The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 474 Thousand Storms Martial God

Why did the Sekent civilization summon such a powerful force?

Zhang Fan guessed that this should be the so-called relic.

According to the data of the Sekent civilization, their civilization did not exist for too long, and it was not much different from the Dragon Emperor's civilization.

The war potential of civilization is very huge.

"Could it be that the Dragon Emperor's civilization is also the remnant of a certain advanced civilization?" Zhang Fan thought thoughtfully.

As he thought about it, he thought about the alien race. Could he also be a remnant?

Zhang Fan shook his head. He still had some impression of this. He came from time travel and was a created being.

"Maybe it's just because of mutation." Zhang Fan said to himself.

The base camp in the rear is expanding rapidly.

Originally, the patrol police of the Dragon Emperor Civilization wanted to come over and take a look. However, after they discovered the abnormality here, they quickly reported it to the top of the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

As a result, an army was stationed at the border, watching the alien civilization with eager eyes.

Zhang Fan was also a little worried about the Dragon Emperor Civilization's attack, because he found that from clues, it could be seen that the Dragon Emperor Civilization was about to enter a level 2.6 civilization.

This is not something I can fight against at this stage, so just stay frozen for now.

Fortunately, Bai Kai's existence was not discovered by the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

After doing all this, Zhang Fan's thoughts returned to Bai Kai again.

He is now just an ordinary practitioner of the Force. Speaking of it, he just got started and sensed the power. He has not even reached one ten thousandth of the power of Carrot. There is still a long way to go.

When Ares attacked Zhang Fan, the cyborgs launched a fierce counterattack. The number of aliens dropped sharply, and even Bai Kai scurried away with his head in his arms.

Fortunately, Marcus stepped forward and blocked the opponent's attack, and Bai Kai was able to breathe.

Bai Kai tried to contact Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan remained lost in thought.

Bai Kai didn't know what happened, but he knew that he had to rely on himself for the next battle.

In order to make Bai Kai more aware of his physical condition, Zhang Fan visualized Bai Kai's physical fitness.

Constitution: 100

Force: 100

There are only two lines, which require Bai Kai's own continuous exploration. Anyway, it is enough to be much more powerful than ordinary people.

Connor followed Hao Xin's ancient martial arts training method. Although he could not feel the existence of the Force, his combat effectiveness level was greatly improved.

On this day, Hao Xin found Connor and said: "The time for the decisive battle has arrived. We have no way to contact the top leaders of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. We have been abandoned. All we have to do is fight to the end."

Connor listened quietly to Hao Xin's words. Hao Xin looked at Connor and said, "Go ahead and drive the mecha out."

Connor nodded and left Hao Xin's presence.

On this ordinary and barren planet, there are still dozens of cities under the defense of the Dragon Emperor people and the defenders.

Connor is located in the largest city with complete infrastructure and can be self-sufficient.

Of course, Connor's target was not these places, but the largest underground warehouse in the city that Hao Xin said.

"It should be right here." Connor took Hao Xin's identity token and inserted the card into the data jack.

"Scanning, please wait."

A few words were displayed on the screen, and not long after, the metal door clicked twice and then slowly opened.

The originally dark space became brighter as the lights were turned on.

Connor was immediately attracted to the mecha in front of him.

According to Hao Xin, this was a mecha he made by combining some local materials after he fell into this place.

Although it is not as good as the military, it is still at the level of college students.

The name of this mecha is Qianju Martial God. Its body is yellow and white, and it does not have a pure metallic feel.

The outer armor of Qianju Martial God is more like leather armor.

Connor stepped forward and stroked Qianju Martial God's armor, and the delicate and soft feeling was very clear.

"Is this nanofiber concentrated material?" Connor was a little surprised.

Nanofiber concentrated materials are very common materials within the Dragon Emperor civilization, but they are not common on this planet.

I wonder how Hao Xin obtained so many materials? Did you do it yourself?

Qianju Martial God's reminder was not too exaggerated, it was only a hundred meters high.

The Dragon Emperor's civilization would never engage in such nonsense.

They only know how to use it. Under Hao Xin's careful calculations, the Qianju Martial God has the highest combat effectiveness level at a height of 100 meters and is also highly maneuverable.

The humanoid Qianju Martial God also has a pair of wing-like devices on his back.

This is not purely decorative, it is detachable.

The split move is called Endless Energy Blade.

The endless energy blade is not truly endless energy, but it can consume the minimum amount of energy to achieve maximum lethality.

The two wings are equivalent to two endless energy blades. After they are thrown out, they can change any direction through the guidance of Qianju Martial God, and the speed is extremely fast.

In addition, Qianju Martial God can also explode another super power through ancient martial arts.

Five arrays of stars!

This is a kind of energy hidden in Qianju Martial God's body. This energy is a kind of free plasma.

Guwu is the starting device, and these free plasmas can quickly gather after receiving instructions.

Spiral star attacks are launched from Qianju Martial God's body in all directions.

This information was clearly printed in Connor's mind.

He knew that this was Hao Xin's gift to him.

Connor himself also knew that he was no longer a pure cyborg.

He has emotions and creative abilities.

Connor sat in the cockpit of Qianju Martial God, and a liquid with a light salty smell adhered to Connor's body.

"Huh? Is this maintenance fluid? No wonder the director doesn't let Dragon Emperor people drive." Connor muttered, but didn't care.

Soon, the liquid filled the entire cockpit, and the surrounding scene suddenly became clear.

Connor felt that Qianju Wushen was him, and he was Qianju Wushen.

The floodgates are opening, the sky above is bright, and the sun is shining brightly on the earth.

The Qianju Martial God took off slowly, and Connor knew that he should find the alien's base camp and give them a fatal attack.

At this time, Bai Kai heard news that shocked him.

Zhang Fan has sent him a mecha!

"Are you kidding, Master?" Bai Kai was a little unsure.

Zhang Fan said calmly: "What? You don't believe it?"

Bai Kai shook his head and said: "No, no, Master, I'm just curious. You are obviously a biological civilization, why do you want to build mechas?

You know, biological civilization is famous for its strong body, and mechas are created by technological civilization to make up for these gaps. "

"Of course I know this. What I sent you is a biological mecha, which combines the most cutting-edge technology of alien races. You can use it first." Zhang Fan said.

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