The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 552 Yellow Flash

"Admit it!" Huang An said with cupped hands. Looking at his still handsome appearance, he knew that he could continue to fight.

Everyone in New Oriental was dumbfounded. Tu Bingye actually lost? Is the other party so strong?

Ma Ronghua asked: "Who is next? My Force is a barrier and has strong defense, but if I take the initiative to attack, I may not be his opponent."

Another handsome boy with yellow hair said: "I'll go."

"Gong Xiang, can you do that?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I guess his Force Power should be copied, but my Force Power is not that easy to learn." Gong Xiang said with an evil smile.

When he came to the ring, the first thing he said was: "Do you know what it feels like to fly freely?"

"What?" Huang An was confused.

Then, he saw the other party throw a handful of thin needles.

"Tu tu tu tu!" The fine needle pierced the spot where Huang An was standing before.

Huang An frowned: "Are you using a hidden weapon?"

Gong Xiang said: "It's not that you can't use it, you can learn it too!"

Deep ice! My force is copying! Not creation! How can I create something out of nothing?

Huang An secretly complained.

He made up his mind to dodge the opponent's attack first and then see how many weapons this man named Gong Xiang had.

The speed of the two of them was very fast, and Huang An relied on his own speed to keep approaching Gong Xiang.

However, Gong Xiang is not a vegetarian, he also moves at high speed.

The two of them produced an astonishing record while going back and forth, criss-crossing each other.

"Oh my god! Gong Xiang is so fast!" Qian Yunhuan shouted. He didn't expect that Gong Xiang, who had been with him day and night, would be so powerful.

"We don't know how strong he is, because he has never officially made a move." Ma Ronghua said solemnly.

Xiang Chuchu looked at the battle on the ring and said anxiously: "Who do you think will win?"

"It's hard to say. Although Gong Xiang is fast and can use hidden weapons uncannily, Huang An is a cultivator of replicating the force." Ma Ronghua on the side shook his head.

In the ring, Huang An planned to attack at close range. He copied Qi Xun's Qi family martial arts and Tu Bingye's weak points to defeat them. He believed that with his own strength and the copied abilities, he could defeat the opponent with just one click.

All there is to do now is wait.

Gong Xiang's handsome face was very calm. He kept shooting hidden weapons from behind, scattering silver needles one after another on the ground.

Finally, when he touched his back, the silver needle was gone.

Huang An was overjoyed: "Haha! It's time to fight back! Let's die!"

Huang An's feet suddenly exerted force, and he rushed towards Gong Xiang quickly.

Gong Xiang curled his lips, took out a short knife from his back and said, "Then it's time for me to perform."

Yellow light flashed, and Gong Xiang's figure died in front of Huang An's eyes.

He stopped quickly and looked around warily.

"Up there! Be careful!" shouted the pink-haired girl in the audience.

Huang An heard this and looked up, and sure enough, there was a black shadow descending rapidly.

He rolled forward, trying to avoid the attack.

The yellow flash reappeared, and Gong Xiang whispered in Huang An's ear: "Behind you!"

Huang An punched behind him without looking back.

However, Gong Xiang's figure was nowhere to be seen. At this time, Gong Xiang had already circled in front of him.

He stabbed the bright dagger straight into Huang An's abdomen.

Huang An was indeed a genius from Tiannan Ancient Martial Arts Academy. As if he was being induced, he grabbed the dagger with his other hand.

Red blood flowed from the fingertips and dripped onto the ring.

Huang An turned his head, his handsome face distorted: "Run! I finally caught you!"

After saying that, he hit Gong Xiang in the face.

The yellow flash fascinated Huang An's eyes, and Gong Xiang disappeared again, but the short knife remained in Huang An's hand.

Huang An threw the dagger back, grasped the handle, stepped back with his right foot, and stepped forward with his left foot.

Hold the dagger above your head and make a fighting motion.

Huang An looked at Gong Xiang who was not far away and said, "Now that you have no weapons, why are you fighting with me?"

Gong Xiang still said calmly: "This is not certain."

Gong Xiang pulled out a silver needle from the ground and said, "My weapons are everywhere in this arena."

Huang An's pupils shrank, he was careless, and he cursed secretly.

He saw a flash of white light, and it was a silver needle heading towards him.

Huang An's backhand was a slash, and a yellow flash suddenly appeared.

Gong Xiang suddenly appeared in front of Huang An.

He stood on the short sword with both hands in a crouching position, gathering energy in his hands.

Huang An was shocked: "Teleport?!"

"Wrong answer!"

The energy in his hand gathered into an energy ball, and Gong Xiang smeared it on Huang An's face.


All this happened in an instant. Gong Xiang tiptoed, did a backflip, and landed lightly.

Huang An lost consciousness after this move, the dagger fell to the ground, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Fang Zhengyan hooked his finger, and Huang An was sent off the court, and then said: "The outcome has been decided! The winner! New Oriental Gong Xiang!"

There was warm applause from the audience, which was given to Gong Xiang for his artistic fighting style.

Cheng Yi also clapped his hands with great satisfaction and said, "You are a great student, both in terms of fighting consciousness and fighting style."

Cheng Wu smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't expect that this kid is so humble that he can go back and cultivate it well."

"Hahaha! Why don't you send me to a military school?"

"Don't mislead me."

When Gong Xiang won, the pink-haired girl bit her pen and said, "What a mistake. This guy named Gong Xiang has never had any achievements. He thought he was just like the others in New Oriental."

"Captain, what should we do next?" asked the previously defeated first-level warrior.

"His teleportation cannot be so instant. It should require a medium. Could it be those silver needles?" the pink-haired girl thought thoughtfully.

Then, she raised her head, flicked her hair and said, "Xiao Yan, go ahead and burn those silver needles."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yan turned his head and looked at the pink-haired girl with an angry expression: "Huh? You let me go? I am the last one?!"

The girl with pink hair said with a serious expression: "Are you going or not?"

"I!?" Xiao Yan's facial muscles trembled and he said viciously, "Go! Of course you go! Go to hell!"

The pink-haired girl said again: "Polite."

Xiao Yan paused and said, "I understand."

Then, Xiao Yan turned into a ball of blazing fire and descended on the ring.

With the breath hitting his face, Gong Xiang felt like he was facing Li Na.

"Another external force practitioner?" Gong Xiang thought to himself.

As a cultivator of the Force who relies on skills to win, what he fears most is the cultivator of the Force who uses external force.

Like mages, they will keep flying kites and wear you down.

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