The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 480 Sixth Generation Mecha

There are five star protozoa in the sky, and they start to circle end to end.

The speed of circling became faster and faster, and the yellow dust also began to rush.

Gradually, a violent hurricane formed, and the strangers lay on the ground, resisting the power of the strong wind.

Zhang Fan watched all this silently, feeling that the time was ripe, and said to Bai Kai, "Go and drive the Blizzard Emperor."

Bai Kai said doubtfully: "Now?"

Zhang Fan said: "Yes, I will take you somewhere."

"Where is Master going?"

"A place to enhance your strength."

Bai Kai nodded, and then stopped the flow of his blood before it all turned into pulp.

He swam into the Blizzard Emperor's torso.

Immediately afterwards, the Blizzard Emperor seemed to feel something, and his limbs began to crawl towards the torso.

Then, it was assembled automatically.

With his right hand, he picked up the head and pressed it on the torso. It was clearly visible that the tentacles were sewing it together.

After completing the operation, the Blizzard Emperor pressed his hands on the ground, and then slowly sat up from the blood slurry.

The blood had coagulated a little, and a crisp clicking sound could be heard, a bit like the sound of breaking glass.

After getting up, the Blizzard Emperor's whole body was shaken, and all the blood clots on his body were scattered.

Zhang Fan looked at all this and asked, "How do you feel?"

The Blizzard Emperor stretched out his arms, clenched his fists and said, "Master, I feel full of power!"

This is Bai Kai's voice, and he has perfectly integrated with the Blizzard Emperor.

After entering the torso, countless cells wrapped Bai Kai and then decomposed him in an extremely painful process.

After opening his eyes, Bai Kai found that he had become a hundred-meter-tall giant.

Zhang Fan smiled and said: "Do you know what a real biological mecha is? This is you.

You are the mecha, and the mecha is you. "

After the initial excitement, Bai Kai suddenly became depressed and said, "Master, will you never change again?"

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "No, you can take the Blizzard Emperor back into your body by controlling your thoughts."

Bai Kai heard what Zhang Fan said and decided to give it a try.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Clenching his fists, the Blizzard Emperor exerted himself in a half-squat position.

"Oh! Hmm!!! Ah!" The Blizzard Emperor's whole body turned red, his meridians exploded, and then a stream of white smoke began to emerge from his body.


It sounded like water being poured on a hot electric stove.

The size of the Blizzard Emperor began to shrink, shrinking very quickly.

From a hundred meters to tens of meters, to several meters, and finally to Bai Kai's height of 1.75 meters.

However, even though it has grown to this size, Bai Kai's appearance is still not visible.

He still maintains the image of the Blizzard Emperor.

Zhang Fan said: "Try to take it back into the body."

Bai Kai exerted force again, and the cells in his body began to fight back.

The Blizzard Emperor's muscles collapsed piece by piece, and then a piece of snow-white skin was revealed.

This process is not fast and requires Bai Kai's concentration and his ability to mobilize the power of his cells.

After a few minutes, Bai Kai was like a Dalmatian, with patches of skin and flesh on his body, and his original appearance could not be seen.

Bai Kai was still very focused, and gradually his main body took over the dominant position, absorbing all the Blizzard Emperor's muscles back into his body.

After doing all this, Bai Kai opened his eyes and took a long breath.

Just when he was about to speak, he felt dizzy, and he stumbled and fell into a pool of blood.

The upper and lower eyelids started to fight, and Bai Kai murmured: "I'm really tired!"

After Zhang Fan poured several bottles of nutrient solution into Bai Kai's body, he used his thoughts to stimulate his brain.

After waking up, he said: "Master, why can I inhale the mecha into my body?"

Zhang Fan said: "I told you, this is the real biological mecha technology."

The earliest generation of mechas were operated via joysticks, just like driving an excavator.

Even warriors who are proficient in operating skills cannot drive a mecha perfectly. There will always be flaws and some difficult actions cannot be performed.

Therefore, the second-generation mecha added computer technology to its foundation.

This is beyond the control of ordinary people, and the Dragon Emperor civilization has also gone through this process.

Every mecha driver is a master and a brave warrior who can firmly remember various operating methods.

It also opens a new door. When fighting breaks out internally, these warriors can always turn the tide.

In response, the Dragon Emperors called them Gundam.

As technology advances, there are always people who think of ways to be lazy, so the artificial intelligence operating system appears.

After a group of old drivers retire, new drivers just catch up with good opportunities.

An operating system with Zero Yin as the main program appeared, becoming the third generation of artificial intelligence mecha.

However, the artificial intelligence mecha is too modular and it is easy for the enemy to find its weaknesses.

Therefore, the artificial intelligence mecha did not appear for a long time, and in the end it could only be used as a teaching mecha, or as an unmanned mecha.

The fourth-generation mecha is a realistic virtual mecha. This kind of mecha allows the driver to be immersed in the scene and integrate himself with the mecha.

During this period, 4.5-generation mechas also appeared, which are remote reality virtual mechas. However, remote control is prone to delays.

Therefore, we finally returned to the fourth generation of mechas, which have been used the longest.

Many civilizations with mechas have adopted this technology, which is like the warriors themselves fighting.

After the civilization level increases, the overall physical quality of the race begins to improve.

The advantages of this improvement outweigh the disadvantages, but problems arise in the operation of the mecha.

That means the mecha's reaction can't keep up with the movements of the Dragon Emperor.

At this time, the neuron mecha plan proposed earlier was put on the table.

Neurons propagate signals at a speed comparable to the speed of light. In this universe, except for the speed of light, nothing can propagate faster than the speed of light.

The fifth generation of mechas was born, and a group of pilots were carefully selected to become the Evangelions of the new century.

They can feel the pain of the mecha, and they can also use the mecha as freely as their own body.

In the process of fighting and conquering the Dragon Emperor civilization, there is no disadvantage.

However, these neuron mechas can cause mental damage to the pilots, so they require training and psychological counseling after the battle.

This has also led to the fact that most of the Dragon Emperor civilization is using fourth-generation mechas, and only a few institutions are using fifth-generation mechas.

Zhang Fan believed that his mecha was the sixth-generation mecha, a fully-fitted mecha.

They can usually be hidden inside the human body, and after activation, they can instantly transform into huge mechas.

However, the requirements for the pilot are very high, so Zhang Fan named this mecha type Ultraman mecha.

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