The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 508 College Entrance Examination

Bai Kai looked at the first question. The image was of a planet that was always moving.

Bai Kai just glanced at it, and then said to Adam: "Send the score questions, you are no longer needed."

Adam also felt that this question was too easy, so he remained silent.

In the first math course, the questions became more and more difficult the further you went through them. In desperation, Adam had no choice but to help.

The total score is 1,000 points, and the nine courses are 9,000 points. Including the final exercise class, the total score is 10,000 points.

There are ten exercise classes, which account for a small proportion, including physical fitness classes, behavioral classes, practical classes, etc.

Basically, you know some common sense about life.

However, Bai Kai didn't know that after finally finishing the first course, this exam suddenly appeared.

"Cleaning? Or cleaning the glass!?" Bai Kai looked at the drone operator in his hand in confusion.

Time ticked by, and when the practical test was finally over, Bai Kai was completely stunned.

After the exam the next day, there was another exercise class. Bai Kai was speechless. It seemed that he missed the 1,000 points.

After the exam, some students were already counting their scores.

Bai Kai himself estimated that his score should be quite high. Although Adam got a little stuck on the last few questions, he got through it without any danger.

The exam on the third day was a language class, which was the easiest class for Bai Kai.

Because there is no need to write, just pronunciation of the language.

There are universal languages ​​​​of the universe, ancient galactic languages, special languages ​​​​of advanced civilizations, etc.

Bai Kai's body has been transformed, and with Adam's help, he can easily retell the conversation completely.

Bai Kai's favorite is a language called Tracy Civilization.

The language of this race is as beautiful as singing, but this civilization has fallen into decline.

They had no ability to protect their own ethnic group and became a subsidiary race of the Dragon Emperor's civilization.

Tracy's civilization is somewhat like a flower fairy, and also somewhat like an elf. She is a rare artist in the Dragon Emperor's empire.

The most difficult thing is that the language of Bizan Civilization is so loud that it requires all the mucous membranes of the throat to be gathered together.

It made that kind of sound like coming from the bottom of a clay pot, and Bai Kai felt uncomfortable in his throat every time he finished speaking.

Adam did not tell Bai Kai that this Bizan civilization had been encountered by aliens before.

The cosmic merchant civilization is also one of the advanced civilizations in this galaxy, second only to the five major civilizations.

It seems that when he talked to Bizankara a long time ago, he used the universal language of the universe.

This is a language that goes straight to the soul. In the galaxy, no matter what civilization it is, anyone who hears the universal language can understand its meaning.

Of course, how to say it also requires systematic training.

In addition, the Universal Language was born out of the Galactic Ancient Language and is a very early ancient language. This language is very helpful for the research of some ancient ruins.

It took half a day for Bai Kai to finish the course.

Out of boredom, he began to practice some walking lessons. Although he didn't know what was coming next, he was well prepared.

The exam ended on the third day. Except for Bai Kai, most people were frustrated and annoyed.

"Oh my god! This language class is too difficult!"

"Yeah! What the hell is that word called Makutou Leo Civilization? Is it so long? It's totally hard to say!"

"Stop talking, it's all tears. I drew the ancient saying of the Dragon Clan. What do you want me to do?"

"Brother, you are still pitiful."

Bai Kai touched his chin. It seemed that he had encountered the ancient sayings of the Dragon Clan before. I thought it was not too difficult.

Adam saw what he was thinking and said: "The ancient dragon language is difficult, but our alien race has encountered related languages ​​before."



Adam did not say that this ancient dragon language was the early language of the Cloverdale civilization.

Although the language has become less difficult through evolution, it is still a difficult language.

What's more, the current Dragon Emperor Civilization exam questions are the real ancient words of the Cloverdale civilization.

Zhang Fan was thoughtful: "Did the Dragon Emperor civilization also discover the remains of the Clowarddale civilization? Are they developing so fast, are they affected by this?"

At present, the information is accurate, but Bai Kai still needs further study before he can understand it.

On the fourth day, Bai Kai's eyes turned into a laboratory, and the first question was the collision test of matter and antimatter.

"I thought it was a book test, but it turned out to be a practical test." Bai Kai muttered.

Fortunately, there are books on how to operate these instruments. You just need to follow the steps.

However, the final experimental results require a lot of effort to calculate.

On the fifth day, it was still the experimental exam, but it changed from large matter to small matter.

The research directions are also different.

In the study of small matter, we encounter some difficult problems and need to make guesses.

After taking the exam, Bai Kai felt very confused and couldn't tell how he did in the exam.

During the biology class exam on the sixth day, Bai Kai and Adam showed their amazing talents.

Soon, the biology exam was over.

During the examination process, Adam also gained some biological knowledge that he did not understand. Although it was dispensable for the alien race, it was also a breakthrough in the direction of evolution.

The exams in the last three days were much more normal, mainly memorizing knowledge.

The volume is a bit large and requires Bai Kai to spend a lot of time writing.

Bai Kai would definitely not be able to remember so much knowledge on his own, so he would have to rely on Adam's help.

All three classes were finished before the bell rang.

The nine-day exam is over, and the results will be announced the next day.

After the announcement, everyone can choose the university they want to go to.

Those students who failed will either compete again next year, or they can only go to the Miners to mine.

Bai Kai took it easy.

The next day, everyone was eagerly waiting for their results to appear.

Generally speaking, as long as you can pass 4000 points, going to college is not a problem at all.

Ten years of studying hard in a cold window, but in the virtual reality cabin, it is not ten years, but a full hundred years.

After such a long period of torture, if you fail to pass the exam, you will indeed feel desperate.

Bai Kai's score came out, and he stared at the number above.

8796 points.

This is a quite high number. If it weren't for the poor performance in the gymnastics class, Bai Kai is confident that this score can be increased by another 500 points.

"Well, that's good. Let me see where it ranks in the Dragon Emperor's civilization. Damn it!"

Bai Kai is satisfied with his results, but quite dissatisfied with his ranking.

575547329 people.

"More than 500 million people? Get a ball!" Bai Kai shouted angrily.

However, when he shouted, a large group of people around him looked at him.

There is envy, jealousy, and admiration. In the final analysis, this ranking is very high.

A student wearing thick glasses walked up to him and patted Bai Kai on the shoulder and said, "Brother, you are so awesome."

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