The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 484 Become an ordinary person

The appearance of the anti-aircraft cysts once again gave the Dragon Emperor's army a hard blow on the chest.

Initially, it was difficult for them to resist the opponent's attack, and they finally waited until the opponent stopped sending more troops.

Unexpectedly, how much time had passed before another creature that looked like a gas bomb appeared.

This thing is purple all over. It doesn't look easy to mess with. It also releases smoke from time to time. Is this poisonous gas?

Thinking of this, the Dragon Emperor's army came to their senses. They were all an army of biochemicals, so they shouldn't be afraid of those poisonous gases.

However, the facts tell them that this poisonous gas is not that poisonous gas.

These poisonous gases also have powerful corrosive capabilities.

Just like that, an anti-aircraft sac rushed into the fleet of Dragon Emperor fighters.

Under the protection of the Flying Blade Dragon, poisonous gas began to be released in large quantities.

A poisonous mist suddenly appeared in the sky. This poisonous mist not only confused the sight, but also affected the maneuverability of the fighter plane.

Of course, the poisonous mist also had an effect on the flying blade dragons, and their skin began to rot.

However, the flying blade dragon with the ability to regenerate can offset these abnormal conditions.

The Dragon Emperor fighter planes suffered heavy damage and began to retreat.

The flying blade dragon pursues and sprays flying blade insects continuously.

Just when the Flying Blade Dragon thought it was about to win, the Dragon Emperor fighter plane suddenly came back.

Countless bullets were fired into the poisonous mist.

The poisonous mist dispersed in an instant, and the anti-aircraft cysts became riddled with holes.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

The situation of the battle turned around instantly.

At this time, Bai Kai's body gradually stabilized.

Breathing begins to become even.

He slowly opened his eyes. After digesting the black ice crystal fragments, his entire body had exhausted its energy and returned to its original appearance.

This is the first time Bai Kai knows that his physical strength will return to its original state after being exhausted.

"Gululu." This was not the sound of artillery fire outside.

Instead, Bai Kai was hungry.

He raised his arm. The arm that used to have tendons was now as thin as a bone.

He struggled to get up and found that his body was extremely weak.

"Master! Is there anything to eat! I'm so hungry! I can't move!" Bai Kai roared helplessly in his heart.

Zhang Fan had already prepared the food when Bai Kai opened his eyes, and it was still nutrient solution.

A small worker bee crawled towards Bai Kai.

The clip in front of him holds a round ball.

Arriving in front of Bai Kai, the worker bee blinked at Bai Kai in confusion.

It seems that he is wondering why this bug looks different from us.

Then, he lifted the ball and handed it to Bai Kai.

"Chi chi chi chi."

Bai Kai looked at the worker bee and felt very familiar. He tremblingly picked up the ball and stuffed it into his mouth.

The ball melted in your mouth, and a warm current slowly fell down your throat and into your stomach.

Bai Kai took a long breath, looked at the worker bee and said, "Hey, are there any more?"

The worker bee tilted her head, clamped it twice, turned around and left.

Not long after, another round ball was brought and handed to Bai Kai in the same way.

Bai Kai picked up the ball and noticed from the corner of his eye that the eyes of this little worker bee were full of spirituality.

He thought for a moment, took the ball and said to the worker bee: "Do you want to eat it too?"

The worker bee shook its body and chirped twice.

Bai Kai smiled slightly, stretched out his tongue and took a bite on the surface of the ball.

A small hole just appeared. Bai Kai took the ball and pinched it gently, and a drop of nutrient solution was suspended.

The worker bee raised its head and stared at the drop of nutrient solution, looking at it expectantly.

"Want to drink?" Bai Kai said with a smile.

"Chirp!" The little worker bee was very excited.

Then, Bai Kai dropped a drop of nutrient solution into the mouth of the little worker bee.

The little worker bee narrowed its eyes with satisfaction and circled on the ground excitedly.

Bai Kai watched as his body slowly began to recover, but it had not yet reached its peak.

He asked the little worker bees to get the nutrient solution.

The concentration of these nutrient solutions is very high, and they can be used as the staple food of thunder beasts.

For worker bees, it's a luxury.

After finishing the meal with Bai Kai, the little worker bee fell into a deep sleep.

The exoskeleton on the body began to fall off, and streams of viscous liquid appeared on its surface.

Part of Zhang Fan's thoughts were on the battlefield, but more of his thoughts were on Bai Kai.

He was a little surprised and said: "This worker bee has evolved independently?"

Bai Kai stood up and waved his fist. Feeling that he was almost done, he said to Zhang Fan, "Master, can I take this little guy away?"

Zhang Fan said: "It's up to you, this worker bee is just the most ordinary thing anyway."

Bai Kai asked again: "Can all these bugs evolve?"

Zhang Fan said: "Theoretically, it's possible. Autonomous evolution requires a lot of energy, and the gains outweigh the losses. Therefore, the Zerg have a specific genetic evolution method."

Bai Kai nodded and listened carefully to Zhang Fan's talk about the genetic mutation methods of biological evolution.

Although he didn't understand it, he showed respect and had to pretend to be a little bit more like him.

After Zhang Fan spoke for a long time, he said, "Now, do you understand?"

Bai Kai shook his head honestly and said, "No."


"Forget it, just take this little worker bee away, and don't even think about those genetic projects." Zhang Fan said speechlessly.

Then, Zhang Fan said: "How does it feel after absorbing the Xuan Ice Crystal fragments?"

Bai Kai shook his head again and said, "I don't feel it."

Zhang Fan wanted to curse, but felt that he was the master and shouldn't be so harsh.

He said: "Right now, the Dragon Emperor's army is fighting with the Zerg army. Go and show them how powerful you are."

Bai Kai twisted his neck, clicked twice and said, "Master, look at me."

After saying that, he was ready to transform.

But it didn't change.

"This?! What is going on?" Bai Kai was a little horrified.

Unless he becomes a giant, he really doesn't dare to fight against the army. It is very important to follow the heart.

Zhang Fan raised his eyebrows, checked Bai Kai's body and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Bai Kai hurriedly asked: "Master, what's going on?"

Zhang Fan said: "Your physique has mutated, and most of your power has been given back to the Blizzard Emperor. You are no different from ordinary people now."

Bai Kai was dumbfounded. He had finally become stronger, and now he was an ordinary person again. It was this damn Blizzard Emperor.

Bai Kai sat down on the ground in frustration and turned his head. He didn't want to pay attention to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan said: "Don't be sad, there is actually a solution."

"Hmph, let me be arrogant for a moment."


"Hey, Master, what method can you recommend?"

Zhang Fan was slapped by Bai Kai and said, "Try to feel the power of the black ice in your body."


Bai Kai felt the power of Xuan Bing, which was very weak.

He said, "Master, what should I do next?"

"Mobilize him, and then let the power of your own energy and blood pour in."

Bai Kai said worriedly: "I am just an ordinary person now, I am afraid I will die."

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