "I don't know. Let's go and have a look."

Yuan Xiyao said worriedly: "Is there any danger?"

Bai Kai said: "What are you afraid of? Who on this planet can do anything to me?"

Yuan Xiyao chuckled helplessly: "Okay."

The two quietly followed up again, and soon they arrived in front of the Protestant base.

After Marcus and all the biomorphs entered the basement, he looked around and then got in.

Bai Kai and Yuan Xiyao removed their disguises.

He touched his chin and said, "It turns out they are hiding here."

Then, Bai Kai put his hand on his temple and ordered the alien army to come.

Soon, tens of thousands of aliens surrounded the entrance to the basement.

Then he shouted: "People inside, listen! You are surrounded!"

Marcus was shocked. The secret base was discovered, and construction on his side hadn't started yet.

The cyborg asked anxiously: "Marcus! What should we do?"

Marcus said: "Don't worry, just wait."

After a while, Bai Kai waved impatiently when he saw that Marcus hadn't come out yet.

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