The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 533 Criticism

"About this! I want to specifically criticize Bai Kai and Lei Zhen." Cheng Wu said dissatisfied.

Bai Kai and Lei Zhen stood upright in front of Cheng Wu, like soldiers.

Cheng Wu said: "You two, knowing that you are still unable to defeat the other party, are still rushing forward desperately. Do you think you are the protagonists in the novel? Huh?"

Bai Kai and Lei Zhen remained silent, listening to Cheng Wu's reprimand.

Bai Kai thought in his mind: "I can now realize my own body values, so I'm no different from the protagonist."

Cheng Wu didn't know what Bai Kai was thinking, so he continued: "Those aliens, I have learned about their combat power level through robots, and the worst ones are also second-grade warriors, and there are also fourth-grade warriors among them.

Just you two little guys are totally sending yourself to death! Tell me, who suggested it? "

Cheng Wu's expression was a little unkind, and he felt like he would get angry and hit someone at any time.

Lei Zhen and Bai Kai said in unison: "It's me (it's me!)"

After saying that, the two of them looked at each other involuntarily, their eyes full of strange feelings.

Cheng Wu was so angry that he puffed his beard and glared and shouted: "That's enough! What kind of brotherhood are you showing off at this time?! Zhang Tao! Yang Wei! Zhao Jie!"

"Teacher, we are here." The three of them said tremblingly.

"Tell me who launched the attack first." Cheng Wudao.

The three of them looked at Lei Zhen and Bai Kai hesitantly. Bai Kai rushed to speak: "Teacher! It's really me. Don't embarrass them. If anything happens, I will bear it alone!"

"Brother Kai!" the trio said anxiously.

Lei Zhen was also a little anxious. Talking to a tenth-level warrior like this, did he think his life was too long?

Cheng Wu's expression seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Don't hide it from me. I know the character of Bai Kai. Although he is timid and fearful, he is impulsive and has passionate thoughts that come out of nowhere. You don't have to push them around. , I also know it’s this kid.”

The trio stopped talking and lowered their heads in acquiescence to Cheng Wu's words.

Lei Zhen opened his mouth to speak, but Cheng Wu said: "You! Lei Zhen! As a captain, you failed to fulfill your duties as a captain! You deserve to be punished!"

Lei Zhen lowered his head and said respectfully: "Yes! Venerable sir, I am willing to punish you."

Cheng Wu nodded and said, "When you get back, you don't need to go home during this holiday. I will arrange training for you individually."

Then, Cheng Wu looked around, looked at the students with expectant faces and said, "When you go back to school this time, write a 5,000-word experience for me, otherwise I will stay in school for training this year! You heard me? No!"

"Yes!" 25 students replied enthusiastically.

There is a big difference between studying at Guwu Academy and studying at other schools.

In high school, although students will do some physical training, they are not high-intensity training and focus on polishing their muscles and bones.

Most of the time, I still hide in the real virtual cabin to study.

The ten-to-one time lapse gives students a lot of room for improvement.

Let’s talk about physical fitness. After entering the era of the universe, people’s physical fitness has undergone great changes.

Under the influence of cosmic radiation and the existence of special environments, some mutants appeared.

These humans with mutated powers are called Force practitioners.

It is also a title recognized by Force warriors.

In addition to these, children's bodies are also becoming stronger and stronger.

If it were an ordinary earthling, his physical fitness would only be around 10 hits.

If you get a gun, you might be able to get 50 gil.

However, in the world of Dragon Emperor Civilization, ordinary high school students can basically achieve a physical fitness of 100-110 ge as long as they are not lazy in training.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan and Li Qing fought before, Li Qing would say that an ordinary student from the Dragon Emperor Civilization was physically stronger than him.

After entering university, ordinary universities implement a ten-year education system, which is about the same time as attending elementary school and middle school.

At the same time, students will also enter the virtual reality cabin to learn, acquire more professional knowledge, and add social simulation knowledge.

It can be said that everyone who can go to college is a talented person. For those who can't go to college, the mining team is waiting for you.

However, the ancient martial arts school is different. Although they can also learn, learning is secondary and more about becoming higher, faster and stronger.

Physical fitness and potential are fundamental.

Cheng Wu made a bet with Qiao Si. He taught at New Oriental Ancient Martial Arts Academy for ten years. As long as his students could surpass his own students, he would give him his big treasure.

Cheng Wu was also drunk at that time, so he spoke.

After getting to know him later, I found out that this old bastard had tricked him, and the stubborn Qiao Si actually went to teach at the Royal Academy of Ancient Martial Arts.

Moreover, each class only has five students. This year, the Royal Ancient Martial Arts Academy has enrolled 100 people in the combat class, and all the instructors are tenth-level warriors or force warriors.

On the other hand, in the New Oriental Ancient Martial Arts Academy, the only one who could do it was himself, a tenth-level warrior.

The principal, a ninth-grade warrior, is just a chopping machine.

Every time he thought of this, Cheng Wu became angry. As for the students' results, Cheng Wu only felt that they were so-so.

However, two people managed to catch his attention.

One is Lei Zhen, a young boy who is in the second grade of thunder and lightning. He cannot be considered a second grader. From his family situation, we know that his whole family is full of electric shock.

The other is the Lone Ranger Bai Kai, which is the nickname given to him by Cheng Wu. He practices very hard and has almost no time to rest.

And after practicing Qimen Dunjia, his combat effectiveness increased rapidly.

He didn't even expect that this kid would practice to the living gate without saying a word.

After long-term observation, this kid's aura has not weakened, but has become stronger and stronger.

Cheng Wu touched his chin and looked at the students training crazily downstairs, thoughtfully.

As a digression, the students did not submit their experiences this time, so Cheng Wu punished everyone with a smile.

Everyone left for training. Cheng Wu waited for them to leave, smiling happily.

Cheng Wu looked down at the students, and then the door was opened.

Cheng Wu said without looking back: "Has the announcement been released for this martial arts exchange competition?"

The principal nodded and said: "Well, a total of eight teams will be selected. Among them, Royal Academy, Tiannan, New Oriental and Military Academy will directly participate in the top four competition. The other four teams will be jointly selected by universities in the four major regions of southeast, northwest and northwest."

Cheng Wu turned his head and asked in surprise: "Why did it change this time? It wasn't like this before."

The principal said: "That's not clear. Maybe the empire has been dormant for too long and is about to take action again."

Cheng Wu took a breath of air: "Are you crazy? What we have to face next is a higher civilization!"

The principal shook his head and said: "Don't think so much, I just said that."

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