The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 501 Becoming Stronger

Studying during the day and training at night, with two months left before the exam, Bai Kai finally learned the knowledge of high school.

Today is another mock test, and there is also a volunteer form to fill in.

Bai Kai enrolled in Guwu University without hesitation.

However, after filling it out, trouble started. Wang Donglin found him.

"Well, Bai Kai, you sit down first." Seeing Bai Kai come to his office, Wang Donglin asked Bai Kai to sit down first.

"I heard that you want to take the martial arts exam, can you tell me why?"

Bai Kai blinked and said, "Well, teacher, actually I think that if you live in this life, you should give it a try if you have the opportunity."

"That's true, but have you ever thought about what to do if you fail the exam?"

Bai Kai lowered his head and said, "If you don't pass the exam, I may not pass the liberal arts exam."

Wang Donglin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile. This boy was different from the others. He was a transfer student starting from scratch.

Wang Donglin continued chatting with Bai Kai for a while, and found that he was quite stubborn. He waved his hand and asked Bai Kai to leave impatiently.

After school, Bai Kai finished his free meal and then started practicing.

One good thing about Dragon Emperor Civilization is that all public welfare facilities are free of charge.

Moreover, as poor students, they can eat free meals every day. Although the style is a bit poor, they will not starve to death.

In addition, as a student, Bai Kai received free Dragon Emperor coins.

These are all in the personal credit record and can be regarded as a special kind of loan issued by the empire.

When Bai Kai joins the workforce in the future, no matter what the job is, the money will be returned to the empire in a certain percentage.

This kind of early investment is not about the present, but the affirmation of a person's future.

Bai Kai doesn't know how much money he has now, but he certainly won't use it randomly.

Moreover, there have been many visits to the hospital these days, and the doctors just gave Bai Kai rice porridge and kicked him out of the hospital.

There is no spirit at all to save lives and heal the wounded angels in white.

Therefore, although Bai Kai was very hungry, he was still able to persevere.

"Adam, please help me see how good your physical fitness is now. Is there any force that hasn't awakened yet?" Bai Kai said after finishing a course of exercise.

Adam quickly replied: "Physique: 100

Force: 0

Boy, you still need to work hard. "

Bai Kai looked at the message from Adam and felt that he was really weak.

He said with some frustration: "Damn, the college entrance examination is in two months. Even if I can pass the cultural class, my physical fitness is still too far behind."

Adam said, "There's one more thing Adam can try."

Bai Kai's eyes lit up and he said, "What can we do?"


Bai Kai rolled his eyes and ignored his fool-like manner.

Putting aside the fact that robbery is illegal, even if you do, you won’t get any money! Now it’s okay to transfer money through Zero Voice.

Just when Bai Kai was worrying about his finances, there was a sound of fighting in his ears.

Bai Kai's ears twitched, then he turned in the opposite direction and ran away.

Adam quickly stopped him: "Hey! Why are you getting up?!"

"There's a large-scale battle over there. I definitely can't wade through the muddy water!"

After saying that, Bai Kai quickened his pace a few steps.

Adam said: "Opportunities and challenges coexist. If you really want to go to Wuhan University, listen to Adam's past and take a look."

Bai Kai stopped and said hesitantly: "What if the aftermath involves me and I am seriously injured?"

"What if your Force awakens again?"

Bai Kai pursed his lips, pretending to think, and after twenty seconds said, "How about I take a look? Run away if there is danger?"


After saying that, Bai Kai turned around and ran towards the fighting site.

The two policemen who came in shifts to monitor Bai Kai looked at each other.

A young policeman asked: "Boss, what should we do next?"

The elderly policeman said: "At least fifth-grade ancient warriors were fighting over there. If we made too many moves in the past, we would definitely be discovered."

"But, that boy is going to be lost!"

The elderly policeman said: "You can't throw it away. Don't worry about this. There are infrared perspective satellites watching. I'll squint for a while while you keep an eye on it."

The young policeman looked at the older policeman who had closed his eyes, curled his lips, and then stared at the screen intently.

The sound of fighting in Bai Kai's ears became louder and louder. The feeling was so terrifying that just the aftermath could make his hair stand on end.

Before he saw anyone, Bai Kai swallowed his saliva and said, "Adam, it's too dangerous out here, how about no?"


He was answered by Adam's sonorous speech.

It's not that Bai Kai is afraid of Adam, but that he is afraid that he will lose the support of the alien race. If the alien race abandons him, won't he really become a useless cripple?

Now, with the guidance of the brainworm, he will be an outstanding scientist even in the laboratory in the future.

The words went too far, Bai Kai gritted his teeth, pushed aside the grass, and saw two ancient warriors fighting.

"Let me go, this is not your job!" said a man wearing a white mask and metal armor.

Bai Kai guessed this man by looking at his body shape, because his voice seemed to be electronically synthesized.

"You and your tribe are traitors to the Dragon Emperor's civilization! As a warrior loyal to the empire, I have the right to arrest you!" Another man with afro glasses shouted angrily.

The man and the tribe tightened the sword in their hands and said: "Traitor? You don't understand us and the tribe at all! Go to hell! Baga!"

He tribesmen waved their swords and caused whirlwinds.


Afro roared angrily, his whole body's aura surged, and he blocked Hezu's sword with both fists.

Then, he turned his hand and struck the metal armor with a palm.

He tribesman was knocked away by a move, turned somersault, and knelt on one knee on the ground.

A pair of masks revealed a hint of cold light.

Bai Kai secretly sighed: "Awesome, this is much more powerful than that one named Li Qing."

Adam said: "Li Qing can only be considered a first-grade ancient warrior. The two speculations in front of us are at least no lower than fifth-grade."

Bai Kai was surprised: "The fifth level is so powerful, how can a Force Warrior be so good?"

Adam said: "Force warriors have top-notch combat power. One person is as good as a fleet. What do you think?"

Bai Kai said enviously: "It would be great if I could be this strong in the future."

The two fought together again, and the sound of bang bang bang shook the surrounding air, and the ground cracked.

At this time, after swinging his afro with his tribe members, he put a hand to his ear and muttered silently, but Bai Kai didn't understand anyway.

Then, the Kazu clan members shouted as if they were in great danger: "はいーcutき!"

The afro looked at the tribe members with a confused expression.

I saw an even more dazzling light emerging from the sword of the He tribe.

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