The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 516 Cultural Invasion

"Is this the New Oriental Ancient Martial Arts Academy?" Bai Kai stood at the gate of the New Oriental Ancient Martial Arts Academy, looking up at the door that broke through the sky.

"Why don't you make it so big? You can't even see the top!" Bai Kai felt shocked in his heart.

Although it was not as huge as the metal gate on the state border, Bai Kai felt very small at this time.

Standing alone in front of this huge door, Bai Kai felt the aura of the New Oriental Ancient Martial Arts Academy, which was also the aura of the Dragon Emperor's civilization.

It symbolizes freedom, peace and greatness. It is not an ancient civilization, but it has a foundation that ancient civilizations do not have.

How shocking, how desirable.

Just as the Dragon Emperor Civilization Country sang:

The damned enemy is here again, who is like a dragon in the vanguard in the Gobi. He defends the high hill but his heart is as loyal as iron. The glory of this life is like lightning.

Unknowingly, Bai Kai hummed the song.

"Bai Kai!!" Adam roared in his mind.

Bai Kai suddenly shuddered and woke up instantly.

"Me? Am I infected?" The corners of Bai Kai's eyes were a little moist, as if he saw soldiers fighting hard on the battlefield in the distance.

"These are traces of blood and fire." Bai Kai murmured.

"Don't get infected! This is a cultural invasion!" Adam drank again.

The alien race at this time is also having a hard time, because to a certain extent, Bai Kai represents the eyes of the alien race.

Zhang Fan was deeply moved when he saw this scene. Do aliens have such glorious stories?

Shaking his head suddenly, Zhang Fan's mental energy spread out and eliminated all unrealistic thoughts.

"A terrible culture, a terrible heritage, defeated without a fight? You won this time." After Zhang Fan regained consciousness, he had a new understanding of the Dragon Emperor's civilization.

Foreigners can fight and are not afraid of death. They move forward bravely and are invincible in Zhang Fan's hands.

It is a sharp weapon that tears apart advanced civilization, a tool that leads the race to the top, and a symbol of the will of the master.

However, what Zhang Fan feels now is that he is still so insignificant.

"This is the Dragon Emperor's civilization. What about those higher civilizations? Will they have more terrifying appeal?" Zhang Fan thought about the issue of cultural invasion.

"No, the foreign race will be defeated in this way, and Tianqi must be allowed to establish our true culture." Zhang Fan did as he said.

Tianqi was training seeds at this time. After a period of development, the number of seeds also increased.

Zhang Fan positioned them as special forces, a tool of assassination, and they also used Ultraman mechas.

"Yes, sir, I understand. I will definitely complete the task." Tianqi couldn't help but nodded.

After breaking off contact with Zhang Fan, Tianqi said to the seeds beside him: "Qinglang, Akainu, you guys, please keep an eye on this. Don't let your training fall behind. I have important things to do."

"Understood, Lord Apocalypse." Qing Lang and Akainu said in unison.

Seeds are now divided by color, but there is no hierarchy.

White kite, green ox, peach rabbit, black tiger and so on.

The seed army, with Apocalypse as the center, continues to grow under the leadership of the Lord.

It has established a great reputation in this area.

The will of the apocalypse came to Abathur.

Abathur at this time was very different from before, and was as huge as a star.

Not bad, as the alien race continues to grow, more things will be recorded.

The Na'vi are responsible for all the work of Abathur, managed by Eva.

Fortunately, Abathur is somewhat far away from the Perseus spiral arm, otherwise he would be discovered and eliminated by other civilizations, which would cause a heavy blow to the alien race.

"Turn on, cultural sharing mode." Tianqi re-transmitted the compiled data into Abathur.

Later, with the spread of the Shadow Tree, it spread to the entire alien world.

It relieves the pressure of being infected by the Dragon Emperor's civilization and culture.

Tianqi looked at the mental power that was constantly being restored, shook his head and said: "Not yet, it seems that I have to sort out these materials during this time."

Tianqi was also slightly infected, and the home deep in his memory was uncovered.

"Dragon Emperor Civilization? No, the foreign race is my home." Tianqi murmured to himself.

Elise was in tears at this time. She had given up her qualifications as a human and chose to become the queen.

However, at this time, an emotion called family affection emerged.

Elise felt that this emotion had a great impact on her, so with Zhang Fan's permission, Elise led her alien army to conquer the surrounding light sources.

The entire foreign race seems to have fallen into a state of chaos intermittently, all due to the cultural invasion of the Dragon Emperor civilization.

Zhang Fan found Adam and said to him: "You are the first brainworm. I have confidence in you, but Bai Kai is indeed a living Dragon Emperor. Watch him."

"Lord, Adam understands."

"Well, I will put a hypnosis in his mind, don't break it."

"Master, can you give Adam the same hypnosis?" Adam smiled bitterly, "Adam seems to be infected too."


Then, Zhang Fan separated a thought seed and buried it in the minds of Bai Kai and Adam.

Bai Kai regained his consciousness, and when he looked at the door again, he no longer thought there was anything strange.

He went to the door.

At this time, a young security guard blocked his way and said: "This is the New Oriental Ancient Martial Arts Academy. The rest of the people are waiting to leave quickly."

Bai Kai felt the aura of the security guard, who was at least a third-grade ancient warrior.

"Isn't this too exaggerated?" Bai Kai was stunned for a moment before the security guard said it again.

Bai Kai came back to his senses and saw the security guard's unkind expression. He hurriedly said: "Brother, I am a freshman in the college. Look, this is my admission notice."

The security guard took the admission notice, glanced at it, gave it to Bai Kai and said, "Why did you come so early? Isn't there still a month left?"

Bai Kai said: "I want to come and see my school in advance. Can I go in and have a look?"

The security guard shook his head and said, "No, during the current closed period, no one else is allowed to enter except our own school personnel."

He glanced at Bai Kai and said, "Including freshmen."

"Oh." Bai Kai was a little disappointed.

Then, he asked: "Brother Security, is there a cheaper place to stay around?"

The young security guard said: "Accommodation? What is your budget?"

Bai Kai thought for a while, this place should be higher than Wuzhou, and the money earned should be enough to live here for a month.

Bai Kai said: "500 coins a day is enough, I only live for a month."

"Hahahaha!" The security guard seemed to have heard a big joke.

"I laughed so hard that I burst into tears. How much did you say? 500? You don't even have room to sleep on the toilet with this little money." The security guard shook his head and laughed.

Bai Kai was a little confused: "Is it expensive to live in Jing'an District?"

The security guard said: "This is a school district room in a bustling city. Even the surrounding hotel accommodations start at at least 10,000 yuan."

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