The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 52 The coming of the Lord

The colony is just an induction sensor and does not have any attack capabilities. After Zhang Fan made some optimizations to it, the effect is not bad. After piercing the ground, the fungus carpet will quickly heal the punctured wound.

After quickly completing the ground stabbing work, Adam also received news that the brain optimization work was completed.

The main work of worker bees is to transport larvae, build bases, lay bacteria blankets, mine and other development work. In order to meet the rationality of work distribution, a larger worker bee will appear in every one hundred worker bees as a commander. Type worker bees, command type worker bees receive instructions from Zhang Fan and the brain worms.

Springtails mainly perform a series of aggressive behaviors such as patrolling, fighting enemies, and body coordination. They also have a large springtail. This large springtail is also under command, just to prevent the death of the large springtail during the battle. Adam These springtails are divided into fine divisions. Every ten springtails form a squad. Each small springtail accepts the command of its own squad of springtails. Once the commander dies, it can accept the command of other large springtails.

What if all ten large springtails die? Then the springtails will receive a retreat command, and Zhang Fan can still continue fighting if he directly intervenes.

The same is true for Hydralisks, but their commander is more hidden. Adam installed his brain in the abdominal cavity, where the space is larger and more suitable for designing some difficult actions.

For example, a series of complex operations such as hydralisks spraying venom, moving quickly, bending and crawling, and attacking with scythes. In appearance, there is no difference between Hydralisks, and their command scale is the same as that of Springtails.

The same command scale is the same for Feilong. After a period of research, Adam found that Feilong is more suitable for installing the brain not on the top of the head, but also in the abdominal cavity, but further up, closer to the heart.

The advantage of this is that it can protect the brain from attacks, and it can quickly supply nutrients to the brain, allowing the flying dragon to make decisions more quickly.

To this end, Adam also specially enlarged the size of the flying dragon so that it can perform more difficult actions, such as snake-skin positioning, spiral lifting, shooting on the move, etc.

Poison Banelings are a little different from other arms. Poison Banelings, like Self-Exploding Mosquitoes, pay more attention to explosions. However, based on this explosion, Adam designed independent venom production instructions for them.

With this instruction, Zhang Fan no longer needs to use his thoughts to control the poisonous baneling insects to produce venom, which means that the poisonous baneling insects will produce a certain amount of venom on their own.

Only when it reaches a certain amount, it will be discharged to discharge excess venom from the body.

Finally, there is the self-detonating mosquito. The primary instructions for the self-destroying mosquito were quickly completed and successfully completed, but the subsequent instructions were a bit troublesome.

The body of the self-exploding mosquito contains a large amount of gunpowder, and the other organs are very small. This creature will only produce when necessary.

Zhang Fan meant that as long as he controlled the explosion, it would be fine.

In order to give the self-destructing mosquitoes better battlefield survivability, Adam specially added a large circle turning flight for them. In order to increase this feature, Adam took great pains, and the instructions took longer than those of several other arms. This is just because the brain capacity of the self-destructing mosquitoes is so large. too small.

After solving these problems, Zhang Fan was completely liberated from them.

"Ah, this feeling." The Zerg thinking world is black, and the black transformation represents Zhang Fan.

"Master, have you become so powerful without knowing it?" Adam suddenly felt an extremely heavy pressure. This was the pressure of the Master.

"This feeling is really great!" All the Zerg soldiers began to release black aura in their bodies. That is Zhang Fan, the supreme master of the Zerg!

Adam looked at the sky in horror. It was clearly daytime, but it had been shrouded in black by Zhang Fan's aura.

A pair of huge blood-red eyes suddenly opened in the sky above Adam's head.

"Adam! You did a great job!" Zhang Fan's voice was like thunder in his ears.

All the Zerg crawled on the ground together, feeling the supreme authority of the master.

"Lord! You are Adam's eternal follower!" Adam was moved to tears, and his heart was extremely excited.

Blood-red eyes swept across the entire land, as if patrolling his own territory.

"Huh?" Zhang Fan in the sky was confused, "Can it only last so long?"

The black gradually disappeared, and the sky became sunny again, and the black shadows penetrated into the bodies of every Zerg again like a whirlpool.

Zhang Fan's voice appeared in Adam's ear: "Adam, what I just felt was great, I want more, more!"

Adam was so excited that his whole body was trembling, and he answered Zhang Fan with great passion: "Yes! Lord! Adam will do his best!"

For Zhang Fan, this is a wonderful feeling, as if everything and everyone is in his hands, and just one thought can destroy the world.

It's just that this feeling of existence is too short, lasting only a few minutes. Adam calls this phenomenon a thinking entity, which is the product of the combination of thinking in the bodies of thousands of races, which is Zhang Fan's body.

Zhang Fan didn't like such a vulgar name. He preferred to call it Shenwei, because he found that he had fallen deeply in love with the feeling of controlling destiny. The feeling of truly being the master was so great!

To this end, Adam also proposed to make a fixed container for Zhang Fan so that Zhang Fan could release his thoughts through the container, but Zhang Fan rejected it because the time was not yet ripe.

Although Zhang Fan never forgets this feeling, the construction of the Zerg must continue.

After Adam reported the brain construction work to Zhang Fan, he devoted himself to the genetic shackles work.

The full name of Genetic Shackles is Zerg Gene Dynamic Code Defense and Anti-Shackles. The existence of this kind of shackles is inevitable.

After the Zerg were controlled by Emperor Jie Jing, both Zhang Fan and Adam understood that once the Zerg were controlled by the other party, unimaginable disaster would occur.

This kind of shackles is not enough to simply add some coded purines to the gene, but to open up a new code in the double helix structure.

And the control of this password lies in Zhang Fan's hands. Why is it called a dynamic password? Because every password comes from Zhang Fan's authorization, even Adam would not be able to control the Zerg without his authorization.

This shows how difficult this process is. The double helix structure of carbon-based organisms is already very stable, and it is very difficult for humans to make some changes in this structure.

Zhang Fan has no worries, he has plenty of time now.

In fact, I quite like watching everyone’s discussions about cells. There are many things that I never thought of.

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