The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 526 Fante Civilization

There is such a race in the independent light source near Jiangnan State.

They were disobedient to heaven and earth, and attacked each other, and the war continued.

However, they have never developed any high-end weapons, and all rely on hand-to-hand combat.

This is the Fant civilization.

There is no distinction between men and women in this civilization. They are all born from the original species of Fant.

The original species of Fant is equivalent to the creator god of the Fant people.

In this light source, the Fante people are equivalent to robbers and gangsters, dominating this light source.

However, when the Dragon Emperor Civilization came, the lives of these Fant Civilizations underwent overwhelming changes.

Their society returned to primitive life.

Those lower civilizations migrated to other light sources under the protection of the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

And this place, known as the Fant Light Source, became a testing ground for the Dragon Emperor's civilization.

Bai Kai looked at the information sent by Cheng Wu and savored the Fante civilization carefully.

The Fant civilization is divided into hundreds of ethnic groups, and each ethnic group is composed of thousands of original Fant species.

The production speed is so-so, but they are particularly good at fighting.

Standing two to three meters tall, it can survive in space to a certain extent.

The combat level of the entire civilization is roughly between the first-level warrior and the fourth-level warrior.

Bai Kai said doubtfully: "Teacher, these Fante people are so strong, can we beat them?"

Cheng Wu said: "Don't worry about this. Originally, the Fant civilization may have had eighth or ninth grade existences, but after the empire's cleanup, only these people were left. These people are also the cornerstone of the Fant civilization."

Cheng Wu answered Bai Kai's words, and then he said: "Your destination this time is a remote galaxy. There are five living planets there. The twenty-five of you can be divided into five groups. Let's divide them below. group."

Cheng Wu divided the groups into groups based on their strength.

In the end, Bai Kai and Lei Zhen were grouped together, along with three other non-ancient warriors.

Zhang Tao, Yang Wei, and Zhao Jie are also the three at the bottom of the class.

Lei Zhen looked at the three people and said unhappily: "I can't protect you."

Cheng Wu said: "You are the strongest in the class now, who will protect you if you don't protect him? In addition, Bai Kai has exceeded the physical limit for the second time and can barely be considered a first-grade ancient warrior. This is the most reasonable arrangement."

Cheng Wu looked at the landing place and said: "Go down, you five, you have clearly seen your mission. I will come to pick you up in seven days. Don't think about being lazy, I can see it."

After saying that, Lei Zhen took Bai Kai and others off the spacecraft.

In the Fante civilization, the greening is quite good. The surrounding environment is lush and green, giving it a sense of nature.

"Shen!" Lei Zhen yelled.

Then, thunderbolts erupted all over his body, melting a silver-white javelin into molten iron.

Bai Kai and others quickly set up their posture to greet the incoming enemy.

However, after waiting for a long time, no enemy was found, only the rustling sound in the jungle.

Yang Wei said: "He seems to be gone."

Bai Kai relaxed his tense emotions and said, "What should we do next?"

Lei Zhen said: "Come with me, and I will lead you to save the common people."

Bai Kai tilted his head and said: "Now I don't even know where the original species of Fante is, how can I get there?"

Bai Kai's mission is to destroy an original species of Fante, which is also a relatively difficult task.

Lei Zhen said nothing, covered his face with one hand and snorted and ignored it.

Bai Kai and Zhang Tao discussed countermeasures.

"According to what I said, capture a Fant man and force him to reveal the location of the original species." Zhang Tao said.

Yang Wei shook his head: "I'm afraid not. The book says that Fante people have very stubborn tempers and would rather die than admit defeat."

Zhao Jie took a bite and said, "How could there be such a civilization? I think it's just not in place."

Yang Wei said unhappily: "Then you figure out what to do."

Bai Kai came out to smooth things over and said, "Now is not the time to quarrel. Our main goal now is to survive for seven days. The original species is just incidental."

Zhang Tao said: "In that case, wouldn't we fall behind others?"

Bai Kai shook his head and said: "No, since the original Fant species is a production unit, there must be many Fant people around to protect it."

At this moment, Lei Zhen said: "Leave it to me, and I will make sure they never come back."

Bai Kai said: "What if we encounter a fourth-grade ancient warrior? It's just a matter of pressing our fingers to crush him to death."

Lei Zhen snorted again and turned his head.

After discussing for a long time, no solution was found. In the end, everyone decided to find food first.

After walking for a while, a big spotted cat with six tails and four eyes appeared in front of several people, grinning at them.

Yang Wei said: "This is the Luokumi tiger, one of the specialties of Fante civilization."

Looking at the four-meter-tall big cat, Bai Kai licked his lips and said, "Today's dinner is settled."

At this moment, a thunderbolt flashed beside him.

The Luoku Mihu was so electric that it was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. Black smoke was emitting from its body, and its hair was plowed.

Lei Zhen looked at a few people arrogantly, as if saying, "You see, I am so awesome."

Bai Kai smiled bitterly and said, "The force of thunder and lightning is so good."

Everyone hurriedly came to the Luokumi Tiger, peeling the skin and cutting the meat.

After everything was done, there was no fire source, and he didn't want to dig into the wood to make fire, so he looked at Lei Zhen again.

Lei Zhen blushed with anger, his thunder and lightning was not used for this.

Zhao Jie rolled his eyes and said: "Brother Lei is mighty and domineering! It's pity for us non-warriors who can't even make a fire. Brother Lei, please make a fire."

Upon hearing this, Lei Zhen's expression softened slightly, and then a thunderbolt struck the pile of withered grass.

When the fire started, everyone hurriedly grilled the tiger meat. Zhao Jie was the first to finish it and handed it to Lei Zhen.

Lei Zhen nodded slightly and said, "You did it."

Although Zhao Jie didn't understand, he probably meant to praise him.

He smiled, then took out another piece of meat and ate it by himself.

Bai Kai felt like chewing wax. When he bit into this meat, he knew that it had no soul.

And he prefers raw food to cooked food.

Seeing the other people eating with gusto, Bai Kai sighed secretly in his heart. This transformation had failed to transform his sense of taste.

After eating and touching their mouths, the group set off again.

Just after a few people left, several Fant people with silver-gray skin and four arms wearing leather skirts, covered in tattoos all over their bodies came to the place where the fire was lit.

Several Fante people extinguished the small fire with urine.

He said to the leading Fant man: "Second-in-command, shall we pursue him?"

The deputy commander said: "Looking at them, the green-haired man is very strong. Let's follow quietly. Don't alert the enemy and launch another attack at night."

"Okay, deputy commander."

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