The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 518 Breaking through physical limits

Bai Kai listened carefully to the beggar man's explanation of breaking through physical limits.

The physical fitness of an ordinary person is about 50 points.

After some training and long-term persistence, you can break through to 100 points. You can do it while you are a student, unless you are not serious.

The next step is a watershed. In some better schools, there will be special training on the basics of martial arts.

Various basic breathing exercises, basic boxing techniques, basic exercises, etc. will be taught.

This depends on a person's ability to comprehend.

Then, the physical fitness of these people will generally reach 120 points.

Many people are stuck at this stage, unless there are some geniuses who can make breakthroughs through training.

Otherwise, this is the difference between ordinary people and students of Kowu University.

The reason why all Guwu universities require a physical fitness of 120 or above is required for admission. This is the reason.

Then, if you want to continue to advance, in addition to having strong basic skills, you also need to use a large amount of medicine to accumulate.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to improve. Many wealthy families will provide their children with three meals a day of cultivation potions or elixirs.

Therefore, they can reach their physical limits very quickly.

That is 149 points.

Bai Kai heard that and thought of Su Ya. Su Ya had 139 points before, but he broke through the physical limit in a short period of time. In addition to having good skills, he should also have the support of medicine.

"No wonder those people didn't believe that I could get into the ancient martial arts academy. It turned out to be because I had no money." Bai Kai finally understood why everyone was so opposed to his own ancient martial arts academy.

Listening to what the man said, it is true that not everyone can afford it, unless a genius like himself is born in the family.

Bai Kai thought about the four pots of potions he had obtained before, and combined with the Body Domination Technique given to him by the man with the afro, he broke through his physical limits.

Bai Kai listened to the man's words carefully and sighed: "That's it, that's it."

The man went on to talk about pushing the limits of his body.

149 points is the physical limit. If you break through this point, you will be almost 10% stronger than your peers.

Bai Kai hurriedly asked: "How will it help with future cultivation?"

The man replied: "It's hard to tell based on the speed of cultivation alone. The main thing is the combat effectiveness."

Bai Kai frowned and said, "That feels useless."

The man said dissatisfiedly: "You have become an ancient warrior, a high-level ancient warrior, and even a force warrior. Isn't it all for the pursuit of combat effectiveness? If you want to be a salty fish, then just be salty."

Bai Kai quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I meant that 10% combat power is a bit hard to tell."

The man said: "Just because you can't see it now doesn't mean you won't be able to see it later."

Then, the man said what happened next.

At 150 points, I broke through the physical limit for the first time. It was equivalent to my body being baptized and returning to the feeling of practicing in the first place.

Although it is not as fast as the initial training speed, it is much better than being stuck at 149 forever.

The combination of exercises and drugs can soar all the way to the physical limit of 199 points.

Of course, the materials consumed for this level of improvement are also staggering, dozens of times more expensive than at the beginning.

Bai Kai said doubtfully: "If you break through the physical limit for the second time, will your combat effectiveness increase by 20%?"

The man rolled his eyes and said: "Shit, do you know how difficult it is to break through twice? There is no chance of losing one! The combat effectiveness will be increased by 50% based on the current level!"

"Fifty percent?! So high?!" Bai Kai was surprised.

"What do you think?" The man was very satisfied with Bai Kai's expression, and he just pretended to be telling Bai Kai a story.

After breaking through 199 points, it will reach the 200 mark, also known as the strong physique.

This kind of physique can basically be compared with the most ordinary ancient warriors.

Although the most ordinary ancient warriors may break through at 120, after breaking through, their physique will soar all the way to 200 to 249 points.

Why is it said to be 249 points?

Because 249 points is the third physical limit breakthrough value.

Bai Kai hurriedly asked: "Is it difficult to break through the physical limit for the third time?"

The man nodded and said: "It's quite difficult, just like the difference between ordinary people and ancient warriors."

Bai Kai was surprised: "So strong?"

"Of course, those who have broken through three times are known as quasi-warriors, and they also have a place among ancient warriors. They are no different from ordinary ancient warriors."

Thinking of three breakthroughs, Bai Kai said greedily: "Are there four breakthroughs?"

The man looked at Bai Kai, nodded seriously and said, "Yes."

"It really does!" Bai Kai expressed great surprise.

The man said: "Four breakthroughs are the legendary ones."

Bai Kai quickly asked: "Who are those people?"

The man clenched his fists slightly and said, "In the legend, those old nine sects who did not awaken the force and broke through to the tenth level."

When Bai Kai heard this, he was stunned. Is Lao Jiumen so powerful? Not a Force warrior, but better than a Force warrior.

The man shook his head and said, "You don't have to think about this. There are only a few people in the Old Nine Sect. After hundreds of years, the tenth person has not been found. If there is a tenth person, it would be the Old Ten Sect."

Bai Kai chuckled.

The man also laughed.

Then, Bai Kai asked: "299 points should be the limit of four bursts, right?"

The man said, "Yes, this is public information."

Then, he added: "Don't even think about whether there will be a five-point strong person above 300. This is basically impossible. The boss of the old nine sects, I heard that he broke through to 380 points, because of his lifespan. We have to break through the ancient warriors.”

Bai Kai said: "Isn't 349 points the limit of the five breakthroughs?"

The man said: "No one knows where the limit of five breakthroughs is."

Bai Kai nodded and clarified his thoughts. 150 points is breaking through the physical limit once, 200 points is two times, 250 points is three times, 300 points is four times, and above 300 points is unknown territory.

Ordinary first-grade ancient warriors start at 200, and those who have not broken through their physical limits can only reach 300 at their strongest.

Therefore, four breakthroughs are already the pinnacle of a first-grade person who has not broken through the physical limit.

So scary!

The man looked at Bai Kai deep in thought, and then said, "Okay, I've talked so much, but I haven't said what kind of physical skills you want to practice."

Bai Kai said: "I have two sets of exercises here. I would like you to help me control my eyes."

The man nodded slightly.

So, Bai Kai performed a set of radio gymnastics and a set of hegemony skills.

The man frowned slightly and said, "What is your first set of exercises? Do you forcefully torture yourself? This will break down the body and fail to stimulate the acupuncture points.

The second set should be the body hegemony technique derived from the Shura Gong Vajra Body. This is indeed very suitable for you, but don't be greedy for practice. "

Sure enough, the man saw it and Bai Kai was very happy.

He said: "Is there a stronger way to practice physical skills?"

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